Ride Sat 12th Feb?

Home Forums Ride Gatherings Victoria Tasmania Ride Sat 12th Feb?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  dennis da menace 14 years ago.

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    Really keen to get a ride in this Saturday (12th Feb) as I have got things on the next few weekends.

    Don’t want to go on my own though…anyone interested in a ride this Saturday?


    Martin Soto

    how is your riding going Scotty?

    I have been out of action for a little while and missed a few rides.

    We may need to go riding together again soon, if your interested?



    Hi Marty,
    I went for another ride on that weekend of the 12th Feb, but I’ve been tied up since then. Really good ride, a couple of big hills and heaps of ruts with water in them after all the rain we had the previous week. Not as much single track compared to the ride I went on with you and the boys. Good news is I didn’t fall over once, so it really did my confidence good.
    Tomorrow and Sunday I am doing a dirt bike riding skills course up at Merton, then I’ll be keen to get out with you again!
    Till then, good riding, SW.


    good luck with the ride school Scotty. :)
    i reckon it will be great. you will learn heaps

    i’ll do it myself one day.

    im looking forward to riding with both you blokes soon.

    lets get it happening. ;)

    Aido is soft :laugh: :laugh:

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