Getting Rid Of Oil

This topic contains 9 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Gavin Brown 14 years, 1 month ago.

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    Just wondering how others get rid of their used oil?

    I also do my car oil so it adds up. Can dispose of it the local recycle centre for $34 but a bit steep for me.


    Bloody good question. Can’t wait to see what comes back. I’m in the process of moving house and really don’t want to be taking the bucket of old oil with me. I did find out that my local council can dispose of it but didn’t realise it cost that much…


    Aaron Wilde

    This is absolute BS we use heaps of oil mainly 15W40 Diesel oil. We put all ours into a big pallet container and they come and suck it out and take it away for Free. For a while we had two companies fighting over our used oil we had to tell one to piss off so we could get one receipt to tell the greenies where we are dumping our oil. They then clean it and sell it as heater oil or something? Apparently if you get a heap of used hydraulic oil and keep it separate from other oils they will PAY you for it and they use it to cool electrical transformers or something. I cant work out why car service centers charge a “environmental fee” to deal with it …. What a scam!!We put coolant, petrol and all sorts of oil in the container and they say nothing . My bike oil and the petrol/ air filter cleaning oil has been going in there for years. There are some companies that have systems where they run the old engine oil back through the motors ie mix in with fuel. It should not cost anything to dump old oil!!!! Oil is fuel. And has other uses. Other wise people will dump it in their back yard. Also it is a salable resource.:angry: :angry: :angry:


    scott hurley

    its not as easy as that from a buisness view there is NO company on the coast that takes oil for free.
    someone has to pay for the truck to come out and for the drivers wage to collect the waste oil from our pit, a $1.50 fee paid by every customer does this without making any profit. I do agree that $30 odd dollar fee is a bit ritch and that is why people dump it around their yard or elsewere.;)


    john morgan

    I`m lucky that we have a waste oil tank at work and that does the trick, but I thought that some servos have oil recycling tanks for public use.
    before that I gave it my dad to paint on his railway sleepers in the garden.



    Blue Mountains Council accepts it for free at their at their recycle centres.

    Limit of 20L a day


    Aaron Wilde

    Governments bang on about the environment and how important it is to look after it. So it is nice to see a council doing what is needed to stop people dumping stuff in their back yard. Good work Blue mountains.;)


    Craig Hatton

    Free for me to dump at the tip(recycle), but always keep 20ltrs used/changed oil at home to use if I drown the bike and need to flush out a few times –



    Gavin Brown

    Coast & Valley Oil
    15 Apprentice Dr
    Berkeley Vale 2261
    (02) 4388 5911

    These guys receive oil for free if you drop it off. If you want them to pick up I think they will for free if it is over 205 L ( 44 Gallon Drum)
    Would be best to call them first.


    That’s where I dump mine of aswell Gav!!! pretty handy, on the way to work and no questions asked!!!!:laugh:

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