2 day full Navigation ride 3rd and 4th of November from St Albans

Home Forums The Adventure Moto Riding Forum Adventure Ride Gatherings 2 day full Navigation ride 3rd and 4th of November from St Albans

This topic contains 214 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 12 years, 4 months ago.

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    I agree Eagle…not to fussed about locking in riding teams atthis point. I am sure we will all start together and see what happens eh.

    I will just be cruising and enjoying the scenery :whistle:

    Got some camping gear today and ordering the racks and panniers next week…

    Shouldn’t need the ‘wide load’ pilot vehicle this time :laugh:


    Dwayne O

    My rubber is sitting in the shed (went MT21`s again) Front & Rear , they willl go on during the week leadup…
    Need to get new pads next week and throw them in & thats it,, ready to roll ;)

    Sounds like we might be a riding pair then Ace , Cruising & checkin` out the hills along the way :laugh:



    Sounds good Eagle. Just let me know the meeting time a bit closer to the date and i’ll be there. ;)



    I have decided to stay ay Kelso pub see contact details and a few rooms have been booked

    Kelso Pub

    They don’t have many bookings as of this morning at 10am so if you are keen giddy up :laugh: Bathurst was chosen because it is easy to escape to down the black stuff if you want an out or have been held up




    Just booked. They said they only have 5 room left for that night.


    I’m booked for Saturday night, just need to sort Friday now.


    St Albins Pub is booked out so I guess I will swag it in the park.


    Jeffro wrote:
    St Albins Pub is booked out so I guess I will swag it in the park.

    Swagging there myself sunday night when its said and done, getting on the cans as such :P


    Trailboss wrote:
    I have decided to stay ay Kelso pub see contact details and a few rooms have been booked

    Kelso Pub

    They don’t have many bookings as of this morning at 10am so if you are keen giddy up :laugh: Bathurst was chosen because it is easy to escape to down the black stuff if you want an out or have been held up


    All booked ;) Thanks for the info TB

    I think I am swaging it though on Friday at St Albins :huh: :(





    Thanks Tb

    All book for Saturday night



    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Don`t care who I get to team up with to be honest,,,
    Just need to get the rubber on and I`m ready to go

    :ohmy: :( :unsure: Bloody hell Eag’s, we are talking ride partners not sexual partners!!!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Don`t care who I get to team up with to be honest,,,
    Just need to get the rubber on and I`m ready to go

    WTF!! Eags you you are coming on a little strong mate is that part of your foreplay in Newcastle :blink: :blink: :laugh: :laugh:

    TB :sick:


    Jeffro wrote:
    St Albins Pub is booked out so I guess I will swag it in the park.

    Just spoke with Flying Fish (Amy) who had minutes ago gotten off the phone from St Albans pub and had booked two rooms for friday night the 2nd of November (we are riding saturday 3rd and sunday 4th) She said that there were still two rooms free if you want to get onto it again Jeffro. You didnt book saturday night by mistake did you?




    So who is riding with who? It would be best that people dont ride on their own, we saw what happened on the ADV Moto ride when Misusone rode off on his own and crashed. If not for a young bloke camping he would have been in serious trouble no one knew where he was. If there are at least two of you someone is always looking out for you. Could be a group of 3, 4 etc but at least no one on their own is all I ask. Dust will be a problem if to many are togther, two can ride together and avoid to much dust. We have all day to get to Bathurst it isnt a race. So who is riding with who?

    I am pairing with Pete the Wulf as we both have the same bike (halfs what we need to carry)

    Gold Fish
    michael1968 – From ADV rider
    MT – From ADV rider
    Flying Fish

    (In pencil atm are Boulder, Flying Fish’s friend?)


    Dwayne O

    Stuffed if I know whats goin` on ,
    Think Ace & I have an agreement to pair up, sort of :woohoo: But more are welcome to join in :kiss: :laugh: :laugh:

    I booked a room Saturday night at the Kelso today,, was going to camp but then realised “It is Bathurst and the past few weeks have dished up some cold shit” :blink: So booked a warm bed just in case…

    As for the friday night,,,, I thought camping was the decision, planned to cart the gear so might as well use it :whistle:

    Looks like the same for the Sunday night , I may have swindled an RDO for the Monday ,,,,

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 215 total)

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