2011 OBT Christmas party ride weekend Nundle

Home Forums Birthday and Christmas Parties Birthday and Christmas Parties 2011 OBT Christmas party ride weekend Nundle

This topic contains 348 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Nick Jackson 13 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #209257


    Hi Bollocks

    I think we are heading home on Sunday Morning, I will check with the rest if thats right.

    How long is the ADV ride on Sunday, it would be good to have a look around but I suppose it will come down to time.



    simon burke

    probably about 4 hrs mate :)
    Back at Nundle pub by lunch time.
    Nundle,Hanging rock,Barry station,Glenrock station ,Ellerston,Moonanflats…then back to nundle over crawny Mountain.
    Bol :woohoo:



    Sounds Great

    I will talk to the rest and see what they wont to do.




    Hi Bols

    Put us down for the Sunday ride I have been advise that we will leave the ride at Moonanflats to head home if thats OK.

    What sort of fuel rang will need to get to Moonanflats



    simon burke

    Bugger all mate…its just down the road :P
    There is fuel there…and a Pub !!!
    oh..and about 50 creek crossings on the way. :cheer:
    Bol :woohoo:



    For all the boys that where on the weekend pre ride,, get this. I get home and the bride says were having lamb shanks for tea. I kid you not, I asked her if it was a gee up , but no it was fair dinkum, I couldnt stop laughing..PS I hate you lot,, :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Baa Baa Boony



    Hi mate would like 2 put name in for xmass ride sat @ sun cheers TaK thanks for the great w/e off rideing


    Ian Kersley

    Hi all riding from singleton to nundle friday leaving about 1pm if anybody is interested going via stoney creek road to aberdeen then to gundy and over the top to nundle . Pm me if anybodys interested . Bol i may depart at moonanflat also . carnt see the sense in doing it twice in one day but im easily persuaded it is a great road . cheers bones


    simon burke
    k1w169 wrote:
    Hi mate would like 2 put name in for xmass ride sat @ sun cheers TaK thanks for the great w/e off rideing

    The Takanator!!! :cheer:


    Matt Baker

    Hey boys, look at my new girl friend,, how cool she can even ride the Husa ? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    rebore450 wrote:
    Hello Boony,
    Pencil me in for Sat / Sun at this stage.:)
    I have to work one of those weekends, not sure which one yet! :unsure:


    Ok Boony, you can change me to confirmed for Sat / Sun thanks. :cheer:
    looks like i’ll be tenting it!:)



    Mick D

    anyone got some spare cabin space for Saturday night for this old fart?


    Dwayne O
    micknmeld wrote:
    anyone got some spare cabin space for Saturday night for this old fart?

    Ring Heath at the park & book one old fart :P

    The small Jayco Cabins are not too bad, sleep 3, have kitchenette, fridge and are about $77 /night.
    If you book one I will go in for a bunk, you can have the double bed (which is in its own room)
    Find one more customer & we are sorted for $25 each a night ;)


    simon burke
    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    micknmeld wrote:
    anyone got some spare cabin space for Saturday night for this old fart?

    Ring Heath at the park & book one old fart :P

    The small Jayco Cabins are not too bad, sleep 3, have kitchenette, fridge and are about $77 /night.
    If you book one I will go in for a bunk, you can have the double bed (which is in its own room)
    Find one more customer & we are sorted for $25 each a night ;)

    razor would be your third i reckon…dont think he snores :P


    micknmeld wrote:
    anyone got some spare cabin space for Saturday night for this old fart?

    Take your swag you silly old fart, I have two camp sites and will shower and shit in Eags cabin ;) Yours for the taking if you can harden up a little :laugh:


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