
This topic contains 5 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  glenn 14 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #98448

    Craig Hatton

    Been sitting here the sarvo trying not to do any work, and thought, is there any OBTers into the snow – be it ski or board and whats your thoughts on this season being a good one



    Hey Hatto

    That was my last life. I have been in the bicycle industry for 12 years but before that I worked in the ski indusrty for 10. I racked up 18 winters in a row going back to back Nth and Sth hemisphere and had a absoulte ball. I worked in Australia, Canada, France, Austria, Usa, Japan and Switzerland.
    I still get down to Thredbo for four days every season and I take two weeks every year skiing oversesas. This season was Telluride, Colorado.

    I always remain optimistic at this time of year so heres hoping. I have had some days in Australia that rivalled the best days anywhere but I have also had alot of pretty average ones.



    i can make a snow angel :dry: :laugh:



    g’day hatto. I just had a mate ring me yesterday about heading down the snow in the july school hols.
    He worked it out to be around $3000 each for the week for our families of four. not sure if i’m gunna go as it’s pretty dear and i may not be able to get time off aswell. Also always unsure what the season will be like so i’d prefer to go in august when it’s peak. I might just go down for a long weekend maybe. I used to go every year when i was younger but with the kids i find it pretty expensive to go every year.
    A few years back i lived in Canberra for 5 years and i could just go for the day which was cool. I’ve done a bit of boarding but mainly ski.

    I also done a lot of riding out the back of Canberra in the main range during winter and could ride from home on me XR600. It was pretty good cause ya could go up these massive hills for heaps a kms until ya hit the snow and than give that a go on the bike. It was a bit hard tryin to pick the track and was definetly steady as she goes but heaps of fun aswell


    Dusty wrote:

    g’day hatto. I just had a mate ring me yesterday about heading down the snow in the july school hols.
    He worked it out to be around $3000 each for the week for our families of four. not sure if i’m gunna go as it’s pretty dear and i may not be able to get time off aswell. Also always unsure what the season will be like so i’d prefer to go in august when it’s peak. I might just go down for a long weekend maybe. I used to go every year when i was younger but with the kids i find it pretty expensive to go every year.
    A few years back i lived in Canberra for 5 years and i could just go for the day which was cool. I’ve done a bit of boarding but mainly ski.

    I also done a lot of riding out the back of Canberra in the main range during winter and could ride from home on me XR600. It was pretty good cause ya could go up these massive hills for heaps a kms until ya hit the snow and than give that a go on the bike. It was a bit hard tryin to pick the track and was definetly steady as she goes but heaps of fun aswell

    Nice way to combine two great sports Dusty :woohoo:




    i can make yellow snow cones :) :X

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