3rd Annual OBT Birthday Ride Weekend, 28th, 29th May 2011

Home Forums Birthday and Christmas Parties Birthday and Christmas Parties 3rd Annual OBT Birthday Ride Weekend, 28th, 29th May 2011

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    Cheers Rocket will get you to do some sweeping on Sunday thanks mate

    Saturday Mal and Medogrocket are leading (green vests) Crash and Chicken will be mid sweeping (pink vests) Micknmeld camera duties (pink vests) STM, Nickj, Lefty and myself will be the 4 rear sweeps (orange vests) 4 for just incase we will sweep the whole day




    TB, I do not want to hijack a good thread, but from past experience, I recon you might just want to ask Micknmeld to actually grab a camera that is actually charged as he is the ride paparatzi..he will know what I mean.. :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:




    Ok here it is I will donate a gold coin for every time I have to pull out of the shit or help up a decent hill one of those god awful Fonda 6fitty pieces of shit :laugh:

    Ollie B)


    Ollie wrote:
    Ok here it is I will donate a gold coin for every time I have to pull out of the shit or help up a decent hill one of those god awful Fonda 6fitty pieces of shit :laugh:

    Ollie B)

    Gees my first thought was you are unbelievably tight Ollie then remembered the Mayor is going :laugh: and you couldn’t afford that :P
    Listen Ollie I would donate a dollar for every piss poor excuse make for you and your light weight, rekulse equiped enduro weapon can’t climb a hill that both the XR650 and XR600 made it up say a certain little hill at Coffs (even Crash got up on the 6th go) but the national debt couldn’t support that ;)

    Just donate :P




    Now folks that has got to be a record :laugh: hook line and sinker ! :laugh:

    No problems donating mate Im always good for it very worthwhile. Especially when evry one gathers around the log of knowledge :laugh:

    Ollie (you would never catch me riding one of those BRP’s)

    Trailboss wrote:
    Ollie wrote:
    Ok here it is I will donate a gold coin for every time I have to pull out of the shit or help up a decent hill one of those god awful Fonda 6fitty pieces of shit :laugh:

    Ollie B)

    Gees my first thought was you are unbelievably tight Ollie then remembered the Mayor is going :laugh: and you couldn’t afford that :P
    Listen Ollie I would donate a dollar for every piss poor excuse make for you and your light weight, rekulse equiped enduro weapon can’t climb a hill that both the XR650 and XR600 made it up say a certain little hill at Coffs (even Crash got up on the 6th go) but the national debt couldn’t support that ;)

    Just donate :P




    :laugh: :laugh: It was more of a swing at the Mayor :laugh: :laugh: but whatever makes you laugh anyway is ok by me after all I did enough laughing at you trying to get up the hill at Coffs :P :laugh: besides Menace holds the record he reeled me in once on 3 minutes yours was 11mins almost as slow as you :laugh:

    As for passing :laugh: you aint never passed me have you but you and I know I have got you more than once :P

    Hey I think Nickj is donating a prize for the worst attempt at the widow maker its a bike rack :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: true :P

    Thanks for the laugh Ollie its good tonight cheers mate I needed it :)




    Hey I passed you on the adventure ride at Wauchope ;) I did get to clear a swathe of Lantana to do it but a pass is a pass :laugh:

    Ollie B)



    Ok if you say so :whistle: we can sort it out over a rum hairy legs :laugh: will see you at Capertee eh ;)



    Mick D
    Ollie wrote:
    Hey I passed you on the adventure ride at Wauchope ;) I did get to clear a swathe of Lantana to do it but a pass is a pass :laugh:

    Ollie B)

    I didn’t realise it was a race..:blush:

    I may be slow but I have finished every OBT ride I have attended (bar the Watagans, where I still turned up, even though my leg was in plaster) ;)



    Hey I was thinking instead of the log of knowledge maybe we could throw a pig on the fire, should be able to rustle up a few bucks if we pass the hat around :laugh:



    Mick D
    Ollie wrote:
    Now folks that has got to be a record :laugh: hook line and sinker ! :laugh:

    No problems donating mate Im always good for it very worthwhile. Especially when evry one gathers around the log of knowledge :laugh:

    Ollie (you would never catch me riding one of those BRP’s)

    Ollie B)

    Ollie, for one, your legs are too short to ride a BRP, then again they are fat little legs, at least you could hold one up. :dry:

    Besides, If you had a XR, what excuse would you have, to have to go to the Shed EVERY night? :laugh: They aren’t made in Europe mate. ;)



    mate already have an XR (81 XR500 ) and the technology has not changed much from then to now :laugh: the 500 is probably lighter and even cooler to ride B) I would have to spend endless time in the shed because Honda make stupid things mainly to appease the yanks , look at the triple clamp :ohmy: desert racer written all over it
    what about those pathetic rh footpeg brackets or the pain in the arse oil filler cap :blink:

    all time in the shed

    Ollie I know XR’s :laugh:

    micknmeld wrote:
    Ollie wrote:
    Now folks that has got to be a record :laugh: hook line and sinker ! :laugh:

    No problems donating mate Im always good for it very worthwhile. Especially when evry one gathers around the log of knowledge :laugh:

    Ollie (you would never catch me riding one of those BRP’s)

    Ollie B)

    Ollie, for one, your legs are too short to ride a BRP, then again they are fat little legs, at least you could hold one up. :dry:

    Besides, If you had a XR, what excuse would you have, to have to go to the Shed EVERY night? :laugh: They aren’t made in Europe mate. ;)


    Mick D

    Sorry Ollie I forgot you had a XR500. Thats why you got the Gasser. Same colour and performance. :laugh:

    Sounds like you have been studying the XR pretty good. Didn’t you know masturbating will send you blind?

    I bet you wished you had an XR so you could rally enjoy a longer ride like the Sofala ride.



    Good idea Ollie, a pig On the fire sounds good.
    A big pig
    A big red pig :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Sorry guys did that just cost me a dollar?:)


    micknmeld wrote:
    Sorry Ollie I forgot you had a XR500. Thats why you got the Gasser. Same colour and performance. :laugh:

    Sounds like you have been studying the XR pretty good. Didn’t you know masturbating will send you blind?

    I bet you wished you had an XR so you could rally enjoy a longer ride like the Sofala ride.

    :laugh: :laugh: blind :dry: or make me start wearing outrageous polka dot jerseys :laugh: Im going blind already :( and” as you knooowwww (said in a bernie fraser tone ) my hand is freakin useless for having a W@#k!! :laugh: dont go visual :laugh:

    and yes Pete that is at least a dollar or a fiver for NickJ’s bike carrier raffle :laugh:

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