Need help with Excel

This topic contains 5 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Roy 14 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #99542


    I’m in the process of updating my excel spreadsheet we use for pony express scoring. I am having a bit of trouble working out some issues in visual basic. I used to have an excel forum that I used for advice but it has disappeared. I did a google search and found some others but they don’t appear to be user friendly. Does anybody know of a forum they use and get good results from for Excel.

    Funnily enough they tend to joke around in Excel forums either. Nowhere near as much fun as OBT. They also seem to get a bit touchy if you use multiple forums.



    What are you trying to do bundy are you scripting with VB or just using sums, what is it that you want the script to do/.


    Craig Hatton

    Try this Bundy, always been good for me

    cheers hatto


    I have a bit of experience with excel so might be able to helpdepending on what yu want to do.



    Thanks all for the offers. I know it is a pain in the but for you but rather than type in all my issues again here you can view them here

    If you have any ideas then feel free to post them here or there, I will find them.

    Its to do with some visual basic code that operates in the background when you click a button I created to clear all the existing lap times and reset the rider numbers to numerical order (as opposed the race placing order), not just formulaes in the workbook.

    Thanks again for the offers of help. Not knowing drives me crazy. Just another defect in the personality of Roy.



    For those that are interested I think I have solved the problem.

    the command


    refers to the left hand worksheet as it appears on the screen.

    the command


    refers to sheet1, the code name for the worksheet that cannot be changed.

    I need to use the sheet1 command instead of the worksheets(1) command. My sheet1 was not the furthest left worksheet hence my problem. Working with the command sheet1 will allow the name on the tab of the worksheet to be changed without effecting how the code works. Means I can transfer the program from dirt bikes to MTB which is what I am in the middle of now.

    Hope all that is as clear as mud.

    Can’t check the code until I get home tonight. Will post up again if this doesn’t turn out to be the solution.

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