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This topic contains 47 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by simon burke 10 years, 4 months ago.
August 29, 2014 at 4:09 am #259201
Thanks Boll fantastic read . What a cracker ride , must do a cape run one day .
On the edge of the seat wait for next instalment .bones
August 29, 2014 at 10:35 am #259202How good is the Cape :woohoo: , Bollocks thanks for the read. I am still laughing :laugh:
September 1, 2014 at 7:21 am #259203Day 5
Packed up camp and headed to Archer River road house to regroup and refuel. House got another flat on the way out of the camping spot. :dry:
We were greeted by a little mob of cows and calves in the parking area at the road house. The word must be out with the bovines of the north that the old bulls are here and they are queuing up to get a look at us. :cheer:
We had a little team meeting and Roy told us that this next bit of riding was going to be hard and fast and very sandy. It was decided to split the group into 2 mobs. One lot to head out to what was known as the Frenchman’s line, and the other to head north on the development rd and us all to meet at Birtie Creek.6 decided to do the Frenchman’s and the other 4 the other way. The Frenchman’s line is a bloody awesome track, crossing the Wenlocke and Pascoe Rivers multiple times. It’s just about all sand and best ridden flat bicky. :woohoo:
We stopped and had a look at an old Gold mine on the Wenlocke River before we went mental on the track. :woohoo: Wolferis had a spectacular off, dust and sand pluming into the sky like a nuclear bomb had hit. :ohmy:Apparently he has it on Gopro so I’m looking forward to that little viewing. :laugh: Lunch time had us dragging our bikes across the Pascoe waste deep with a few bikes getting a bit of water in them. A very gnarly exit out of this river. Our eyebrows were raised when mum, dad and the kids came roaring down the track to cross it..And they think we are mad?? :blink:
It was the only 4wd we saw on this track, which was good as the pace we were travelling most of the time could have made things interesting re; head-ons.(2 young blokes died last year, not with this tour company though).
Meet up at Bramwell junction Mal had a pie and we watched a chopper take off.We had a yarn to a few blokes on KTM’s. They had the shits as dirty fuel made them strap drag a KTM about 60 km through the Frenchman’s Line. KTMs?..say no more.
We started on the Old Telegraph line. What and awesome track, sandy and washouts everywhere. About 15 km from our campsite at Birdie Creek I came “a gutsa” not quite sure what happened but my bike left the track, took out a tree and spat me back onto the track. :pinch:
I decided to lie on the sand for a while and try and remember how to breathe again. After my head stopped spinning I thought “f@#$ that was a corker!!!” .I didn’t really feel like moving, so I just lay there looking up at the vast blue sky. :silly:
I heard the sound of motorbikes and thought shit, gunna have to get up now. Scott, Wolferus and Damo pulled up. They picked up my bike then I tried to get up. Holy snappin ducks, that hurts like a bastard. :ohmy: I broke my bloody collar bone. :pinch: :pinch: :pinch:
Scott rode on to tell the others at camp and Wolferis and Damo stayed there to take the piss. In between tears there were plenty of giggles. :laugh: About 45 minutes later Roy & Graham turned up on the Berg and were instant bush medics. Made a sling out of Damo’s riding jersey and jammed a few Endones into me. :S I hopped on the back of my own bike (undamaged), & Graham drove me off to the camp. He was very considerate and did his best, but 2 river crossings, sand and untold washouts nearly sent me to the loony bin. :pinch: :silly: Made it to the camp and the lads helped me get my gear off (that sounds bad I know) :huh:
Simon also had a big off and hit a tree on the same track and copped a huge bruise and swelling on his guts. :pinch: Bravely he had to ride on as he just lost his seat in the support vehicle when I turned up and trumped his injury. I was a bit pissed that I was not going to make it to the Cape on a bike, but hell, It could have been a lot worse.. so all good.Beer, pain killers and f%^$ all sleep. Can’t even remember if there was cake that night. :huh: :ohmy: :huh:
House gets another flat :whistle:
Archer River Roadhouse
Wenlocke River Gold mine
Pascoe River crossing on the Frenchman’s line :cheer:
4wd madness :ohmy:
Bramwell Junction
Old Telegraph track,still a few Telegraph posts about
My little off..and the offending tree :pinch:
sad puppy dog eyes
Bush medics
Bush Ambulance :blink:
To be continued :cheer:
September 3, 2014 at 2:15 am #259204Day 6
Shithouse sleep, if that’s what you can call it. Sore as a bastard. :blink:
The lads dismantled my bike and threw it into the back of the support vehicle. The rest of the crew headed off to finish the old telegraph track and ride through the famous Gun barrel crossing.
