Electronic Diary

This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Eric Smith 14 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #99208


    Hello all.

    In the market for an electronic organiser. Probably better maybe if incorporated with a phone but I’m not committed to having the organiser and phone as the same unit necessarily. Anyone got a good one. Don’t need all the new fandangled gadgets (eg not into twitter/facebook) but need to keep track of deadlines, job lists etc.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.



    Nick Jackson

    I have been using an iPhone this year and can’t fault it, I run my entire business now from it
    eg , invoice, estimate, alarms , diary, reminders, interest rate updates, weather , emails , net and of course daily visits to obt!!


    Adam Rodgers

    I have used a Hewlett Packard organizer for years. Recently I bought a Nokia N8 and it does what Nickj’s Iphone does as does most if not all the new smart phones available on the market.

    I find that now only having one item to carry around a bonus however make sure you backup your info elsewhere as well ie sync to your computer. Don’t want all your eggs in one basket :(



    Eric Smith

    I’m about to go the iphone (or similar) option because you can get a terminal server app that allows you to access your PC from your phone. At the moment I have a Palm Tungsten organiser which is about 6 years old. Still works but it would be much better to have a termserver option.

    Sad to say mate, I think you’ll have to make the leap to one of the new generation phones to get the best use from it.

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