2014 Scrapheap Adventure Ride – Nymboida – 19-21 September

Home Forums Ride Gatherings 2014 Scrapheap Adventure Ride – Nymboida – 19-21 September

This topic contains 55 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  glenn 10 years, 5 months ago.

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    Friday nights accommodation is booked. Bring it on



    Wooooooohooooooo Saturday accommodation is also locked and loaded. Time to start raising the coin. I am open to having paid sponsors stickers on the xr guys. Stand up and get your business promoted.





    please keep me in the loop Boony,whats the ggoo.room in your cabin or what.should we book some more.Is nickj going to bring lots of beer for us,are the Hondas gunna make it,is the terminator likely to be present .so many questions.



    I booked 2 rooms at the motel at nymdoyda and 4 beds at Breckenridge.not camping this year toes.





    Dont know if I have posted this before, but it is a nice build

    Its a DT400 Street ‘Scrapper’ Tracker Built by Stephen Nagle



    ECKS-Man wrote:
    I’m on the hunt for a scrapper, looking at XR, DR,TT, etc. Anyone got a lead for me? Minimal budget, even by Scrapheap standards!

    Hey Ecks I still have the XR500 if your interested B)




    Team Hillbillies are geting quite an ecclectic mix of bikes ready for Scrapheap. Including this 1969 TS250 Suzuki . . . . Classic B)

    Team Hillbilly now has a CB250, GL175, TS250, CB350, GPX750 and likely a CB750…..roll on September!




    Just to assist those planning their ride to Nymboida, there will be an AdventureMoto.com.au Ride again this year.

    Leaving Sydney on the Thursday and then departing Gloucester the Friday Morning to Nymboida, on the dirt. Happy for riders to join the ride on the Friday Morning!!

    We are in planning stages and have some great roads planned, but at this time it is just a heads up!! There will also be a loop ride organised for the Saturday



    The T-shirts and Stickers have arrived at Scrapheap HQ!!!
    If you have already registered they will be posted asap.
    If you have not registered, well now you can and get a nice red shirt and stckers for your bike
    ps: sorry about the model :whistle:



    So what are people building for this year?

    Just posted on Advrider! Like this one!!!

    Kansas Charlie has started his Scrapper build
    ‘Introducing the FZWHY250, what you get when you cross a TM250 with an FZR250, long way to go, but looks like it will be a fun ride :)



    How cool does it look.Saw in the flesh tonight,some rear suspension issues .But Charlie is
    quite handy,will be a weapon .
    carnt wait for this ride,hope he will let me have a turn on it.


    Dwayne O
    toes wrote:
    How cool does it look.Saw in the flesh tonight,some rear suspension issues .But Charlie is
    quite handy,will be a weapon .
    carnt wait for this ride,hope he will let me have a turn on it.

    Charlie`s project is sure gaining some interest, but I reckon he may need a longer stand ,,,
    Unless he`s gonna do a Lefty and carry that wooden block around to Nymboida :laugh:

    toes wrote:
    How cool does it look.Saw in the flesh tonight,some rear suspension issues .But Charlie is
    quite handy,will be a weapon .
    carnt wait for this ride,hope he will let me have a turn on it.

    Weren’t you building a 600 – 4 cylinder Scrapper Toes???


    Scrapper Update

    Graham Fuller – AKA – Yellowchops has been busy rebuilding the 2013 KTMuzuki DR250
    Rebuilt engine and back running better than ever!!
    Cant keep an old DR250 down :)

    2013 – Dusted motor


    Rebirth for 2014



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