Sofala Obt 2nd Birthday Ride Report

Home Forums Ride Reports Sofala Obt 2nd Birthday Ride Report

This topic contains 229 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Craig Hatton 14 years, 9 months ago.

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    Ive just had a call from TB with a quick rundown of the weekends action.

    the crew had a phat time, doing over 400km for the weekend. it was a great spot they camped in and there were plenty of shenanigans around the camp fire saturday night.

    they had a few flats and the usual stuff but it was a pearla of a trip, TB was quoted as saying.

    there was some damage, with Kram140 breaking and dislocating a wrist :( after cross rutting his husky at speed. he is in orange hospital till tuesday but is in good spirits by all accounts.

    Boulders brother, Fish also snapped a finger. there is some gorey footage of it getting ‘relocated’ apparently.

    they all got back to the cars in the dark and are currently making their way home….

    more as it comes to hand…..

    i will make a few calls and see what i can sniff out ;)



    So whos the OBT of the year Menace?


    Couple of big days, even for the B-Route crew. Can.t believe I didn’t win a prize, not that I’m upset. I’m not, I’m not upset ok! :D :P

    Then again I didn’t put the effort in like Kram did, I mean really. the lengths some people will go to just to win a prize for best crash. :D :D

    Bull of the year was…………..

    Nah, I won’t say. I’ll leave it foran official anouncement. :D :D :D :D


    DanD wrote:

    So whos the OBT of the year Menace?

    i know….

    but i better leave it to TB, its his baby :laugh: :laugh:

    but congratulations to that man, he is an OBT legend and the what i would call the quintessential, quietly spoken, all round good fella… ;)


    B Route Ride Report and More

    I will kick off with talk but no photos

    Firstly with thanks to TB and his trusty helpers, What a ride and what a great weekend thankyou all so much. Next thankyou to the sponsors I was honoured to win the largest bike award and I will be writing more about the Pivot pegs later. The beef jerky was excellent and much appreciated -particularly good with the just got to into camp from a long ride -first drinks. I was blown away by the effort that has gone into old bulls trailriders and the success of the forum. The level of sponsorship is a recognition of that success well done old bulls
    Day 1
    The ride for B route was excellent the first day started with drizzle and cold but the B brigade charged on regardless [ -Except when your truly failed map reading 101]. A group effort and plenty of circles soon had us blasting along down the blackfellows hand trail. Plenty of smiles coming from from the group, from what I could see. Bit of a stop at some crazy stone formations and back to the blasting along. Over the bitumen and up the bicentennial trail on to moffits trail then through to Capertee for lunch. Turned out to be plenty of good views to be had if anyone could get me to stop or even slow down a bit. But hell we were early for lunch weren’t we…. and spot on 12 noon!!
    After lunch the ride was more cruising, at least fifty gates to open and close then onto the camp for the nights activities. I dogged it real early, old age and wisdom is my story and I am sticking to it!!

    Day 2
    Mick took the lead and I took the sweep. We picked up a couple of extras from the A route and they fitted straight in. The ride got better and better The track got rougher and rougher just how I like it, there were rocks, ruts, sand, and water. Loamy trails and bony trails, I was having a ball. Next minute….. oops……we were- lost- no matter just keep on riding. I had an especially nasty encounter with some kind of bottomless boghole. Turns out the blast in without looking technique failed me miserably.
    Some willing helpers -Katgirl at the controls- plenty pushing and heaving and we soon had the monster skating and roaring out[Thanks for that !!!]
    The lost riding turned out pretty good really, we rode some good trails and ended up at the servo near Wallerawang PowerStation. Fuelled up and decision time. B Routers were routed..or rooted… Anyway a quick decision to split the group and send the smaller and slower bikes via lithgow back to the zigzag carpark, and the road burners went onto rendezvous Capertee. I had already decided if the opportunity to exit [stage left] from Capertee via Kandos Bylong and home arose I was going to take it and head home. I had a great ride home and arrived at 5.15pm. I am tired but really happy for the ride.
    Thanks to all again and especially the B routers I enjoyed your company and look forward the the next B rootin…



    menace wrote:

    DanD wrote:

    So whos the OBT of the year Menace?

    i know….

    but i better leave it to TB, its his baby :laugh: :laugh:

    but congratulations to that man, he is an OBT legend and the what i would call the quintessential, quietly spoken, all round good fella… ;)

    so it’s you then :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :P :kiss: 😆

    Hmmm no good to here about the fellas needing a trip to the first aid tent :(

    hoping in a fast recovery for you B)


    Dwayne O

    :blink: Sorry to hear about the Hippy,,, I mean KRAM :unsure:

    Get well soon mate :)



    Just got home from this weekends ride.
    What a pearler……Great trails, great bunch of people.
    I really must thank TB & all those involved,(sweep riders,photographers,leadriders) to organise such a large ride
    & have it flow so smoothlly is a credit to all. ;)
    Also a thank you to all the sponsers. I can tell you I have’t eaten so much Jack Links Beef Jerky b4, bloody good stuff.

