2 day full Navigation ride 3rd and 4th of November from St Albans

Home Forums The Adventure Moto Riding Forum Adventure Ride Gatherings 2 day full Navigation ride 3rd and 4th of November from St Albans

This topic contains 214 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 12 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #230116

    Dwayne O

    Moose or Kram have both already done it a few times,,
    But I can look at it later if you really need me too ;)

    Depending on your time you guys have


    toes wrote:
    Thanks Eags
    Dont worry about messages young bloke trashed my phone yesterday,ive got nothing.
    Any ideas on some good track down that way ,as i get lost as i leave wauchope.

    I have a heap of tracks to Wauchope from Newcastle area but how do you load that on your GPS without lessons :laugh: :laugh:



    Dwayne O

    :) thought that too :P
    I reckon Between them they will find the way,,,

    I will crack the lids of a few cold ones & the smell will bring them in :laugh:

    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    What time you thinking of heading down on the friday Jeffro ???

    Not sure yet mate, I have Friday off as well so I can go anytime but will probably hook up with the convoy in the arvo. Will let you know on the day.

    Trailboss wrote:
    Jeffro wrote:
    St Albins Pub is booked out so I guess I will swag it in the park.

    Just spoke with Flying Fish (Amy) who had minutes ago gotten off the phone from St Albans pub and had booked two rooms for friday night the 2nd of November (we are riding saturday 3rd and sunday 4th) She said that there were still two rooms free if you want to get onto it again Jeffro. You didnt book saturday night by mistake did you?


    I didn’t see this post earlier, sounds like I may have asked for the 3rd instead of the 2nd. I will get onto it in the morning. I better check what I booked at the Kelso as well :D


    Yeah I,m happy to ride with whoever also. ;) As for the pub stay I might swag it in the van if i drag the bike down on the trailer. I will see what happens eh! :dry: It’s going to be a cracker either way I reckon. :woohoo:



    Just spoke with Boulder and he is in, he is trying to sort Pebbles out as well



    Got the second last room at St Albans, 1 left if anyone wants it.

    4568 2111 is the number, you will need to have a credit card handy


    Dwayne O

    Looks like it will be a very quiet campground :laugh:
    All the hardcores are pubbing it it seems :P

    I`ll slum it on the grass with ya Lefty :laugh: :laugh:


    Dwayne O
    Trailboss wrote:
    Just spoke with Boulder and he is in, he is trying to sort Pebbles out as well


    Numbers are on the up & up ,,,
    Great Crew :woohoo:


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Looks like it will be a very quiet campground :laugh:
    All the hardcores are pubbing it it seems :P

    I`ll slum it on the grass with ya Lefty :laugh: :laugh:

    You read half a post again Eagle :cheer: :laugh: Lefty isn’t slumming it on the grass he said he might swag it in the van! Or are you going to

    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Just need to get the rubber on and I`m ready to go

    Maybe he is getting in the van with you Lefty :P :unsure: :sick:

    There will be plenty camping myself included Sunday night.


    Trailboss wrote:
    Just spoke with Boulder and he is in, he is trying to sort Pebbles out as wellTB

    How is Fish getting on, he can’t be far away from a come back?


    Jeffro wrote:
    Trailboss wrote:
    Just spoke with Boulder and he is in, he is trying to sort Pebbles out as wellTB

    How is Fish getting on, he can’t be far away from a come back?

    He is fine I rode with him on the TK ride last month he rode his DRZ. It’s the Austrian shit wreck that is the issue, seems as though one of the stand bolts runs through the engine case. When he bottomed it starting the crash the stand got hit cracking the cases and doing about 7k damage. Luckily it’s insured, then there has been a hold up getting cases. Boulder was waiting on an after market stand mount kit at the time of the crash



    Fish and Fishfinger are in PLEASE!!


    Dwayne O
    Trailboss wrote:
    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Looks like it will be a very quiet campground :laugh:
    All the hardcores are pubbing it it seems :P

    I`ll slum it on the grass with ya Lefty :laugh: :laugh:

    You read half a post again Eagle :cheer: :laugh: Lefty isn’t slumming it on the grass he said he might swag it in the van! Or are you going to

    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Just need to get the rubber on and I`m ready to go

    Maybe he is getting in the van with you Lefty :P :unsure: :sick:

    There will be plenty camping myself included Sunday night.


    :laugh: :laugh:

    On a brighter note,,
    New hoops are on this arvo , new pads went in the other day, pannier racks are on.

    Lets Go :woohoo:

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 215 total)

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