Home Forums Bull Pit for Members Only Bull Pit for Members Only Aarons “KANGAROO COURT”

This topic contains 7 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Aaron Wilde 14 years ago.

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    l know its been a while since the incident has happen and wishing l was there.Aaron l think the your in the runnings for IDIOT OF THE YEAR.:laugh: The look on your face when u pulled that rag out must have been priceless. will leave the story to booney or bollocks

    lm shore the rest of the tamworthians will tell the story fully;)

    if anyone has a better team mechanic, share your story

    I VOTE FOR Aaron



    Aaron Wilde

    Yes I am far from a mechanic but i have a go anyway. That is not the worst thing I have done! Once I pressed one of those plastic spacers that hold needle bearings with the pin right through the bearing! It oozed through the needles like butter! Yes I have done some stupid stuff!!!! More to come when I remember!! Must have something wrong with that part of my brain…. that is if i have one.:laugh:


    would have been funny to see the guys faces after they pushed and pulled u tamworth and back:laugh:


    Aaron Wilde

    Bloody thing was locking up under compression in 2nd had to tow it in third till we gave up. Lucky we had 2 mechanics on the trip! to make up for the dick!


    Ron Birrell

    Nothing could have topped the look of realisation on Aarons face when someones smart alec comment was the actual
    Now that was GOLD:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Something suss about this. he has rag trouble and wears lingere:sick: you judge!


    Aaron Wilde
    snowy09 wrote:
    Something suss about this. he has rag trouble and wears lingere:sick: you judge!

    Funny now I think of it thanks for bringing that up Snow. All the trouble seemed to start after I became an alter boy:laugh: . Remember it was you snowy who brought that frilly top for me to wear! Why would you have that sort of thing in your possession ?? I was just the only person stupid enough to put it on, everybody knows I fit that mold:cheer: . And remember the only reason I put my wife’s t shirt on was cause I fell over in the creek and was bloody freezing and felt embarrest to ask for a warm hug:blink:


    I would just like to take this opportunity to say sorry for subjecting everybody to this crap thread!! Aaron is the best bloke I know and he is a way better rider than me. I have done heaps worse things in my garage but I am still in the closet with that stuff. Maybe I might build up the courage to tell you all one day. Once again sorry and I will buy you all a beer on the Mexico ride and you can scab all my smokes and I will not say a thing.:blush:

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