2011 OBT Christmas party ride weekend Nundle

Home Forums Birthday and Christmas Parties Birthday and Christmas Parties 2011 OBT Christmas party ride weekend Nundle

This topic contains 348 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Nick Jackson 13 years, 4 months ago.

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    simon burke

    ADV riders will not be going to the berry patch for lunch,as it does not fit in the ride plans,we may stop in on the way through for a cup of iced tea and some berry pie in the morning. :kiss:
    The loop i have picked will have us somewhere near Walcha for lunch and re fueling….or lost in a state forrest somewhere :P
    We will be back at Nundle late arvo and beers will be consumed :cheer:

    Bol :woohoo:


    Dwayne O

    Are you lookin` to hook up with us out there somewhere Bolls ??? :whistle:
    We are aimng for Gingers Creek for lunch & a cool beverage before the trip over he rest of the way B)


    Bob Dowsett

    Boony & Snowy(&MIck)

    The line has been drawn once u cross it to the other side you mightn’t be allowed back

    its the DARK side , lots of wierd shit happens when u cross the line u know:laugh: :pinch: :whistle:


    simon burke
    Bob wrote:
    Boony & Snowy(&MIck)

    The line has been drawn once u cross it to the other side you mightn’t be allowed back

    its the DARK side , lots of wierd shit happens when u cross the line u know:laugh: :pinch: :whistle:

    Join us on the Dark side


    👿 👿 👿 👿 👿



    so what time is everyone ariving friday



    Hey Bollocks, Lefty has converted his bloody KTM 450 to a ADV bike or like one :laugh: (bring a tow rope) So he and I will be doing the ride ADV style to Wauchope on the Friday and coming over with these clowns (no offence Moose and Strucky :P Oh and Toes :laugh: ) so put as down for ADV, I am trying to talk another in if he can get he kegs back of his bride :pinch:

    Shed party Micks Friday night, hang over ride saturday Mick ;)


    white rocket wrote:
    so what time is everyone ariving friday

    I will probably leave around lunch time or a bit earlier so should be getting there around 3 or 4 o’clock


    simon burke
    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Are you lookin` to hook up with us out there somewhere Bolls ??? :whistle:
    We are aimng for Gingers Creek for lunch & a cool beverage before the trip over he rest of the way B)

    might work eagle..just might…depends which way you guys are going to head to nundle from Gingers…we shall have to work it some how i reckon B)


    Dwayne O

    Like I said mate,, Talk to MOOSE, HE IS the ADV TOUR LEADER from the COASTEST with the MOSTEST :laugh:

    I will be ADVing up to Wauchoppy on the friday arvo too ;)


    white rocket wrote:
    so what time is everyone ariving friday

    we will be there about mid morning rocket.



    The local police have been meet with and informed of this ride. They have no drama with it and are very supportive but they have asked for the following to be adhered to.

    1. All bikes be regoed, he will check them.
    2, The groups leave and enter town from the quickest route, he doesnt want idiot pulling wheelies up and down the streets and he has asked if we can keep the bikes away from the middle of town,( this is easy to do).The are happy with our route and he may even join us on a ride,( he can pedal real good)

    It is now being asked of you the riders that we all have consideration for the locals, and no-one digs up the carravan park when we are on the bikes. Please treat it as your own home.

    Its only a few easy requests that will assist with us being able to continue to have large gatherings at Nundle

    Failure to adhere with these simple requests will result it you being asked to leave

    Trailboss wrote:
    Hey Bollocks, Lefty has converted his bloody KTM 450 to a ADV bike or like one :laugh: (bring a tow rope) So he and I will be doing the ride ADV style to Wauchope on the Friday and coming over with these clowns (no offence Moose and Strucky :P Oh and Toes :laugh: ) so put as down for ADV, I am trying to talk another in if he can get he kegs back of his bride :pinch:

    Shed party Micks Friday night, hang over ride saturday Mick ;)


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Can’t wait! We’ll see how she goes eh! ;)


    Mick D

    Looks like putting a new tyre on the XR was a waste of money. Seems as though I am ADVing it for the weekend. :laugh:

    The Wauchope ADV contingent will most likely all need to use the services of the Marquees, I am sure the Wauchope crew will cover the costs of the camp sites that the marquees take up over the whole weekend.


    micknmeld wrote:
    Looks like putting a new tyre on the XR was a waste of money. Seems as though I am ADVing it for the weekend. :laugh:


    Shed party is on like Donkey Kong :laugh: Hang over ride to Nundle :P



    Dwayne O

    Good call Mick ;) :laugh: You know you won`t regret it ,,,

    SO does that mean the Shed Party is “back on” ???? :laugh:
    I have teed up to stay at Moose` joint and looks like Deano is now travelling up with me too ;) Hope Moose is ok with that :laugh:

    Cheers,,, BRING IT ON :silly:

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