The clock is wrong at the moment on this site …..just a bit of trivia

This topic contains 5 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Adrian Lee 13 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #99869

    Bob Dowsett




    Adjust it in your profile Robert time zone + or –


    Bob Dowsett

    i’m no computer buffon but the clock on computer says 7.54 and the latest post message clock says one hour ahead



    Mines the same Bob, Chris told me once you go into your profile and then edit and its there somewhere mate. The site time is world wide so you adjust it to your time zone understand :blink: be it your case where you live one hour and twenty years behind :laugh: :P



    Adrian Lee
    Bob wrote:
    i’m no computer buffon but the clock on computer says 7.54 and the latest post message clock says one hour ahead

    if i can do it Bob anyone can :laugh:


    Bob Dowsett

    sorry forgot to change it from when i was in new caledonia yesterday:whistle:

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