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This topic contains 50 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Cathi Meredith 14 years ago.
February 12, 2011 at 1:07 am #99560
With 33 riders turning up in damp conditions Cathi was surprised at her 2 “ish” ride popularity. Hatto was a man with many words (ha ha) doing the ride brief and set us off on a soggy, slippery adventure. Riggs forgot his butt plug that caused him to stall…. (sorry no photo’s). Once it was out the juice was flowing (petrol). The weather took the toll on the track with lots of major pot holes deep with water. Snotty hills weren’t there when the ride was planned but made the ride more difficult that gave us the opportunity to be out of our comfort zone with lots of support. Considering we left at 9am and got back at 6.30pm with only one tyre puncture, one bike seizing (cracked manifold) and no injuries with lots of weary bodies with smiles on their dial… thanks to CathiM & Riggs for organising the ride and providing the beers at the end. A perrrrfect 2 “ish” ride. Thanks to Hatto for sterling job at Lead and the sweeps who supported us at the back watching our butts wiggle.
Detailed report and photos to come after we sober up.
February 12, 2011 at 1:25 am #196710it was a great ride shame i had to go halfway through to limp the van home but we made it just . tracks were great loved the hill climb and watching wazzup plow into cow hole
big thanks to hatto for leeding (me off the track and into the bush a great speed)
and riggs and cath for hooking up a great day nice to have meet a few new bulls to (thats you kat and mallee)
my turn to take a few for a ride out my waythanks tramo
February 12, 2011 at 2:24 am #196711sounds like my sorta ride! Now to get the IT400 rego’d or pinch the cook’s XT250 next time..
Glad not much damage was caused and I guess there was smiles all round.February 12, 2011 at 11:09 am #19673033!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG that’s huge, well done to all involved
Can’t wait to read the ride reports
February 12, 2011 at 7:35 pm #196712My Take-No photos
Part 1
Well where do I start
Day started at 6am, get my shit together,have something to eat and on the bike at 7am, pick up pauly on the way, splash some fuel in and were off. We decided to ride to the start point rather than trailer our steeds. Into the bush and out through a place we call bodies in the barrels, some overgrown singles and we are wet through, light rain and some very slippery tracks.(could be an interesting day)Met 5 other riders at the log cabin, and topped up the tanks-off to meet the group at Kaman. We had a great blast through the bush with some pace and some sliding and arrived 8.40am.
As I road around the corner and looked at all the cars and bike, I thought to my self s@#t how many is there.:ohmy: (must have been 40+ bikes) holy crap.:S
I walked over and met cathi, riggs, huskybom, a few others;) and started to think, how am I going to pull this off. Made my way around the trailers, introducing myself, when about 8 bikes started up and rode off-:huh: few another group, thats a few less for our group then.Once everyone was kitted up, we had a little briefing, some discussions about splitting the group, but decided to go out to the first checkpoint as 1 and take it from there. Straight into a single, with a few logs, mud holes and slippery track but all riders came through with no problems. A little bit of dirt road and then into a great track Fox trot-starts with sandy whoops, water hole crossing, more sandy whoops and then into a great dirt track uphill with erosion mounds, sweepers and water holes. I stopped at the end of that track, and as all riders came up, I didn’t see anything but smiles through their helmets.
We decided not to split the group at this stage a nd we continued on some nice grade 2 powerline tracks to the top of mintbush.Good spot for a re-group, I look down at Sag55y’s rear -very flat on the bottom only though. Ben says don’t worry about it I will just ride home, to which I reply, no way, stick it on that log over there and we’ll get into it. Rip the wheel off, and get into it, Kat comes over and starts taking photos, muttering something about TB and proof, and how quick, and technique or something. Kat got straight in there, to give me a hand – which a few of the guys standing around were taken aback and were impressed;) Not sure how long it took, seemed like only 5 minutes:lol: :laugh: , but was probably about 1/2 hour, not sure. Wheel back on and we are ready to roll – very dissapointed in the sweep(Jamie), changing tyres is sweep job not leads job:laugh: .
A few 4×4’s had come past us and headed down the track, so I new we would be passing them. Down mintbush we go, which was a great run, and the 4×4 were very good to let us all through. Across the small creek at the bottom and we swing onto Monkeygum, great riding with all types of terrain. I stopped about half way up, just past a tricky little rutted hill, when a couple more 4×4 came from the other direction. With 20 odd bikes blocking the track, we decided to continue up to the lookout and stop for a re-group there. This is where we came across a hill which bought a few undone.
To be con’t
February 12, 2011 at 7:48 pm #196747Hey Hatto, the lazy sweep in question was it Jamie Jamie? If so I can believe he wouldn’t have got involved :laugh:
Actually in fairness that’s a bit hard because the famous flat with the tyre lever left in the tyre happened there at the power lines area after the creek and he did help me change it :blink: So I almost take it back
February 12, 2011 at 7:52 pm #196748Trailboss wrote:Hey Hatto, the lazy sweep in question was it Jamie Jamie? If so I can believe he wouldn’t have got involved :laugh:Actually in fairness that’s a bit hard because the famous flat with the tyre lever left in the tyre happened there at the power lines area after the creek and he did help me change it :blink: So I almost take it back
Yes Yes and you can’t take things back:laugh:
Really it was ok, I was all over it like flies on a prawn (besides, practice makes perfect right):lol:February 12, 2011 at 8:29 pm #196749Hatto wrote:Trailboss wrote:Hey Hatto, the lazy sweep in question was it Jamie Jamie? If so I can believe he wouldn’t have got involved :laugh:Actually in fairness that’s a bit hard because the famous flat with the tyre lever left in the tyre happened there at the power lines area after the creek and he did help me change it :blink: So I almost take it back
Yes Yes and you can’t take things back:laugh:
Really it was ok, I was all over it like flies on a prawn (besides, practice makes perfect right):lol:Like a fat chick on a smartie eh :laugh:
February 12, 2011 at 9:44 pm #196713some photo’s from the ride:
The briefing by Hatto & CathiM
some of the 33 riders…
Hatto in action with tyre puncture
Kat getting in the way of Hatto doing a tyre puncture repair
The “ish” in the ride…. the dreaded hill
Mallee with the green stripped pants enjoying the view as they ‘tried’ the hill
I think this it Riggs giving it a good go
CathiM and I decided to protect all vital organs and did the walk of shame. Thanks Hatto for riding the bike up…. you looked like you were on a tonka toy..
