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December 7, 2010 at 10:35 pm #99251
Found this thread on ADV
Rec Reg in NSWDecember 7, 2010 at 10:44 pm #192031Yeah I got a e mail press release with this that I deleted, but now its here I will say that.
The one big point I took out of this when I read it and that was
• A new wave of contributions to the CTP Scheme from riders who ordinarily would not contribute due to the nature of their hobby.
So I reckon they will chase the revenue / tax our goverment that is. Combine it with the cost of your Rec rego which will have to be around 90 to 100 bucks. Overall cost I reckon around $280 to $300 which makes it hardly any cheaper than my rego for the 650 without being able to ride across or up the road or ALL bush land that is open.
December 8, 2010 at 5:24 am #192032This is a petition I won’t be signing. I still think this could have ramifications for people who want fully registered bikes.
If you look at a bike like the WR450F. Technically it is usually a couple of years behind it MX sibling the YZ450F. Last year Yamaha sold about 1500 WR450F. I’ll bet a lot of those buyer would have bought the YZ if they could legally use it in the bush. I’m sure this would be the same for other models such as the CFR450X and CRF450R. How many people would be lined up for a KTM350SX rather than an EXC if they could legally ride the SX in the bush.
With rec rego I have no doubt MX sales will rise and enduro sales fall. This will mean the expensive cost of ADR’s on the enduro models will need to be spread over fewer unit, equalling higher cost for enduro model. Some manufacturers may even question the need to ADR any competition off road bikes at all. Suzuki obviously already question the value of ADR’ing the RMX450.
Have a look at Blue’s YZ250WR. Do you think Yamaha would have bothered to get such a bike through the ADR process if rec rego existed. I really think we could see some bikes in the future skip the ADR process if more states come on board with rec rego.
December 8, 2010 at 5:54 am #192066Scotty wrote:
Quote:This is a petition I won’t be signing. I still think this could have ramifications for people who want fully registered bikes.+1 for Scotts reason and many many more
December 8, 2010 at 6:01 am #192033I used to be for Rec Rego.. But after hearing the various ins and outs over the last year I now lean against..
In the end I suppose MX bikes are for MX parks/tracks and Enduros for the bush.. Scotty makes some very interesting points I never considered..
How would an Old Bulls organized ride work? Coffs and Sofala required Tar riding and or Tar crossing..
If it does happen it will only be for a money grab by the grubby goober-bent..
Thats my semi-informed 2 cents..
December 8, 2010 at 6:22 am #192067grubby goober-bent thats a new one to me ha ha.like the bit about making one way sustainable tracks on the link but
December 8, 2010 at 7:23 am #192034G’day. The new revenue stream would come from currently unregistered riders comming on board to the scheme. There would not be any new taxes to currently regoed riders. As for the cost- what is it in Victoria? I cannot imagine it would be too different. If it was $300 it would not be an incentive for unregoed blokes so there would be no gain.
From my understnding you can ride on tar roads- just not ‘main’ or major roads. (I could stand correced on this one). Maybe a problem on some rides I suppose- not really an issue with the majority of rides though.
If the manufacturers pass on too greater cost of ADRing registered enduro bikes then people will vote with their feet. If Yamaha went to the trouble of ADRing the YZ250WR- a very small volume bike at a low cost- then popular bikes like wr’s, crfx’s, exc’s etc wont go up much- if any.
Apparantly State Forests and National Parks support this scheme as well (so I am told).
Personally I think MX bikes are far superior to enduro bikes (unless mainroading down Knodingbul etc). I sometimes ride a mates CRF450 in the bush- it is an absolute weapon, as is another mates RMZ250. (Both of which would pay for rec rego if it was available). My 08 ktm300 is ready to be rolled over in the next 6 months. If the bill is passed then it opens up a big range of potential bikes for my next one. KTM250sx, YZ450f, 350Sx……….
I will sign the petition.
My 2cents worth.
Old MateDecember 8, 2010 at 7:43 am #192035Hell I love my YZ. If I could Rec-Rego it I would be on to that so fast all you would see would be blue sweet smelling 2T smoke heading down the road.
December 8, 2010 at 8:10 am #192072Capt. Furious wrote:
Quote:Hell I love my YZ. If I could Rec-Rego it I would be on to that so fast all you would see would be blue sweet smelling 2T smoke heading down the road.Thats the point capt, YOU CANT RIDE IT ON THE ROAD :laugh:
December 8, 2010 at 8:36 am #192036Track, Road, Potato, Potarrrrrto.
I wouldn’t be riding it down the tar,,,, that’s what I have a road bike for. Dirt bike for the dirt (rec-reg would be lovely for that one), Road bike for the road that I pay full rego on.
December 8, 2010 at 8:48 am #192073If MX bikes are so much better in the bush why do they make Enduro bikes with heavier flywheels, softer suspension and 18″ wheel?
December 8, 2010 at 8:58 am #192087singletrackmind wrote:
Quote:If MX bikes are so much better in the bush why do they make Enduro bikes with heavier flywheels, softer suspension and 18″ wheel?STM
Because some people need a bike that is slower revving, soft and bouncy with a high profile soft tyre, when I was young we used to call them “gumbies” and Old blokes, these days I call them mates (but some of them are still gumbies eh)
btw the way I have a YZ250 with a heavier flywheel, softer suspension, but a 19″ wheel, and it still walks all over EXCs, WRs & the like in acceleration and outright power, but can be a handful when you’re tired in tight going.
TB & I disagree in a civil manner over what the outcomes of this will be, with any luck in 12 months or so, one of us will be able to tell the other “told you so!”
December 8, 2010 at 9:13 am #192088singletrackmind wrote:
Quote:If MX bikes are so much better in the bush why do they make Enduro bikes with heavier flywheels, softer suspension and 18″ wheel?STM
I never said MX bikes are better in the bush.
I know I like my MX bike. Sure, I can’t ride it anywhere near its potential ( though I am getting quicker on it) but hey, I don’t care. I’m having a shiteload of fun on it.
If rec-reg comes in I will rec-reg my MX bikes. Simple.
December 8, 2010 at 9:20 am #192091Umm Bruce you have an opinion that is;
Mr Blue wrote:Quote:I have a YZ250 with a heavier flywheel, softer suspension, but a 19″ wheel, and it still walks all over EXCs, WRs & the like in acceleration and outright power, but can be a handful when you’re tired in tight going.And mate thats the truth because there are 100’s of blokes that will tell you their EXC, WR etc is better and does it all better than your bike. Theirs is more scary and hard to ride when tired and yours has no snap compared to theirs as its an opinion
yours mine theirs :laugh:
Now I am happy enough to say rec rego will never work out to be cheaper here in NSW then rego (and thats what started this debate 3 threads ago) or become legislation here in NSW.
Bruce is your bike currently registered and whats it cost per year total?
December 8, 2010 at 9:35 am #192098If they bring rec rego in, give it a couple of years and the cost will be the same. Just another way for the Gov to tax! Just as well pay rego.
I agree with Scotty rec rego long term wont help the likes of us or the Aus motorbike industry. -
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