2011 Northern Inland Pony Express Dates

Home Forums Ride Gatherings NSW Rides 2011 Northern Inland Pony Express Dates

This topic contains 41 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  James Rookyard 13 years, 9 months ago.

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    Aaron Wilde

    huskybloke wrote:

    im thinking of doing this , 1. im not shy for a bit of a drive for a ride( hell i even drove to adelaide to buy my bike), 2. iv always wanted to race something be it a car or a bike and 3. surely i can only learn to be a better rider out of it ….?? WHY NOT!

    Great series for your first race experience. You don’t have to ride really fast. If a rider comes up behind you that is faster just move off line and let them past. They have all sorts of people turn up and have a go. Riders like Josh Strang to riders much worse than me if that is possible :laugh: I have seen people pull out after one lap. I almost did. But that was on a really hard track that they do not do anymore. I have seen you ride and you would have no trouble. Just test your bike fitness next time you get out on the trails. Try riding for 2 hours straight. (minimum)Pace yourself you cant ride it at 100% you will get tired and start making mistakes. You might need to fuel up but practice that in a timed situation too. What you said is true mate you will come out of it a better rider. If you only make it to one ride make it Upper Horton the track is incredible. Dirt bike territory runs a close second. IMO.


    Bundyroy wrote:
    Good idea with the costs. Haven’t been finalised for next year but will be similar to this year.

    Pre enter $25
    Enter on the Day $45
    Club membership $30
    Club membership if already a member of one of the clubs in the series $10
    One day racing licence $50

    A bit of an explanation on all that

    1. To pre-enter just fax in entry form before race and pay the reduced rate on the day. Don’t need to send money to pre enter.

    2. All races are what’s called club race days. This means to comply with MNSW rules and insurance you have to be a member of the host club to compete. To save riders a bit of money here once you are a member of one of the clubs then you pay a reduced membership rate at the remaining races. (eg say your from Sydney and your first race is Uralla you pay $30 membership there and then your next race is Moree you would pay $10 membership there)

    3. Just to confuse the issue even more there are 3 clubs that hold two rounds. If you are a full member of a club (have paid the $30) then you pay no membership cost at the second race that they host. (eg if you pay $30 membership at Uralla you pay no membership fees at Upper Horton).

    4. Depending on how many races you plan on doing there a few ways to og with membership. Genarally the cheapest option is pay $30 at the first one you turn up to an then $10 per race after that. Just make sure you don’t pay at the second round held by the club you are a full member of.

    5. The MNSW one day race licence is not your RTA bike licence. It is effectively your insurance for racing. The insurance is pretty poor I think. You pretty much have to be borderline dead to get any money and even then it is only around $250/week for a limited time. Don’t hold me to that but that’s my understanding. The other option if you plan on doing heaps of racing (MX or enduro) is to get an annual licence from MNSW. It costs around $285/year. So it’s $50/race or $285/year whatever is cheapest for the number of races you do. The annual licence also saves a lot of time at sign on.

    Hope I haven’t confused you too much. IT sounds complicated but once you have been to a race it is pretty simple.

    Hey Bundy! Just wondering where we can get a copy of Pre-entry forms and where do we fax them to?




    Each club puts out there own entry forms generally 3-4 weeks before the race either by email and/or on their website. Usually the club that is holding the next round will also have entry forms at the race before for people to pick up too. Go to http://www.narrabridirtbikeclub.com and put your name on the mailing list and you will get all the entry forms emailed to you in time for each race. I do the emails so you won’t get bombarded with other stuff. I only do enduro related emails. The entry forms will have the fax number on them.



    Thanks mate!!

    Names on the email list.

    Uralla is only just over a month away. I’ll be there!! ;)



    So who’s doing the Bike teritory round this weekend? I’m in.



    yep im goin back for more punishment



    have they had any rain up there? and whats the forecast



    According to ‘Elders weather’ there has been no rain in the last few days and it is not likly to rain.

    Sunday will be 2 – 19 degees.



    It was a good day yesterday. It was a bit dusty for the first lap but once we spread out it was good. L-Plate hill got pretty chopped up towards the end. (I went the easy way for the last two laps.)

    Well done to all involved.



    yes, great track and a great day i come off 3 times ( one pretty hard) and had an electrical problem ( ended up being a lose connection on the coil, easy fix) probably didnt go as well as i wanted to but i did finish and felt a heck of alot better than my first one at uralla so bring on moree there only getting easier every one i do


    huskybloke wrote:
    yes, great track and a great day i come off 3 times ( one pretty hard) and had an electrical problem ( ended up being a lose connection on the coil, easy fix) probably didnt go as well as i wanted to but i did finish and felt a heck of alot better than my first one at uralla so bring on moree there only getting easier every one i do

    Good stuff Randall
    i was wondering how you went, hope you didnt hurt yourself too bad mate.
    check your phone ?


    Denman run a junior race at the same time as the senior race. Seems to go well, suits me too as my young bloke can punt his 65 around while I race.
    They use the same track(varied a bit for each race) for a 5 race series. 4 hour iron man and 5 hour pony,over 35’s and over 45’s do 5 hour pony as well!
    I did NIPES series a few years ago and loved it but sadly only the Upper Horton race doesnt clash with all our Bullinda/Denman dates this year. I am hoping a few of my local crew can make it up for that one this year. Its still the best pony track I have ridden! NIPES was the best run series I have been to as well, so am sad I cant get to any others!

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