February 12, 2011 at 9:50 pm #196714It seems Hatto hasn’t got to the bit where he decided to have an ‘OFF’. Perfectly placed in a mud hole. I think he came around a corner and thru the back brake on and did a controlled slide where the back wheel was inline with the front wheel then he did an uncontrolled plonk into a mud hole. It was very funny to see him bewildered that he had mud on his face….. I so wish I could have ridden faster so I could have had time to get a photo…… I only got to see him wipe the mess away..
February 12, 2011 at 10:03 pm #196754the photos were great :cheer:
…have you got anymore???
February 12, 2011 at 10:10 pm #196755aussie_king_mick wrote:the photos were great :cheer:…have you got anymore???
I got tooo busy riding and forgot to get the camera out… Riggs took some video of CathiM riding which I’ve down loaded onto my PC…it’s a good look.
February 12, 2011 at 11:09 pm #196757Hey Hatto whats the name of the hill in Kats photos?
February 12, 2011 at 11:36 pm #196715Part 2
I came around the corner and started my way up the last little pinch to the lookout rock, now this isn’t real steep, but there has certainly been some 4×4 traffic and rain on it. There were rocks everywhere, you know the type, round rolling type rocks about the size of rockmelons and two distinct tracks, made by the 4×4’s. All I could think about was this should sort a few out and I wasn’t alone,:lol: first couple guys behind me said this will be interesting.:huh: :ohmy: The grade 2 ride had just taken a right turn to grade 3(whoops)
But I do believe you have to get out of your comfort zone every now and then, to improve.As I walked half way down, another rider Dave had stopped down the track further and was holding riders back while the carnage was cleared ready for the next wave, and that continued for about 25 mins. Kat came along and just got off her steed saying I’m not confident enough even after a little encouragement, so I hopped on-well when I sat on her little 230 my knees nearly hit my chin, it felt like I was riding one of those pocket rocket bikes, I hit the button and found that the clutch engagement is almost all the way out(Kat you need to get this adjusted). As I started to move, that little thing is like a tractor and very smooth and it just made it’s way up with very little .
Along came riggs and Cathi. I was apologizing profusely to both of them, Riggs had a little hiccup about halfway up:blush: as Cathi and I walked up. It is definately easier to ride up hills than walk.:cheer: By the time Cathi got to the top she was spent, we had a good break there while everybody recovered and chinwagged. I promised it was a pretty easy run from there to lunch stop and all would be good.
We made our way out to the next transport section and waited for ages. It was discovered that someone had fallen into one of the big puddles on the trail and drowned his XR(Honda going Nowhere):laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
We made the decision to keep moving to try to space the group out so that lunch would run smoothly, but by the time we arrived everyone was moving and arrived in quick succession.
When I first arrived I told the guy that There was 31 riders on their way and he nearly shat himself, his cook wasn’t in, so ti was going to be a slow lunch, and it was.Over lunch everybody was in good spirits and enjoying chatting with new found buddies;)
We decided to split the group so that the grade 3+ ‘s could have a bit of a challenge, A lead and sweep was designated and we donned the gear. The other group took off while the grade 2 got kitted, we had a re count of heads, changed the sweep and off we went.
Now being at the front has it’s good points -no dust (that wasn’t an issue), fresh lines, go at what ever pace you want to, stop when you want, and if you have any little offs, there is not usually anyone around. Well I locked the back wheel (new discs and pads)coming over a rise, because I saw the endangered wandandian yellow bellied eel in a muddy puddle that I was about go through, so I jumped off to have a look. The riders behind soon caught me up and thought I had fallen off -well I hadn’t.:lol:
We got to the top of Cassia track and headed up the powerlines for a while. There were a couple of bog holes along there which to there toll on some very tired riders, so we decided to take the easiest way back to the cars via some firetrails.
We arrived back at the cars around 5pm. waited around for the other group for a while, when a lone rider comes in saying they have a seized motor, but all is ok, he was back to get the car and the group was on their way.
About 5.30 4 fo us who had ridden to the start decided to leave as we still had about an hours ride home, said our goodbye’s and off we went. I took the guys on a new track which is orsam-we had a great ride home. Got home about 6.30 after an enjoyable day.Thanks to Cathi for organising the ride;)
, great to meet so many new faces. When you lead you don’t get to see a whole lot of what’s going on through the pack, I hope you all enjoyed a little of what the south coast has to offer:unsure:
Someone from the other group will have to fill you in on their return trip, but all got home.
cheers Hatto
See you out there again.
February 12, 2011 at 11:38 pm #196767LC4skin wrote:Hey Hatto whats the name of the hill in Kats photos?Don’t think it has it’s own name, it’s the hill to the lookout on monkey gum firetrail
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