Roy and I headed to Heathfield Ranger station to link up with DA GERMAN. He wasn’t there. One lost German, oh well, he will turn up somewhere unless Ivan Milat got him. :unsure:
Stopped in and had a look at Fruit bat falls, very pretty place. Plenty of bumps in the road which was giving me curry. We made our way to the Jardine River and had a few tinnies while waiting for the ferry. Endones and beer were starting to take effect and I was having the time of my life. :silly:
We went and checked out a few WW2 plane wrecks around an old WW2 airbase. Roy & I Pulled up at Bamaga Hospital, this was an experience in itself. My nurse was a huge Kiwi fella. He swore like a trooper and asked if I had had any pain killers, told he about the Endones ad he said “F%$# Bro…we can’t even get those !!!”Little Indian Doctor turned up and jabbed his finger into my collar bone & declared it broken. I nearly declared his jaw broken.X ray machine was broken down, so the big kiwi Nurse handed me over to his cousin and she made me a nice little foam sling for me.
We headed off to Liberty Beach where we were to be camping for the next 2 nights. We found DA GERMAN at the entrance to the camping ground asleep next to his bike. :laugh: DA GERMAN was very rooted. We set up camp and DA GERMAN collapsed on his camp bed in the sun where he stayed comatose for the next 4 hours. :huh:
The rest of the fellas turned up with wild stories of Wolferis riding off a bridge and crashing into the wing of a WW2 plane wreck. Everyone was pretty excited as we were now at the Torres Straights and tomorrow we would be at the tip of Cape York. :woohoo: Cold beers on the beach watching the sun set massive feed that night with steak and chocolate cake.
Bloody well had to sleep on a camp chair that night, not much fun in that. :pinch:
The lads riding
Fruit bat falls
Some other falls the lads went to
Speaking of falls…hello Wolferis :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Jardine River Ferry etc
WW2 plane wrecks and the wing House pushed Wolferis intoHouse 2 -Wolferis 1 :laugh:
My big Nurse and little Doctor at Bamaga hospital :cheer:
Liberty beach
to be continued :cheer:
September 3, 2014 at 8:35 am #259205Awesome report n pics Boll,,,,,Bummer about the shoulder mate,yu must have been spewin over that.
Cheers Teza.September 8, 2014 at 10:13 am #259341is this a ride report or the complete series of Days of our Lives…..
hurry the fuck up Bols :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
September 8, 2014 at 10:48 pm #259457menace wrote:is this a ride report or the complete series of Days of our Lives…..hurry the fuck up Bols :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
cool your jets Menace :laugh:
I didn’t realize you were such a fan of “Adventure Ride Reports”
Might get to do the next instalment this arvo, not easy writing with your arm in a bloody sling :blink:
Bol :woohoo:September 25, 2014 at 7:22 am #259206Day 7
Shizenhouzin sleep in a camp chair last night. :angry: Collar bone is killin me. :pinch:
Today is the day we hit the very top of Australia. Everyone was pretty pumped. :cheer:
The lads fuelled up in town and I wished them all good luck as the rode off towards the tip. Roy and I headed out in the support vehicle and wasn’t that a bumpy bastard of a road. :blink: We parked on the beach at Frangipani Bay and greeted the lads as they landed on the beach one at a time. :cheer: :cheer: The tide was out so we could walk around to the headland via the beach. We all posed at the sign and photos going off everywhere. It truly was a feeling of accomplishment and achievement to ride this far through such a variation of country. It was as epic experience to finish the trip with my two ugly mates, House and Wolferus..even if I was in the support vehicle for the last little bit.
Once we all finished our Yeharrs, Woohoos and Yeah Baby’s !!! :woohoo: :woohoo: We headed South.
The lads took off to another beach to ride like mad units and do the best they could to kill each other and do their best impersonations of Steve McQueen :laugh:
Roy and I went off to collect some firewood and get some lunch ready .The rest of the afternoon was ours to do as we pleased. House and Wolferis went fishing and I went for a chopper ride with Simon & Chris. Beers on the beach at sunset, very cool.
