2015 OBT Auction

This topic contains 47 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Nick Jackson 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #261125

    Aaron Wilde

    Would it make substantial difference if we had ads in threads like hunter dirt riders had? I have no idea how you would go about getting people to advertise on such a site. I personally would not care about the ads if it helped keep things going. Thoughts?


    $50 via paypal cause I love being an Old Bull ;)


    Richard W

    $160 a month. :blink:
    I use crazy domain. $4.75 for unlimited Web space and unlimited bandwidth.


    Mark Bunting

    How are we going with the money raising?? And when does the auction end??

    I know I’ve been missing in action on the rides of late but I am planning a comeback …….. at some stage. Hope the kids leave home soon :whistle: :ohmy: :pinch:

    OBT has allowed me to meet some great people on ride some unreal places and I for one would like it to be around for a lot longer yet. There’s plenty more people for me to annoy out there.

    When’s the deadline and what’s the target?

    Kram B)



    Hows it going


    TB has some items to add.




    Mick D is chasing somethings up as well I think :huh:


    I held this off as there was a promise of more items but it looks like the original list is it. Finish date is the last day of this month so if you want a piece of the auction then pm your bid.
    Check the first post for any updates.
    It is too late to add anything new so save that for Nundle if you have something to contribute.



    singletrackmind wrote:
    I held this off as there was a promise of more items but it looks like the original list is it. Finish date is the last day of this month so if you want a piece of the auction then pm your bid.
    Check the first post for any updates.
    It is too late to add anything new so save that for Nundle if you have something to contribute.


    Thanks Scott, I have two large items here that I only picked up from Sponsors on Wednesday so I will make sure they are at Nundle which I think is best. Mick was chasing up his two local sponsors but was to busy so I will do that now and get them to Nundle

    Thanks for all your work with the auction Scott, to Nick J and yourself for personally donating high cost items, for the others for donating what they could thanks heaps. The moderators job is crap at the best of times with no real reward except keeping the site going which you hope people appreciate.



    singletrackmind wrote:
    TB has some items to add.


    Yes I finally have two awesome prices now for Nundle, sorry for the delay :blush:



    Richard W


    Today is your last chance to get in and bid on an auction item. All funds raised will help to keep the site alive. Check the first post for all info and pm me if you have a bid. Auction closes 9pm tonight!!!!




    Hook in boys n girls.
    Otherwise I will have to learn how to ride a peddle bike.
    Cheap tyres there to,
    But a factory ride with ADv,why did I bid so early


    5 mins to go.




    Hey STM, I missed all the final bids action. Stuck out near scumbry Vic. Had log on issues and haven’t been able to access the bull pit to see what’s happening.

    Can you please post up or pm how I pay for items won. And all that.

    Drewpy ;)

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