2 day full Navigation ride 3rd and 4th of November from St Albans

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    No worries Eags will put you with Ace then and add whoever whenever ;) I have got a room Friday night only because I need a power point etc to load GPSs from my laptop (thats my excuse and I am sticking to it :laugh: ) Bathurst well I thought it would be a social gathering and its easier at a pub and easier to find etc if people roll in late :laugh: :pinch: :blush:
    Am rolling the swag out Sunday night in the park at St Albans


    Gold Fish
    michael1968 – From ADV rider
    MT – From ADV rider
    Flying Fish


    Dwayne O

    Amy might be interested in pairing up with us (maybe not) :S
    We made a good group on the Sunny Corner trip I thought (pace wise I think suited her), but she is now an accomplished APC ADVer, GS Safari gun so she might be able to show us some new tips too :laugh:

    Suppose we will just see how the group pans out on the sat anyway ;)
    Numbers are growing steadily,, I spoke to another last night that may be keen too if he can talk his ride buddy into it :whistle:



    Definately camping on the Friday night.

    If anyone misses out on a room at Kelso, they can use the floor space in my room – no problem.

    Sunny corner was a good pace so happy to team with the Eagle and anyone else who wants to take in the scenery.

    Working on the Monday myself…have to wait and see closer to the date. ;)


    Dwayne O

    Sounds good to me Ace ;)

    Same goes for floor space in the room if needed on the night…
    Some cold weather could make camping out a disaster out that way :unsure:

    Talking to TB, the route sounds like a cracker ,,,, As they usually are B)
    Great work mate



    This is turning out to be one of those weekends to remember :woohoo: :)



    Yeh I am happy to team with anyone. Camping Friday night but hoping to be home Sunday, I don’t work Monday so no big deal if I don’t get there though.


    Dwayne O

    What time you thinking of heading down on the friday Jeffro ???
    I am tentatively aiming at 4pm to meet Ace at Cooranbong,,,

    Depends on the north coasters really and their expected arrival time in Newy,, We could have a convoy on the way down maybe :)

    I also was thinking of returning on the Sunday,,, hopeully this RDO works out though to have some leeway just in case :whistle: :laugh:


    pete the wulf wrote:
    This is turning out to be one of those weekends to remember :woohoo: :)


    :laugh: :silly: :side: :laugh: :silly: :woohoo: :side: :S :sick: :pinch: B)



    Gday Eags.
    What time can we meet you at,as where thinking of leaving early to have a dirt squirt on the way down,to relieve the black top boring as shit route.
    cheers Toes


    Dwayne O

    I will be home from work about 2.30 then planned at this stage to leave here about 3.20 to meet Ace at 4.00 at Cooranbong then up over the Wattos and out to Bucketty and south on the dirt again to St Albans …

    Depends on you guys a bit if you really want to meet up,, not sure wha time Pete was thinking of just yet,, working on it to get a convoy together if possible ;)

    Talk to the Wauchopians (if you can get any sense out of `em) :laugh: & let me know mate :)

    I just pm`d you my number to make it easier to sort mate



    Thanks Eags
    Will have a yarn with the lads and see what goes on.
    Mate in hindsight,you gave me your ph no.
    Friday text for you to now.


    Dwayne O

    Yeah Toes,,,
    Pete & I will be ready to meet you guys any time after 3pm.
    Depending on where you guys come into Newy will organise a spot to meetup.

    Ace is good and just waiting on a time to meet near Cooranbong (MT Falk RD) , all good ;)

    Just one thing,,,

    Don`t leave it till too late on friday to text ,,, I have been to a few Shed Parties at Micks remember :whistle:
    I need to be able to decipher the message :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Don`t leave it till too late on friday to text ,,, I have been to a few Shed Parties at Micks remember :whistle:
    I need to be able to decipher the message :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    His texts are wrong, the worst pictures that will have you shaking your head until it falls off Eags. I normally delete them without looking they are WRONG! You have been warned



    Dwayne O

    I remembered that after I gave him the number :blink: :pinch:

    Maybe I will cancel my SIM card :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    Thanks Eags
    Dont worry about messages young bloke trashed my phone yesterday,ive got nothing.
    Any ideas on some good track down that way ,as i get lost as i leave wauchope.

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