The final dinner was exceptional. Roast lamb with all the trimmings, all from the camp oven again. :cheer: Some very interesting conversations around the campfire that night. :whistle:
Drifted off to sleep chockers with Endone on another glorious” King coil” camp chair with my head resting up against a tree. :pinch:Simon shows us his guts at breakfast :sick:
The rd to the tip
Croc bait
Frangipani Bay..the arrival :cheer:
the top of Australia :woohoo:
Get in da chopper :cheer: ..Torres straights, Jardine river and the Tip etc
The fishermen
Last night in paradise :woohoo:
To be continued :cheer:
September 26, 2014 at 8:17 am #259207Day 8
Woke up with ants in my hair and just before the sun rose over the sea. :blink: Got the campfire going and jammed about 10 ciggies into me. More drugs please. :silly:
We had a big breaky and packed all our stuff up. The lads rode down to the wharf in Seisa with their board shorts and bike boots on. A rather humorous sight indeed.They all gave their bikes a little kiss goodbye and we all bundled onto the ferry to head off for the morning at Thursday Island. Graham & Jordan waved us off and were probably pretty happy to see the end of us. :laugh:
The trip to Thursday Island was about 45 minutes and it was very relaxing. Abandoned ship at Thursday Island and made our way into the township. We attacked like good tourist do, buying souvenirs left right and centre. We did our best to support the local economy. House and I decided to check out Green hill which an old fort was built at the turn of the last century to blow the communists out of the water if they ever turned up. It was also used in the first and second World Wars. Plenty of history and learnt a lot about the area, its people and its past military and pearl history. Everyone else was at the pub. :woohoo: Eventually House and I joined them and we drank scotch in the most Northerly Pub in Australia. Very cool.
We made our way back to the wharf and got on another ferry which took us to Horn Island. Wolferis gave me another Endone and I slept on the flight all the way back to Cairns, I think I snored. We landed in Cairns and Renae Kunda met us at the airport with our kit bags. We also scored a t- shirt with the Company’s logo on it. We went back to our motel and had a really really good long hot shower. Not that I need one, but the other two stunk like pole cats. :sick:
For some strange reason we were hungry little Hippos and walked the streets of Cairns looking for some bloody Jap restaurant that Wolferis was dying to go to. We eventually found it and those bastards made me eat Eel. :sick:
We were proper chockers and had eaten what felt like a small whale calf. We rolled back to our Motel and ran into a few of the other fellas on the way back who were looking a bit glassy eyed and enjoying their last night in Far Nth Queensland.
We caught our flight back the next morning and our Epic Adventure had come to a conclusion. What a trip, what a life experience. “Cape York motorcycle adventures” is the company to go with if you are thinking of doing a guided tour up this way. They are exceptional. :cheer:
To my wingmen House and Wolferis, cheers for looking after me after I bit the dust, but really, you could have gone that extra yard and assisted me when I needed to wipe my bum. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
I couldn’t have asked to two better blokes to have either side of me on those dusty tracks of Far North Queensland.Cya later and don’t come back
The ferry
house found a sleeping buddy :cheer:
Thursday Island,fort and pub.
Horn Island
the last supper:cheer:
The End (Except for the videos that I will post…one day)
Bol :woohoo:
October 6, 2014 at 11:14 am #259208This is the best record Ive got of the trip. And the gut has fully recovered!
Thanks Bollocks.
October 7, 2014 at 12:37 am #259209Glad to see you didn’t die from such a festy gut wound Simon :sick:
Welcome to OBT mate
You have just entered a parallel universe :laugh:Bol :woohoo:
October 21, 2014 at 12:05 am #259210Finally starting to put the vids together. :huh:
This is my first attempt at the gopro edit softwareEnjoy
Bol :woohoo:
October 21, 2014 at 2:59 am #259963BOLLOCKS wrote:Finally starting to put the vids together. :huh:
This is my first attempt at the gopro edit softwareEnjoy
Bol :woohoo:
Good Stuff Bolls, that beach is the same one we stopped at for photos with Kram, Moose and Jacko after our night at PK’s
More please
October 21, 2014 at 3:25 am #259211October 21, 2014 at 6:53 pm #259967Good stuff Bollocks!
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