The date is now locked in.
Bike Territory (bike park). 45km east of Narrabri in the Kaputar Ranges. 2 hours from Tamworth. See details here .
The plan.
Turn up Friday for an arvo ride. Full days ride both Saturday and Sunday. Riders can drop out at any time on Sunday depending on their travel plans. The good news is there is 7500 acres for us to play in and the furthest you will ever be from your car/beer is 8km.
$100/rider for accommodation and riding. Same cost for all regardless of if you arrive Friday, leave Monday morning or arrive Saturday, leave Sunday arvo. A bit of a bonus for those that arrive early.
34 beds. First in first served. unlimited camping spots. I’m not expecting record numbers but if they arrive we can split riding into smaller groups.
I have catering lined up at $50/head. Need a minimum of 20 before it can go ahead. You get 5 meals from Saturday breakfast through to Sunday lunch. If less than 20 want it than it will be a bring your own food job. There is all the mod cons there in the kitchen and a big BBQ for cooking outside.
What to bring
Fuel for bike/car. Drinks. Snacks. Swag/linen.