Feedback anyone

This topic contains 117 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Adrian Lee 14 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #99518


    All I have just migrated to the latest version of the forum software i am looking for a suitable template but for the moment your stuck with blue till I find something better, there is a lot of new features and I will post the changelog up when I can.




    All I have just migrated to the latest version of the forum software i am looking for a suitable template but for the moment your stuck with blue till I find something better, there is a lot of new features and I will post the changelog up when I can.



    That’s it, I will never complain about a broken web page link again. Look at the carnage i’ve caused.




    I have found a template for the forum that you can set your own fave colour, I like it, if you don’t blame Owl ’02




    List of major changes.

    The new features in Kunena 1.6.x include:

    Improved Language Support:

    Included languages: Catalan, Chinese, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Taiwanese, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese, Yugoslavian, new in Kunena 1.6.0: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese (more to come)
    Uses standard Joomla 1.6 language files (backwards compatible with Joomla 1.5.x)
    Added support for installable language packs (using the Joomla Installer)
    New Kunena Template Manager:

    Centralized template system with installable templates
    New default template Blue Eagle
    New Auto Blend option (codename: skinner) as part of the default template
    Example template included for use as a base when creating new templates
    Template parameters that allow more freedom for template designers and site administrators
    Added support for icon sets allows different button and icon variations
    New Integrated Polls Feature:

    Allow forum members to setup and participate in polls
    Category specific: enable the feature from Category Manager
    Global settings to modify the poll behavior
    Migrate data from the Kunena 1.5 poll hack
    Improved Topic and Post Moderation:

    Ability to restore and purge deleted posts within the Trash Manager (backend)
    Unapproved or deleted topics and posts can be seen in many views
    Delete, restore and approve posts while reading topic
    Simplified move, merge and split
    Move current or newer posts into another category or (new) topic
    Ability to move or delete all posts of a particular user (supports better spam management)
    User profile access for moderators even if integrated with jomSocial, CB or others
    New User Moderation Features:

    Users can be banned directly from their profile
    Ban only from the forum (= read only access) or from the entire website
    Ban user for a limited time (ban from the forum only)
    Allow moderators to share ban reasons and to write comments on it
    Ban history and show all previous bans on the user’s profile
    List banned users in the Ban Manager on the moderator’s profile page
    New Posting and End User Features:

    Multiple attachments support (AJAX-based)
    Category subscriptions
    New ‘Thank you’ system for thanking the poster for their message
    Users can delete their own messages (configurable by time)
    Anonymous Tipping: allow users to post topics in a defined category completely anonymously (no IP, no tracking, totally anonymous)
    Google Maps integration – display basic maps inside of posts
    New BBCode tags like [article], [attachment], [confidential], [map], [table], [tableau] and others
    Enhanced BBCode

    with reference to user and post
    Selectable date/time format display options for all time displays and independent for tooltips (relative “ago” vs absolute)
    Usability Improvements:

    Improved RSS features
    Color coded categories
    Color coded usernames
    Code highlighting with Geshi
    Many improvements in administrator backend interface
    Integration with Other Components:

    New integration system that allows easy integration of avatars, profiles and user lists. login and registration, private messaging, activity notifications and basic access control
    Integrations included: AlphaUserPoints, Community Builder, JomSocial and UddeIM
    New Router and Menu System

    Uses Joomla menus to navigate the Kunena component
    Easy to build your own custom Kunena menus with Joomla’s Menu Item Manager
    Option to have categories located outside main forum
    Automatic super-routing uses best matching menu item for each page
    New Installer:

    Step-by-step details of the installation process
    Fully automatic migration from Kunena 1.0.x and 1.5.x
    Migrate from FireBoard 1.0.0 – 1.0.5 without using external tools
    If migration fails, restore from backup or try again
    Option to cleanly uninstall Kunena 1.6 completely from your site
    Support third party ACL components with Joomla! 1.5

    Add ACL support with JXtended Access Control
    Add ACL support with NoixACL Access Control
    Add ACL support with ArtofUser
    Other Changes:

    Converted from jQuery to MooTools 1.2 for better compatibility
    CSS and JavaScript minification using the YUI compressor for faster loading (disabled when debug is turned on)
    Uses CSS sprites for faster loading and fewer server hits
    Almost all code moved out of templates
    Basic API for Joomla modules and plug-ins
    Now uses #__kunena prefixed tables instead of #__fb
    Use /media/kunena instead of /media/kunena/attachments/legacy for avatars and new attachments
    Latest version checking
    Basic Joomla 1.6 support
    Remember that you can test Kunena 1.6.1 with Joomla 1.6, but the support is not yet complete. For example, the Kunena menu will not be generated and there are some features, that do not work yet in Joomla 1.6. Kunena 1.6.x will be ready for Joomla 1.6 once a final version is released.


    Mick Pilgrim

    some problems looking at posts

    No times, specific – Nabiac RR
    Cannot see or open attachments




    Okey Dokey Mick will check it out Thanks.



    Ooops think I just let something slip.



    Hey Mick, what do you mean by time, do you want an actual time stamp on the post, there is the same as we had before with the like 2weeks 4 hours ago etc… Can you give me an example of attachment, thanks for helping out..




    Test attachment



    OK there may have been some attachments lost in the migration process, will look at it tommorrow as I am now to p***ed to do ti



    chris72a wrote:
    OK there may have been some attachments lost in the migration process, will look at it tommorrow as I am now to p***ed to do ti


    Your Pi##ed, I logged on… , after a few ‘quiet bevvies’
    she all different, thought some how so one had ‘slipped one in me drink’!!

    But alas

    twas just you ‘screwing’ with things,,,

    looks good though…….

    once we get use to it!!!





    Don’t like it. Why fix what wasn’t broke?



    Chris, well done. I think it’s great. Much more logical set out. Lots of things are much simpler to do now with less clicks. The font seems easier to read now too somehow. Thumbs up from me on first appearances.



    looks good Chris, just have to get used to it I guess, BTW all the smilies have got red X’s on them:whistle:


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