06 kx85

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    just wondering if anyone has had any experiance with these bikes and what they think of them am looking at buying one . how reliable are they .am not much of a kawasaki lover :whistle: but this bike is in good nick and theres not much round



    Mick had one or still does, he never had any real problem actually the only dramas they had were rider induced (hose ripped of and continued to be ridden, kids :laugh: ) or Mick induced in the workshop repairing hose failure. His is a 100cc now as he converted it to a big wheel and hasnt looked back ;)

    I would say they like any of the 85cc bikes are a good thing. All these sorts of bikes are only as good as they are maintained, there are no bad jap 85’s now days IMO, half of the bikes are made in the same place anyway :laugh: :laugh:



    Mick D

    TB is right, we have had an 06 KX85 since it was new and it is an awesome bike, it has done a heap of hours both racing and trail riding. My young bloke flogged the wheels off it and it blew up a few times but that has to be expected when a 2 banger has done that many hours all the trouble started when the power valve wore out and hit the piston.

    Because they have a power valve they are a lot easier to ride than the YZ85 as they produce a bit more bottom end power which makes them a good little bike for trail riding too.

    We also had an 04 that Moose bought off me and he still has it, all 3 of his kids have raced it and it has been flogged even harder than the one we still have and it is still powering.

    Couldn’t fault it in the scheme of things, if the price is right buy it.



    I reckon you’d be to big for it Rocket :woohoo:

    Ollie :laugh: :laugh:


    Ollie wrote:
    I reckon you’d be to big for it Rocket :woohoo:

    Ollie :laugh: :laugh:

    :woohoo: prably am Ollie but was suprised how much bottem end it had single track weapon :kiss: think the kids like it .price is a bit up there made an offer old mate said he would ask his misses and get back.thanks for the replies TB and Mick



    White rocket,they are a good thing ,you can change the barrel straight over to 100cc.
    only thing is they are not case reed induction like the rm’s.they do run better.,dont think front suspention has all that much adjustment.
    Gassit would be the dude to talk to.



    got the kx today also looked at a ttr125 it was in better nick and a better buy but took it for a ride and could not do it to the kids and buy them a dogy 4 stroke there no fun .just hope it goes for a while and changes my attitude about kawasakis


    Mick D

    Any questions or advice, just ask mate. Is it a small wheel or a biggie?




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