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This topic contains 43 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Nick Jackson 12 years, 10 months ago.
May 9, 2011 at 8:53 pm #99879
Last October Mal Coorey or Mal from Sutto’s as most of us know him, was diagnosed with cancer and at the time, I wrote the below regarding the charity tuff jugg and Mal.
An Old Bull who is very well respected and liked amongst the OBT community, has been given news which we could all be faced with, being diagnosed with Cancer and is in the fight off his life. The member in question is Mal from Sutto’s. Mal has been
on riding bikes mostly KTM’s forever, he has represented Australia at the ISDE, ridden A4DE’s and ridden more miles than most of us dream. Mal has been known to OBT for over two years now and has helped so many here at OBT. I am lucky enough to be able to call Mal a close friend, I have been able to witness what an amazing man he is first hand, at work and in his private life. His knowledge of bikes and all that is bikes, has always amazed me. Now watching Mal battle this terrible disease, I have to say I am both humbled and in awe of the way he conducts himself and continues to worry about everybody else, well before himself, something that I am not alone in noticing. Mal has been absent from Sutto’s since he
received the news. Mal is supported by family, friends and the motorcycle
industry and I am sure takes all our best wishes.It is with a heavy heart I regretfully write that Mal lost his fight today. Mal never complained, never whinged and was only concerned with everyone else around him and how we were dealing with him being sick.
Today one of the best people I could ever hope to meet, was taken way before
his due time. He never had a bad word about anyone, always saw the good side
to anything, he had a customer following that most sales people would kill for, because of who he was and how he carried himself and work, on the trail or wherever he was a true gentleman in very sense of the word.His passion for riding and all that was bikes was never ending, his knowledge with tyres, tips, tracks and anything bikes seemed endless. He did it all with bikes, including representing Australia in Italy at the ISDE, yet was the most humble man I have meet. Yet as passionate as he was about riding and bikes, Mals love for friends and family had to be seen to be believed, everyone that knew him loved him, myself and my family included we used to love it when he came for dinner especially the kids as he never forgot them when he came here.
So I say goodbye to a true friend everyones friend.
Happy trails mate, I will miss you
May 9, 2011 at 9:16 pm #200878very sad news indeed Mal is a great bloke and will sadly be missed by the motor cycle fraternity.
ride on ol mate ride on
May 9, 2011 at 9:33 pm #200879This is a sad day indeed for us at OBT that had the privilege to deal with, and even better still to personally meet Mal.
When I received the news from TB, I was am still am lost for words, gutted actually.
As TB mentioned, Mal was always the one who put all others and their needs first, a truly gifted and accomplished rider (I will never forget the sight of Mal & his lady friend on the 990 passing me on the back wheel into Mllfield):blink: :laugh:So I can only pass on my deepest condolences the Mal`s family and closest friends, also I hope to be able to raise a can or two in his memory on the Birthday ride with all who attend. Actually, I have packed up for the evening now and am having a can right now,,,
Mal, you were a true legend mate & will be sadly missed I am sure,,,
R.I.PMay 9, 2011 at 9:56 pm #200880Sincere Condolences to Mal’s family and friends
I have know Mal since his ProRider days, talking and sharing with him 660 Rallye info I had collected as I was rebuilding a few at the time.
Great Loss!!!
God Speed Mal
May 9, 2011 at 9:57 pm #200899sad news indeed. I had many a long conversion with Mal every time a rang Sutto’s to get parts for the kids bikes. Nothing was ever a problem always keen to help. A true gentleman RIP
May 9, 2011 at 10:02 pm #200901Condolences to family and friends.
I never met Mal but by the sounds of it the world is less of a place with his passing.
May 9, 2011 at 10:13 pm #200900Nicely written TB.
I had the pleasure of dealing with Mal when preparing my bike for the 2010 A4DE and the advice, tips and tricks he gave me will stay with me forever. I spent countless hours in Suttos shop just chating about bikes and gear that would help get me through the event. At the end of day Mal was more interested in me enjoying myself while riding than getting any places.
One great memory of Mal is on the Orange to Hill End ride. We were coming back into Orange on a wide open dirt road and I was on a slight bend as a corner man. I could see about 1km of road which had a few rises in it. Mal came into sight on the 625 and launched into one of the longest wheelies I have ever seen. All way past me and over the hil. Just awesome to witness. I have a video somewhere which I will post.
R.I.P Mal
May 9, 2011 at 10:16 pm #200902Very sad news for everyone that knew Mal, I only ever spoke with him on the phone and never had the pleasure of meeting him but from all the stories I have heard he was an absolute legend.
My deepest condoleances to his family
May 9, 2011 at 10:21 pm #200904R.I.P mal.
May 9, 2011 at 10:30 pm #200881Sorry to hear this sad sad news..
R.I.P Mal
May 9, 2011 at 10:36 pm #200906I was lucky enough to meet Mal on a couple of occasions and a true gentleman he certainly was. To his family and friends I offer my deepest condolences and take heart in the thought of him wheelying through the clouds.
May 9, 2011 at 10:49 pm #200882Claire, Ryan and I are very sad at the news of mal’s passing, he was a really really nice bloke and I will always have fond memories of him. He was a big asset to procycles when he worked there and also at sutto’s nothing ever to much trouble a true gentleman.
Only the good die young RIP.May 9, 2011 at 11:23 pm #200883A sad day indeed.
The few times i met Mal at Suttos he was always helpful and open for a chat.
Made the whole experience worth coming back for.
My condolences to all his friends and Family.R.I.P
May 9, 2011 at 11:30 pm #200903Get that video out Mal would love to see heim doing what he loved. Remember the motard ride we did to Newy? I can still remember you yelling over the blue tooth “TURN AROUND CHECK MAL OUT!” there is Mal on his 990 two up wheel standing bloody unreal. What a legend
May 9, 2011 at 11:49 pm #200884Yes, That is the same trip to Newy when I met you guys at Wollombi Tavern, walked into the bar & the first bloke I laid eyes on was Mal:) It was the first time I actually met him face to face & his happy voice was unmistakeable.
Shortly after we left the Tavern was where he ripped past me on the 990`s rear wheel :woohoo: AWSOME
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