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This topic contains 16 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by glenn 13 years, 10 months ago.
April 10, 2011 at 1:37 pm #99747
Left home 7.30am Friday only to receive another call from Boll just before I went out of range. He had changed his mind for the 15th time and was now coming again and bringing a few of the other Tamworth crew.
Arrived on site only to find Ev had been waiting for me for 40 minutes. We kitted up and headed out for a while whilst waiting for Nathan to arrive (he had warned us he would be late). First up, L Plate hill. I got a bit stuck off the line on the way up and Ev powered past, so now I was not only late but the weakest link in the riding group. The day was just panning out as planned.
We then headed off to do one of the single trail loops. I lead the whole way with a wr 450 parked 2.5mm from my rear guard. After one lap I thought I had better give Ev his head and got him to go first on the second lap. He was off and I just starting to think he would have the billy boiled before I finished when here he was on his hands and knees looking for the almost extinct three toed gecko under one of the rocks on the side of the track. He wasn’t convinced they were extinct because he tried finding them in a few more spots before we finished the lap. We never took the easy way up any hill for the whole weekend and I never pre warned any of the boys about any of the conditions coming up (it was the only way I had a chance of keeping ahead of most of them) and everyone preformed admirably.
We came back picked up Nathan, changed my flat and headed back out. We covered a fair slab of all the trails on the southern side before lunch and it was only day 1. We then headed out to the north. By this stage Ev was starting to get a few cramps. He was popping magnesium tablets faster than school girls can get sex at St Kilda football club. He never whinged and wouldn’t let us take it easy on him. Funnily enough when we were doing some of these trails again on day 3 he asked me if he had done them before because he was too delirious to remember the first time. Finished up in the dark on day 1 and we still hadn’t had time to crucify anybody on the teetor totter.
Day 2. Waiting for Aaron. Surely a man who so publicly defamed other old bulls for no shows would arrive. Apparently he’d heard the goats weren’t in season at the moment and decided to wait another day. Blue and Max joined joined us today and a few other day riders from Gunnedah tagged a long for a bit in the morning. Ev had recovered and his powerade supply had been refilled. We headed out and put everybody through the harder single trail loops on the southern side. The only bike that didn’t make it was a DRZ but I’m sure it would of if Boony was at the helm.
After lunch the teetor totter and the scraper tyres could wait no longer. The endurox track had been enhanced since my last visit. The scraper tyres are like riding over mountains and the long pile of loose bricks is a challenge to stay on. I could never stay on the bricks for the full length before they spit me off. Had a crack at the teetor totter whilst no-one was looking. Straight off with the bike ending up balancing perfectly upside down on its bars and seat and still running. 2nd attempt was no better. Nathan had a crack and rode off the side but managed to stay on the bike. This early display of riding skill really inspired the other totter virgins to have a go. Finally Ev succumbed to the pressure and lined up for a go. It was a spectacular dismount from a great height. Not to be put off he backed straight up and powered over like a pro.
Then we headed out to let Ev loose on some hill climbs. The competitive spirit is not dead let me tell you. Max, Lonnie and Ev went head to head consistently increasing the progress up the hill. We did hear the mating call of that rare bird, the fuket bird, a few times though.
Day 3. Whilst finishing off breaky the tamworth convoy rolled in. Boony, Aaron, Steve, Damos and Pep. No Boll though. He had the “flu”, maybe it was the swine flu I’m not sure. Pep had got his day off to a good start by smashing a roo on the trip out. Took the boys out to the lookout on the northern side. Boony was wondering if I was just making the trail as we go and we should be paying him to cut it in. The boys showed no respect to the lead rider. Had a little trouble on one of the hills and they all just power past and leave me in their wake. The boys stopped complaining when they saw the view and Ev got to see what flat land looks like and still be able to remember it.
Boony thought “cock rock” was a little small but Aaron reminded him that it was cold up here. Peps day just got better when he flipped out his bike on header pipe hill and bent his bars and sub frame. Did a bit of grass track after lunch and this suited the mighty banana that much that we had to do it again for good measure.
