3rd Annual OBT Birthday Ride Weekend, 28th, 29th May 2011

Home Forums Birthday and Christmas Parties Birthday and Christmas Parties 3rd Annual OBT Birthday Ride Weekend, 28th, 29th May 2011

This topic contains 498 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 12 years, 3 months ago.

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    Alright you two topic ok :laugh: and get a room :P




    sorry :laugh: man im hanging for this ride

    just have to alter my gearing a bit B)



    Ollie wrote:
    sorry :laugh: man im hanging for this ride

    just have to alter my gearing a bit B)


    I am as well mate be good to see you and have a ride and a rum



    I’m happy to do some sweeping duties too.


    Jeffro wrote:
    I’m happy to do some sweeping duties too.

    Cheers Jeffro will take you up on that on Sunday




    I don’t mind sweeping either TB or any help you need just let me know what I can do.



    Don’t worry Ollie some super tight single track in the pines will have the BRP riders wimpering on each others bar pads. :laugh: :laugh: and our super cool Euro machines will be loving it :woohoo:

    Oh and TB I’m not doing sweep duties. A bike like mine doesn’t deserve to be at the back of the group :P A rider like me does but not the bike. :laugh:


    mal5.1 wrote:
    Don’t worry Ollie some super tight single track in the pines will have the BRP riders wimpering on each others bar pads. :laugh: :laugh: and our super cool Euro machines will be loving it :woohoo:

    Oh and TB I’m not doing sweep duties. A bike like mine doesn’t deserve to be at the back of the group :P A rider like me does but not the bike. :laugh:

    Hasnt this thread gone to the dogs :P , where are the bloody Mods :whistle: its all good a little trash talk but seriously Mal you wont be sweeping Champion your leading saturday.

    It must be those euro trash Gas Gas’s because Mal you never made excuses until you got one, even with all the other left field bike you have in the museum :laugh: Now you sound like Ollie you should hear his excuses, why I passed him on the big hill on Micks ride a couple of years ago, why he couldnt get up the widow maker, why I smoked past his brother up the hill on the poker run when his brother was riding the Gasser oh the excuses why the tread fell off his rear retread at Louee, why his boots wont do up, why he wont turn up for this ride and that ride, why his soap doesnt have a rope :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    No seriously Mal with all your hard work no sweep duties for you. I am going out there on Sunday to possibly find a different camp site, when I say different I mean bigger. It will need to be somewhere we can get the firewood delivered as you need a fair size fire to get 60 people around let alone camp all the peeps and bikes and support vehicles etc :ohmy: :ohmy:

    There will be no whimpering from Chicken, Crash, Moose or myself we will handle it, Mick umm :unsure: :laugh: :laugh: :whistle: bring it on Mal, bring it on.




    :laugh: :laugh: good one mal :laugh: like Pete said we dont need wood we will just throw a pig on the fire :laugh:


    I am so excited I have already packed my camping gear B)




    Back on Topic

    It will be cold, very cold it seems see below temps for Sofala this weekl, will be the same or colder by end end of the month


    With so many people going can we just use a little common sense when packing please. Each person we have worked out should only need;

    1 X 20 litre jerry can

    A folding chair

    Back pack with over night clothes

    Swag or tent

    Esky with food and drink, be best if you can buddy up with a mate as far as the esky goes

    Thats it really you don’t need anything else. There are close to or more than 60 people going we need to move all the gear. No gear bags ( to big ) as you can wear the same riding gear both days. If you wish to argue with Tiny that your bag isn’t to big, good luck

    If you bring to much the support guys will ask you to half it in the carpark or they wont take it !!

    More later

    Yes very excited STM



    So what,,,,,, the sleepng bag and fully loaded can are all ready to go? That must have taken you ages to get ready :D :D :D :P



    is anyone bringing a barby or are we going with the fully loaded cans (may just bring a small pan for the fire)


    Mick D

    If you are attending this ride, be sure you read the first post in this thread. It is imperative that you understand what to bring as space in the support vehicles will be limited.


    singletrackmind wrote:
    I am so excited I have already packed my camping gear B)


    That made me laugh STM :laugh:

    Would’ve taken all of 30 seconds to pack. Throw a beanie in this year mate.

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