    Have to say it but if you wernt there you really missed out. :P
    Anyway I,m tried so off to bed for me I,m sure the details will be filled in by some else.


    Dwayne O

    tryhard wrote:

    Just got home from this weekends ride.
    What a pearler……Great trails, great bunch of people.
    I really must thank TB & all those involved,(sweep riders,photographers,leadriders) to organise such a large ride
    & have it flow so smoothlly is a credit to all. ;)
    Also a thank you to all the sponsers. I can tell you I have’t eaten so much Jack Links Beef Jerky b4, bloody good stuff.

    Have to say it but if you wernt there you really missed out. :P Anyway I,m tried so off to bed for me I,m sure the details will be filled in by some else.

    :blink: GET STUFFED JOE :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    I cant wait to see the Photo of Muck off :laugh: It would make a great promo for his excellant products Before and after shots :laugh:




    lernt two things on this ride why grappa is called start you barsted wicked stuff and how to kick start my bike just took a bit over 2 years .Saterday morning was exellent but than shit happened and the fire trails come out .Sunday was more fire trails with a few singles and couple of hill climbs .



    white rocket wrote:

    .Saterday morning was exellent but than shit happened and the fire trails come out .Sunday was more fire trails with a few singles and couple of hill climbs .

    To better explain this we found ourselves running behind time because of Rockets non member last minute ring in mate (who doesnt want to be a member) having quite a few dismounts :laugh: As everyone knows this isn’t a problem (we do that at OBT its what we are about) we cater for all but we spoke at the start and it was decided he would go with the B group and see how he went but didnt :huh: for reasons unknown.

    After Krams accident, which happens, we did a 14km dirt road / fire trail to get to the rocky river run which is good but then we need to transport to the camping area again on a dirt road. We also thought setting up and enjoying our night was better then arriving in the dark :P We decided to move camping areas which meant 3 kms of bitumen (this would have been necessary anyway after a non member and Rocket roared up and down a hill climb in the middle of a full family camp area that helps our sports profile)

    Sunday we have to ride back to the bush as such and fire trails link the much better tracks together, we got back to the cars at dark jamming as much good riding as possible to the last minute.

    This may seem a sensitive reply but for a group that size with all the skill levels, we did the best we could and I thought it was great. If that was your take of the tracks then I reckon you shouldn’t bother next time Rocket.
    This perplexes me, to some degree,after hearing Mick and Moose talking about how good the trails were on the weekend and they are two blokes that would know a good trail when they see one.
    That should be that I hope :laugh:




    Fantastic Weekend, (very quick summary)

    Saturday started off awesome, Poor bloody KRam (all the best mate I have photos!) still was awesome that was really the only incident saturday, around the campfire never seen TB that P****D.

    Sunday, fast pace managed to get the kato to 128km how irresponsible I know but wanted to wind her out. Nice rocky trails, I don’t mind the rocks I see it as a challenge and wanted to give the dampner a good go, wound it up when in the rocks and it just floated over most of it. Me and My Katy had a swim in a rather large puddle, took a while to get her going again, thanks Hatto and Hoges and .. for the help, Mick for the photos. Fish with a dislocated finger.. Chicken had an off, justo got a flat, longest flat change I’ve ever seen, not 1 tube but 2. More good pace duelling with MeDogrocket on the hills, and having a great run through the singles with tryhard. Near the end waiting for sweeps, muc off comes along no gotchya, wheres gotcha, right behing me he says.. Rode back a couple of Kays, missed him the first time then coming back found him with his bike lodged on a log changing a flat, got that sorted off again getting dark, good pace back to cars.. All in all a top weekend my butt really really hurts. Thanks TB & Mal for the organisation and a special thankyou to the support crew some of whom gave up riding to do the support.

    More to come and photos tonight, although I may get a couple of sneakies up before then.




    One of the best things was meeting more old bulls I hadn’t met before and the comradarie of all coming together to share a common passion, no sh*t, just great people and a pleasure to be around, everyone willing to lend a hand and get stuck in when the going gets tough.


    Did I mention my Butt hurts!



    Yes Chris I had a refreshing Bundy or 2 on saturday night :P . Detailed ride report tonight, Crash has my camera so no photos from me, but I do have some helmet cam footage he took to post up


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