Alcohol & Ciggies tax excise increase Monday

This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Aaron Wilde 14 years, 7 months ago.

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    There is an alcohol and cigarette tax excise increase Monday 2nd August 2010 I just found out.

    Governments hope the tax rise will pass unnoticed

    not bloody likely!!!!

    Click here for news story

    Prepare to pay more…..again



    Stuart Waugh

    Tell me about it, I run a grog shop. How much abuse do you think I am gunna cop? Bloody government, can’t keep their hands out of our pockets. Soon we won’t be able to afford to have any fun at all!



    we need a Prime minister that drinks and smokes and rides a dirt bike.

    I vote for Menace
    heck we have tried a bloke ,then a shiela now lets try something else. :laugh:


    Aaron Wilde

    I dont care who they put in there but if you look around on your next ride, count the girls. I think the chance of having a prime minister who is female and is partial to the odd ride on a dirt bike is probably asking for too much! Maybe we should ask Katgirl to run for PM.



    Could pre’mixed bourbourn get any dearer?

    Or have they realised the swap over to bying bottles and gone for the kill?

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