Pep and Boony had run out of steam by this stage after there efforts the night before combined with an early start and returned to the cars for a rest. We then took the boys up every big hill on the southern side. Everyone but me conquered Cat hill. I caused a bottle neck on Bundy hill but at least I made it. I think everyone must reallly like me because they were saying my name a lot at the bottom of the hill where I jammed them up. Couldn’t hear the other descriptive words they were using though. Aaron got to show us his new trail cutting skills on the side of the boundary fence hill. We’ll have to put a sign up to ensure others don’t go that way by mistake now.
Thanks to all that came. It was a good weekend. Special thanks to the Tamworth boys who made the effort to come for the day on Sunday. Hope you all enjoyed it. I didn’t get any photos at the front (I was never that far in front) but others will put them up soon hopefully. Body is a little sore today.
April 10, 2011 at 10:16 pm #199295Good report Roy
sorry i couldn’t make it
didn’t fancy sneezing inside my helmet all day :sick:could be swine flu
Bol :woohoo:
April 10, 2011 at 10:53 pm #199315Suday started saturday arvo, Pep rocks out towin the trailor with the kwaka sitting proudly in the middle, we threw on the predator and the Old bull WR 250. then the cans came out,(down tools).
The alarm goes off at 04.30 sunday morning, I was lying there awake waiting for it.
Pep rolls up at 5 , we hooked up the trailor and headed for dirt bike teritory. We got as far as my front gate and the mobile goes off, Its a message from Bolls saying he was dying and he wont be coming. in typical old bull fashion we threw his bike off and took of for a day on the bikes.
We met Damus and eventually Aaron,( if he is getting a prize at the chrissy party can it be a alarm clock).Brekky had and then we are off. All was going sweet, the boys were carry on on the 2ways and then about 2 ks out of upper horten the trip turned to shit. A wallaby played chichen with a 5 post bull bar and lost, This roo literally exploded when it hit and it even managed to go through the steel mesh and trashed the grill and a driving light.
Blood and uts every where, aaron was 100 mts behind and he also got covered in the stuff.We got to the territory about 8ish and said gday to all. We kitted up and headed for the hills. The DRZ was out of its league on some of the trails bundy took us along, but I just had to suck it up and deal with it. that look out was awesome. we played along some more dead end trails and the we found ourselves at header pipe hill. Knarly looking hill climb, it was here i was wishing we had left bolls WR on the trailor so we could all have a go using it to get up the climb.
Peps day once again got bad as on one of his attempts he flips the kermit and it landed smack on the bars,,(trash one set of bars).
We went back for lunch after saying farewell to belloev.
The arvo ride was around what is gunna be the pony express track. the grass gully with all the bermed corners was fantastic fun, yes I asked could we do it again. Pep and I headed for the cars as we were stuffed, we had forgot to pack food and drinks for the trip. others did offer there stuff and maybe We should have taken it.
We said our farewells when the boys got back and we put Aarons bike onto the trailer. heading home it was getting dark and it started to rain, roo guts and water on the screen is not a good combo, visibilty stopped at the dash. We even took a wrong turn and when we realise it we went to turn around and stuff me dead if we didnt drive straight off a culvert. Yeah we are not having fun now,.
We got back home , totally stuffed so we just pushed the trailor into me shed and Pep left. he rings me 1/2 hour later to tell me he has a flat on the ute. He had a day from hell, poor bugger.
The riding at the territory is good, it is challenging in places and relaxing in others, Get out there and have a look people. you wont know if you dont go.Thanks for leading Roy. Thanks for sweeping Blue
April 11, 2011 at 2:04 am #199296Day 1
Me Roy and Nathan rode the south side,it was a mix of open grassy trails and tight rocky singles.Both Roy and Nathan “race” so the pace was fast,I kept up for a short while but my lack of rock experience started to show.I hade a few stacks one the bigest in ages the impact broke the headlight globe and dented the front rim (matches the back one now).We rode on to Cat hill ,steep and rocky it took a few go’s.We had lunch and Roys mate Max joined us and we headed to the mountain on the north side.Sweet singles with alot less rocks lead us to the awesome views on top.
