2011 OBT Christmas party ride weekend Nundle

Home Forums Birthday and Christmas Parties Birthday and Christmas Parties 2011 OBT Christmas party ride weekend Nundle

This topic contains 348 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Nick Jackson 13 years, 4 months ago.

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    I was going to say I was not coming so I could see my name removed from the list. But I would be lying
    Me & the mighty DR can’t wait for this trip


    Dwayne O
    Puddles wrote:
    I was going to say I was not coming so I could see my name removed from the list. But I would be lying
    Me & the mighty DR can’t wait for this trip

    You have to Puds,, cause I will be in town on the Friday arvo to drag you out if you change your mind :laugh:


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Puddles wrote:
    I was going to say I was not coming so I could see my name removed from the list. But I would be lying
    Me & the mighty DR can’t wait for this trip

    You have to Puds,, cause I will be in town on the Friday arvo to drag you out if you change your mind :laugh:

    It’s all good Eags Kids have been told no racing & the super tanker has been fitted to the DR



    Dwayne O

    Sweet,Looks the goods ready to go (minus camp gear)
    I won`t need to carry an extra fuel then :laugh:
    Was considering lugging a 5ltr Jerry, but might leave it at home after seeing that mobile service station :whistle:



    Mick D

    Boony, book Luke(Gasit) and I in for whatever is going. Hopefully we will arrive on the Friday evening. Sorry Eagle, the one Friday you are in Wauchope and there isn’t gunna be a shed party. You’ll have to gee one up at Mooses place. :woohoo:


    Dwayne O
    micknmeld wrote:
    Boony, book Luke(Gasit) and I in for whatever is going. Hopefully we will arrive on the Friday evening. Sorry Eagle, the one Friday you are in Wauchope and there isn’t gunna be a shed party. You’ll have to gee one up at Mooses place. :woohoo:

    Yeah, I figured that would be the case mate :whistle:
    Shouldn`t be too hard to rustle up something up that way :laugh:

    If all else fails , I can maybe crash at my sisters place in Lake Cathie anyway :unsure:


    John Sheils

    Hi guys, I hope its not to late… put me down for Sat/Sun, i’ll head up with burgie9.


    Hey Boonster
    My maths aint real good but would I be right in asuming there will be roughly 12 ADV riders and 30 or so endeuro’s. Just trying to get my head around the numbers going to be in the packs is all.


    Aaron Wilde

    Spoke to Buzz last night. Organized to bring the Wilde Marque down and set up on Buzz’s powered sites next to Bikes and Bits one. It is about 6 meters by 6meters and has 4 side walls that can be put on if you want it closed in. Anyone paying to stay on Buzz’s powered site is welcome to stay in it as long as you help me pull it down.



    :laugh: No worries Aaron,
    Great work on securing the shelter mate


    xr torcher

    yer book me in


    Mick D
    riderx wrote:
    yer book me in

    Holey crap!!!! RiderX!!!!! Looking forward to seeing you again. We have forgotten what you look like!



    All people ADV riding from Wauchope. We will be meeting at Timbertown at 8.30am Saturday


    Dwayne O

    Thats good Puddles,
    I will sort out what I am doing as far as the friday evening early next week & let you know ;)



    Dwayne O

    I am now getting the hang of the Spot Tracker, so will be able to post up a link to the tracking page on the friday.
    That will give the families of you Wauchopians a means to watch out that we are fine & on the move if they feel like it ;)
    I know my missus will be watching :laugh:

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