3 stooges, Nundle adventure.

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Mick D 9 years, 8 months ago.

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    Mick D

    After 5 days on the Gold Coast doing the shopping centre and theme park thing a ride with Moose and Kram was just what I needed. And what better ride than to Nundle, to catch up with some old mates from Old Bulls and a drink or two around the fire pit.

    A gentleman’s start saw us head off from Moose’s place at 9am, headed to Waitui and then across to Gloucester. Normally we would head over Barrington Tops to Moonan Flat but I had spied another route on a map than needed some investigation. It involved Curricabark and Carters Roads through to Tomalla Station and down to Elliston. Not really knowing how long the route was we tackled it anyhow, it was about 2pm when we headed in there and as the shadows got longer and the higher we went the views got better and the air temperature started to drop considerably.

    As I said the views were great!




    WE eventually got to Elliston Station after 4pm with Barry Station Way still to tackle, it became evident we were going to be arriving at Nundle after dark. As it started to get dark the wildlife came out to make the ride more exciting for us with Roos, pigs and wombats all having a go at putting the wind up us. That combined with crossing the creeks in semi darkness made for an interesting trip indeed.

    By the time we reached Nundle it was dark and bloody freezing! Thanks to Toes for greeting me on arrival with a beer and a room with the air cons set on 30 degrees.

    The usual shenanigans went on at the pub until we were turfed out and headed for the ring of knowledge at the caravan park. A great night was had by all, some had a greater night than others and it showed the following morning, especially Toes who looked like death on a stick. Toes was desperately running around looking for trailer space for his Tenere as he really wasn’t up for the return trip with Moose Kram and I. To no avail Toes couldn’t convince anyone to let him in the car with them so he had to harden up and ride with us.
    After what appeared to be a spew in the carpark of the pub….

    He seemed to get some colour back, green is a colour.

    We headed off with toes following up at the rear, and at each corner it was evident that he was struggling as we had to wait for him, sometimes it was a 2 durrie wait. That is not like Toes at all.

    A awesome run through Cooplicurripa Station and then on to Cells road before hitting Kirriki road through to Knodingbull saw us in Elands in no time, this is when it got the better of Toes and he slabbed it from there on his own. Moose Kram and myself all decided that a run through Bago down to Wauchope was in order, a few main trails and a couple of singles for old time sake filled in the rest of the afternoon nicely before a team decision decided that it would be rude not to head to Bago Tavern for a debrief before we headed home.

    All in all a great weekend riding great roads and trails, then catching up with all the old crew!



    Sounds like a great weekend Mick. We’ll done



    Nice ;)



    Nick Jackson

    Sounds great Mick !!! How good is it when Toes pays the price :D


    Nickj wrote:
    Sounds great Mick !!! How good is it when Toes pays the price :D

    He was in great form around the fire pit :whistle: :laugh:



    Mick D

    I was glad to be looking at the world through my eyes on Sunday, it would have been pretty blurry looking through Toe’s eyes!



    Good old Toes, he never fails to deliver.


    Mick D

    Kram got himself a new phone and here are some of the pics he captured on our adventure.

    Waitiu Falls near Hannam Vale.


    Flat Rock Lookout provides awesome views over Lansdowne and the Manning Valley



    Newby’s Cave is a secret little spot I found on a previous ride.



    A late afternoon run through Tomalla station rewarded us with brisk mountain air and awesome views


    Kram seems to think that there was some degree of devine intervention in this pic but we all know that God really hates DRs


    Waiting for Toes to get his shit together at Nundle Pub


    Durry stop at the corner of Cells Road and Cooplicurripa Road.


    Kram all excited about the ride debrief at Bago Tavern



    Mark Bunting

    Top weekend! It was just what the Dr ordered.

    Does anyone know if Toes is still alive. He doesn’t deserve to be :whistle:

    It was great to catchup with one and all, and I seem to recall talking aroung the fire pit about trying to and swing past the hospital to say G’day to Boony and his Goats.

    Unfortunately Toes would never have made it if there was traffic involved.

    Hey Larry and Curly where to next.

    Kram B)



    Very envious of the trip lads. Have done Curricabark and Carters following a shower of rain which is very entertaining on the steeper hills !!


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