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This topic contains 8 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Matt Baker 14 years, 2 months ago.

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    Ron Birrell

    I sometimes ride with a bloke who uses his son’s 2004 wr 450.
    We were riding some tight singles before christmas when the
    bike started to over heat. WE let the bike cool down before we
    refilled the radiator with water out of my camelback and we had
    no more problems for the rest of the day and so I thought his coolant
    level was a bit low to start with.
    I was talking to him today about going for a ride this weekend
    when he said that the bike was still over heating and his son had read on
    the internet that if he re-jetted the bike that would solve his problem,
    which he intends to do this afternoon.
    I told him that I had never heard of this and that they should look at
    the grills of the radiators for cleanliness first and if that was okay
    then change the type of coolant used or run an over flow tank.
    They bought the bike second hand and so have no knowledge of it’s history.
    Any hints or thoughts would be great



    Matt Baker

    I had the exact same problem on my KTM, it turned out that all I needed was a new radiator cap, $15 and I haven’t had a problem since.


    Ron Birrell

    Thanks LC, I didn’t think of that.
    I had the same problem with the truck some time ago.
    I’ll pass it on.


    Matt Baker

    Check the thermostat too, put it in a saucepan of water and bring to the boil, if its not rooted it should open when it gets close to boiling


    Ron Birrell

    I better start writing this down. I find it pretty hard to walk and breathe at the same time :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    If the jetting is to lean the bike will run hot.
    But i would check the other things out fist like the cap, thermostat, blockages and run a good coolant like Engine ice or liquid intelligence.



    LC4skin wrote:

    I had the exact same problem on my KTM, it turned out that all I needed was a new radiator cap, $15 and I haven’t had a problem since.

    LC, my cap was similar. It was actually bubbling out the top not the overflow. I bent the tabs up a bit and it has made it better but not totally fixed. It is also short term as the tabs will obviously bend back in time.

    Did you buy the same pressure cap or did you go from the 1.4 to 1.8 bar cap.


    Matt Baker

    I just got a 1.4


    Ha Buzz. Check the fins like you said. If they are bent you can use a tooth pick to straighten them. That’s the easiest way I found because the sharp bit will get in and not damage anything. Check your cap then flush your coolant and put new water and coolant in. It should have an overflow bottle on it. I would try this first.

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