2 day full Navigation ride 3rd and 4th of November from St Albans

Home Forums The Adventure Moto Riding Forum Adventure Ride Gatherings 2 day full Navigation ride 3rd and 4th of November from St Albans

This topic contains 214 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 12 years, 4 months ago.

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    Trailboss wrote:
    Have updated the rider list on the first post. 5 comfirmed going and 5 in pencil :blink:

    Whats with ChrisADV Pete?


    Just spoke to ChrisADV, he is thinking of going fancy dress on his Vespa just to stir shit up.

    Pencil him in


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Ace wrote:
    Sounds like its gunna be a cracker of a weekend. :laugh: Still waiting on word from the wife on her work roster.

    Wouldn’t mind pairing up with a couple for the trip(seeing i don’t have a GPS yet – working on it)

    Happy to sleep where i stop and ride down on Friday arvo if you want to hook up Eagle and KFish?

    You in Strucky?


    Plan hatched then mate,,, Get your leave pass sorted,, we can meet ya at the same spot we met for the Sunny Corner run (time to be advised) ;)

    Sounds like its a goer mate. Be good to catch up ;)



    Ace!!!! Just tell the missus I said it was ok for you to go.


    Dwayne O

    YEAH,,, That`ll work :laugh: :whistle:



    PTW…your the reason she has me on a leash :P

    Na, just got the all clear.

    Lock me in Eddie :woohoo:

    Now can i tell my boss you said i could have a half day on the Friday as well Pete? :blink:



    Hello Boys and you to Pete the wulf. I will go on this ride but not on a vespa Ace besides it wasn’t a vespa that was a 800 BMW same thing I can understand your mistake :laugh: I am not staying at the same place as you guys and you Pete the wulf. To much trouble you guys are you having baileys nite caps again that’s gay you did drink a bottle and a half in 20 mintues but it is still gay you to Pete the wolf. Strucky are you going if you dont who will get TB’s boots off when he is passed out drunk at 2am after throwing ace on the roof and tackling everyone in the hall like ten pins



    Just spoke with Strucky and he is go for launch :woohoo: So according to Chris I won’t have to sleep in my boots :laugh: :laugh: :pinch: :P




    Looks like the wulf pack is getting the band back together, :woohoo: this is going to be a cracker of a weekend.

    Ace,,,,,,,,behave :laugh:

    Strucky,,,,,,,put the camera down :ohmy:

    Chris,,,,,,, :P :P :P :P

    TB,,,,,,,,the hallway is not a bowling alley 😆 :silly: :side: :pinch:

    PTW,,,,,,,,stayin B)


    Ian Kersley

    unable to attend lads got a pinched nerve in my back that has been giving me some greaf for

    three weeks and doesn’t look like letting up :( . Sorry to miss this ride

    sound like its going to be a ripper .



    Dwayne O

    Thats no good at all Bones :whistle:

    All the best for a speedy recovery mate ,,,,



    I’m in!! :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Spoke to the minister and the deal has been signed off. :whistle: :ohmy:

    Bring it on!!

    Lefty ;)


    Dwayne O

    Good news Left One ;)
    See ya there mate

    for the start at least :whistle: :laugh:
    Then I`m riding my own pace ,,,



    Good stuff Left one all signed off. See you are getting yourself prepared on the conversion thread. Am looking forward to this one myself.
    If everyone going can get themselves a riding buddy or two to keep an eye on one another it would be a good safe thing, going on past rides (like the ADV Moto two day) it may save someone even yourself some grief. Small groups or pairs travel better and are especially safer if it’s dusty.
    Once people have themselves a ride partner post it up so others know please. This ride should be able to go ahead rain, hail or shine as the route should handle a fair amount of rain before it becomes a problem.
    I also need everyone to bring the lead that plugs into their GPS on the friday night please



    Lefty wrote:
    I’m in!! :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Spoke to the minister and the deal has been signed off. :whistle: :ohmy:

    Bring it on!!

    Lefty ;)

    Good to here Lefty. Looking forward to checking out the conversion on the Kato


    Dwayne O

    Don`t care who I get to team up with to be honest,,,
    As long as he has a GPS thats more readable than mine :laugh:

    Just need to get the rubber on & new pads front & rear and I think I`m ready to go

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