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This topic contains 28 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Dwayne O 13 years, 4 months ago.
May 6, 2010 at 3:31 am #98412
Okie Dokie, now i’ve got a new all singing all dancing GPS, and was wondering where all you astute Old Bulls mounts yours for ease of use and so it doesn’t end up as trail trash?
At the moment mine is mounted sorta in my bar pad but still sits proud of the pad and in the event of an endo or flip I could see it becoming rather hurt.
Part II of my question is
Alittle while ago i decided to take a nap in a tree, at speed, the reslting damage hurt some bits but I fixed them except the Speedo, now Yamaha want my firstborn in exchange for this basic piece of Cwap that looks like it came off the model T, has anyone any idea wether you can use your GPS as a speedo legally?
Mine is a Garmin Dakota 10 with large speedo and tripmeter display as one of the windows, so legibility is not an issue, neither is accuracy, I did a running test with our road meauring devices, after a kilometre there was 3 metres difference or less than 0.3% error, definitely more accurate than a standard mechanical or sensor drive speedo.Thanks Blokes in advance
May 6, 2010 at 3:45 am #178080Hi Blue.. Glad you asked this question… I bought one of these yesturday.. I hope it works…
May 6, 2010 at 3:50 am #178087c-e-l wrote:
Quote:Hi Blue.. Glad you asked this question… I bought one of these yesturday.. I hope it works…Hey CEL, I’ve only ever used location GPS, never mapping ones, but so far I’m wrapped in this unit, user friendly +++, and solid as, but not sure it could take being stomped into the ground by a bike, and Rego’s due in June so I’m a bit reticent to get another speedo when this is better.
that’s a good looking slim mount, unfortunately I don’t seem to be able to get one like that for mine yet, the one for mine ends up being about 3″ high
May 6, 2010 at 3:57 am #178081Interesting question though on the speedo..
I have an after market one that may work with your bike.. What are you riding? (Yamaha?) You can have it.. Go to ballards site and open their online catalog.. http://ballards.cc/68-page-catalogue It is pictured in the top left corner of page 37…
May 6, 2010 at 4:02 am #178082With regards to the speedo legal question my understanding is as it doesnt add up total klms travelled over the years (for rego records) it wouldn’t stand up. Don’t quote me its 2nd hand information but makes sense to me.
As far as the GPS mount goes well I use this setup
Mounting in the same place on crashes bike it survived all of his crashes and he is named Crash for a reason
May 6, 2010 at 4:04 am #178083So TB you dont you have the stock speedo anymore? do you have a larger more zoomed in view of that setup?
May 6, 2010 at 4:37 am #178089c-e-l wrote:
Quote:Interesting question though on the speedo..I have an after market one that may work with your bike.. What are you riding? (Yamaha?) You can have it.. Go to ballards site and open their online catalog.. http://ballards.cc/68-page-catalogue It is pictured in the top left corner of page 37…
Thanks CEL I may yet accept your very generous offer, but what I may do is go down and talk with the only bloke in town who does bikes (other one closed…) and feel him out first, but if he says NO, I’ll be back.
That bracket you bought (garmin) looks to be very low profile, unfortunately doesn’t seem to be one for mine yet.
ta again
BCMay 6, 2010 at 4:44 am #178092Bring a GPS on a ride I am leading on the trails we have cut in and I will mount it fair up your…..* :laugh: :laugh:
May 6, 2010 at 4:48 am #178090I made up a plate that bolts on using the bar clamp bolts and bought a marine dash mount which bolts to the same plate. It kept it much lower than where TB’s is. I don’t have a close up photo here with me but will try to remember when I get home on the weekend. You can see roughly how hi it sits in this picture.
The bracket is adjustable so you could have it sit lower but the tanks is in the way on mine.
[img]http://obtrailriders.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/CIMG0054.JPG[/img]May 6, 2010 at 4:48 am #178093micknmeld wrote:
Quote:Bring a GPS on a ride I am leading on the trails we have cut in and I will mount it fair up your…..* :laugh: :laugh:It’s only a Speedo, truly It is and it’s permanently mounted on my Bike, so you can’t remount it… unless, nah let’s not go there, besides what am I gunna do, come all the way to Wauchope to ride your secret trails by myself?…HA I can’t even be botherd to do that here… ride by myself that is
May 6, 2010 at 4:51 am #178097Nah Bruce I only said that in an attempt to sound scary. :angry:
I couldn’t give a flying fart if you had one or not. AS soon as a trail starts getting flogged we just head elsewhere and ride some other long forgotten trail.
May 6, 2010 at 4:52 am #178091c-e-l wrote:
Quote:So TB you dont you have the stock speedo anymore? do you have a larger more zoomed in view of that setup?I dont run a speedo at all anymore I only run a trip meter mate for distance.
Blue I have a speedo I could loan you for rego purposes that fits a WR cable if thats a help
Chris I will see if I have an larger picture somewhere
In the picture is a trailtech, they are worth a knob of goatshit.
May 6, 2010 at 4:57 am #178101Trailboss wrote:
Quote:c-e-l wrote:Quote:So TB you dont you have the stock speedo anymore? do you have a larger more zoomed in view of that setup?In the picture is a trailtech, they are worth a knob of goatshit.
TBOk that was going to be the next question.. Quality of these vapor and vapor style units… I want to add another trip meter to my bike to go along with the one on the speedo.. The more the merrier I figure..
May 6, 2010 at 4:59 am #178100micknmeld wrote:
Quote:Nah Bruce I only said that in an attempt to sound scary. :angry:I couldn’t give a flying fart if you had one or not. AS soon as a trail starts getting flogged we just head elsewhere and ride some other long forgotten trail.
yeah I know, but you blokes may not have heard, someone logged most of the border ranges tracks a little while ago while out with one of our group and then posted it on the net, couldn’t move out there for a year.
No way would i do that, but I do like to know how to get back, when I get seperated from the group as I’m apt to do…
May 6, 2010 at 5:05 am #178108I meant the trailtech is NOT worth a knob of goat shit Chris
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