Re:Raiding Mexico

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This topic contains 138 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  glenn 13 years, 11 months ago.

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    Adrian Lee

    I have sent a email off to Brian from Bush Experiances and will let all know the outcome of availability of this weekend. i should get pissed more often i get more done :laugh:


    SNOW ? Where you calling me then Menace?

    If we cant bring country music can we bring our sisters for company?



    this sounds like a trip snowy????


    aido wrote:

    I have sent a email off to Brian from Bush Experiances and will let all know the outcome of availability of this weekend. i should get pissed more often i get more done :laugh:

    i can confirm that the 28th is my 40th birthday.

    i cannot however, confirm that i will be available that weekend yet to partay.

    so hold your f**king horses :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    (note:- i sometimes say things when im drunk that may not be feasible tommorra, just like every other aussie bloke who is drunkish)



    menace wrote:

    aido wrote:

    I have sent a email off to Brian from Bush Experiances and will let all know the outcome of availability of this weekend. i should get pissed more often i get more done :laugh:

    i can confirm that the 28th is my 40th birthday.

    i cannot however, confirm that i will be available that weekend yet to partay.

    so hold your f**king horses :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    (note:- i sometimes say things when im drunk that may not be feasible tommorra, just like every other aussie bloke who is drunkish)

    don`t really give a fat belly dancing rarzoo if your available that weekend, I`m riding the high country that weekend with my new best Vic mate Aido that weekend, your prob if you cant make it!!! 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆


    Aaron Wilde

    I think some sort of bus would be the mode of transport boon. Sounds like a road trip to me. We have a while to organize it it seems. Its the least we could do to pay back Menace for traveling up to ride Nundle. Payback is a bitch it seems.


    If we go to Mexico
    1]do they have any one that can ride cause that MENACE bloke was always behind me all day
    2] Do we hve to listen to him crap on about their football game that rewards you with one point when you miss?
    3] How many cans does it take to get to Victoria?


    Aaron Wilde

    Don’t worry yourself about the number of cans Snow we will take care of that. You just keep your mind on your job of being the designated driver. :laugh: One more word out of you and I will award a penalty. :silly:


    good call aaron :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    no cans for the snowman :laugh: :laugh:

    i will try to ride a little faster mate, i should be 20kg lighter by then ;)

    i promise i will not mention footy….. i dont follow it either :P :P



    Sweet,,designated driver soughted,tick that box,, nice work boys, Now Jarrod, how big is that bus your old man has?????and who has a 6 bike trailer???


    Adrian Lee

    TB and Mal had a bigass enclosed trailer last time they came down here.



    I will enter an expression of interest for this ride. ;)

    Hard to miss out on Menaces birthday (wether he makes it or not) :woohoo:


    Ron Birrell

    Better find a bigger trailer as I’m in on this.
    Maybe if I’m kind and do some crawling to my boss he might lend me
    the B’double for the weekend. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Adam Rodgers

    Definately interested in this one :cheer:




    Aaron ,will talk to ya on the golf course today(whilst we are still sober), that enclosed trailer sounds the go, Buzz your in mate,get a week off work for this one, prob wed to wed.I also thin damus would help with the driving,,he dont drink :) :( .I will need to cap this ride to about 200 and no thats not a typo 😆 😆 😆 😆

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