By now I had about a dozen cramps and could hardly stay upright,thanks to max for the pills and brake lever.
We headed back to base.
Day 2Us the Narrabri crew , the owner Blue and 3 guys from Gunnedah headed up L plate hill. Then rode some “pony express” single track to Bundy hill. the guy on the DR had the worse tyre I have ever seen and struggled on some sections.
Soon after they droped off and we headed for the big one Horse power hill ,its as bad as they get, it has a 1 in 2 gradient and is rocky as.Only 15 have ever made,even the owner Blue has only made it once.No one did.
Lunch then the endurocross track.The teeter totter was intimidating and when trials rider Nathan and Roy both wipedout on their first attempt I was worried,but Blue called me out so I had to step up.I came off once but landed on my feet then made it ,phew.
Lunch,then onto the motorcross and endurocross tracks.The teeter totter was intimidating and when gun trials rider Nathan and Roy both wipedout on their first attempts I was worried,but Blue called me out so I had to step up.I came offbut landed on my feet and then made it.Phew.
We rode some nice trails on the north side and ended up at Headerpipe hill,a tricky little first gear hill.Cramps forced me to quit after about 10 go’s.
Day 3
The Tamworth boys arrived with bits of kangaroo splattered all over their utes.We rode the mountain again,it was even more fun without cramps.Then, with 20 minutes untill had to leave, were back at Headerpipe hill.REVENGE I was stocked to make it on my third and last attempt.
Thanks to all the guys especially Max and Roy.Bike Territory is an awesome place and is heaps better than camping.Blue is a good host and a top bloke the trails are many and varied and I hope to get back there soon.
Cheers EvApril 11, 2011 at 10:22 am #199323Great report Ev. Sounds like an epic weekend and one I will have to add to the must do list. If you missed some hills they must be tough!
April 11, 2011 at 10:08 pm #199325Here are some vids from the ride (hopefully)
This is headerpipe hillThis is Nathan on Horsepower Hil
This is Roys KTM boiling on a hill. In fairness to KTMs this hill was at least 20m long.April 11, 2011 at 10:10 pm #199354I cant get the links to work Bevo..
April 11, 2011 at 10:11 pm #199355Im not sure what Im doing Boony
April 11, 2011 at 10:19 pm #199356Try it now Boony
April 11, 2011 at 10:28 pm #199357BellingenEv wrote:Try it now Boonyworks a treat mate,,
Did ya get home alright????
April 11, 2011 at 11:18 pm #199358Yeah, went through Bundarra only took 4.5 hours.
April 14, 2011 at 3:08 am #199297Sorry it took so long to do my report but Boon said im always late so I could not go against his word. I still don’t think I was late as I was there at 515 and Pep said we would leave Maccas at 530 so :blink: . So after we found out that Bollocks had developed the black lung :laugh: and would not come we headed off. All was going well until Pep decided that $1.10 was not fast enough and had to lead the charge so I sat back and followed. Problem was he has one of those sissy alloy bullbars :laugh: and they don’t take a hit that well. As you might have seen by the pics. The road trip went well after that. The guys were still having breakfast when we turned up but it was not long till we were riding. We headed off to the northern side and we had a ball on the singles on the hills. Dahmus was having one of those days and the hills were trying his ttr a bit. I almost ran straight into the back of a Drz(guess who) when he went through a wet gully. For a change I stayed upright through the water but the fact that I could not see around Boony meant I had to react a little faster than I would have liked :laugh: .I almost high sided not long after in front of a corner man when I gassed it up a little early on the sweet grass track so I decided to ride to stay upright from then on. We got up to some great lookouts on the mountains which was a great backdrop for a rest. From there we went to header pipe and again it was too good for me
. And after seeing Pep loop it out I decided to give up. At least I got up petti coat. Nathan made header pipe look easy on his sweet husa 300 and Belingen EV got to the top as well which was lucky as he said he was not going home till he cracked it
