This topic contains 19 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  glenn 14 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #98572


    Many Happy returns old mate,, have a good one.

    Hope someone bakes ya a cake.



    Happy Birthday Bol, hopefully someone will take you someplace nice, like to a stoning for the day. :D



    Happy B-Day Bol!!! B)



    Happy Birthday Bollocks, I baked you a cake

    STAY OUT OF THE WHOOPS Bollocks :laugh:



    Mick D

    Happy birthday Bollocks, enjoy your day mate.


    I too baked you a cake Boll but I dropped it. Seems everything with your name on it crashes. :laugh:

    Have a great day mate.



    Craig Hatton

    Happy birthday Bollocks


    Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest.

    cheers hatto



    Happy birthday Bol.

    Stay ‘crash fit’ mate and have a good day.




    Yeah Bollocks have a great day and long weekend. Enjoy mate



    Huge happy Birfday my friend, enjoy your cake and eat it as well :laugh: Have a great day B)



    simon burke

    awww….shucks…. :blush:
    thanks guys for your kind words.
    Cracker cake TB…couldn’t have baked a better one myself!!! ;)
    Been a member for 13 months now and its been one of the best things i have ever done.Met some great people over the time and also with new members arriving all the time i have the opportunity to meet a heap more :)

    I just had the opportunity to look back at my very first post introducing my self to the Oldbulls,this is the exact quote :laugh:

    ” Just got back into bikes after about 10 yrs,got myself a xr 400 the other day and took it for a belt up in the local forest.Started riding at 8 am and finished at 4 pm.Total of 4 stacks ,one which was pretty impressive and i have an appointment this week with the Chrio to put my neck back in !!..Looks like a pretty good website and im exited to become a member.There are some awsome trails around Tamworth and you can ride all day and not see another soul through single and firetrails,plenty of creek crossings and hairy bits.
    cheers “

    I may be a bit wiser and a year older,but it looks like my riding style hasn’t changed much :cheer:
    Please feel free to have a piece of TB’s cake..have an arm or a leg..PLENTY FOR ALL :woohoo:

    Thanks again :kiss:
    Bol :woohoo: delicious_cake-20100611.jpg


    Happy Birthday Bollocks…. it only gets better as the years increase…Just takes longer to get over the hits.

    Enjoy the day.



    Jason Green

    Happy Birthday BOLLOCKS hope you get pissed and don’t fall over anything have a good one


    Aaron Wilde

    Happy Birthday Boll I hope you have a dirty weekend just like last Sunday!! I just hope you dont have any gloved fingers poking around your crack this time !:laugh:


    Aaron Wilde

    BOLLOCKS wrote:

    .There are some awsome trails around Tamworth and you can ride all day and not see another soul through single and firetrails,plenty of creek crossings and hairy bits.
    cheers “

    Thanks again :kiss:
    Bol http://www.obtrailriders.com/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/delicious_cake-20100611.jpg%5B/img%5D

    Just what exactly were you refering to with the hairy bits! Was that your brickies cleavage :laugh: Hey that xr was the only 400 i had the pleasure of riding. I just wish it had a clutch lever so i could see what they were like to ride!

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