From there we went back to camp but we stopped at the enduro cross track as we knew it would be too much after a feed. I had a go on the Teeter totter and I managed to put my feet down like trainer wheels so even though I made it I considered it a fail. Lonnie egged me on to go round the whole track and It was great fun although a little scary at times . :blush: The rope bridge was cool and unlike anything I had tried before
A must try . The sand between the logs introduced me to the deck again which was funny. The scraper tires were not that hard but they freaked me out and I almost put my bike over them Ghostie style much to Lonnies enjoyment. From there we had lunch then headed out to sample some of the new pony X track around the pit area. It is sure to make spectating a lot more interesting with some tabletops and a lot of tires to climb over. We then headed out on the pony x grass track area where Boony creamed his pants and he had to go back along it again. :cheer: What a ball it was though good call mate. We then headed up the main hill and then attacked L plate. From the bottom pep and boon decided to end things on a high/low note and headed back. We then hit Post???? Cutters and tried out my poor rut riding ability. I enjoyed the challenge but wish I could ride them better but don’t we all. We then hit Fire Ball and it was as difficult as I remember but Roy decided to balk Lonnie which caused a bottleneck on the hardest hill climb of that run :laugh: From there we made our way to Cat hill and I was very pleased to get to the top as I have failed every other time :cheer: .I did stop twice though and one one of the occasions used a flatter section of an erosion off ramp to get a run up as you could not restart on the hill as you would just form a trench. Towards the top the bike boiled and I had to stop for us both to recover. :laugh: Anyway a technical win but not a real trophy for the pool room yet. By now I was starting to get stuffed but i was constantly reminding myself I had not ridden the 2 days prior like the other guys so I had to suck it up. We then headed for the fence line boundary run and I had a great deal of trouble on a hill climb much to everyone else s enjoyment but I was killing my bike
. I ended up trying second with some clutch and I found the traction I was missing out on before and I got to the top. :cheer: The hills kept coming though and while they were fun I started to cramp up which have never done before even in ironman pony x events so the ride really was hard(for me). We hit the last lookout at the top of Horsepower hill and nobody even mentioned attacking it which would have been ridiculous for me anyway. We then headed for camp and although Steve gave us another scare with a moderate speed front end loose we got back OK only to see Steve fall off his truck when he put his bike on… Scary stuff but no injuries phew. Boon and Pep then took my bike back to Tamworth on the drive from hell. And to put their drive into perspective I had a shower and drove the 260 k to Goondiwindi stopping twice for food/fuel while they did 167 k. Man that would have sucked sorry you had to go through that guys. Anyway I got to Dalby at 1130pm and I was hammered but it was all so worth it. Thanks again Blue for the use of a brilliant ride park and also Bundyroy for all you lead work and organizing. Sorry work had to interfere so I could not be there for the whole ride.
April 14, 2011 at 5:49 pm #199422Aaron, thought you were getting a bit emotional on that boundary run hill. There was quite a lack of respect shown for machinery for one brief moment. Don’t worry though, we collected your dummy and it is now mounted on the fence you nearly took out.
April 14, 2011 at 10:09 pm #199463I cant comment bundy,,at least he had a go at the late arvo run…
Once again mate,,thanks for the day. I will be coming out to sweep ride for the pony express when its on…….
April 20, 2011 at 7:41 pm #199298http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4cPQItP76U
Well I finally got around to posting this up sorry for the delay. Ange has an 8 gig limit and my 1 gig work one does not last long because I watch sooo much porn :laugh: :whistle: Boon in this one tries a little bit of showboating and almost hits the tree but the vid does not show that part well sorry. The only people to have trouble on this hill was Bundyroy and dahmus go figure…!! I thought my video would end up evidence in a coronial inquest so I gave up filming Dahmus fairly early in the piece. The other bloke showing Roy how to do it was Lonnie. :laugh:
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