3rd Annual OBT Birthday Ride Weekend, 28th, 29th May 2011

Home Forums Birthday and Christmas Parties Birthday and Christmas Parties 3rd Annual OBT Birthday Ride Weekend, 28th, 29th May 2011

This topic contains 498 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #201717


    Yep read the first post but I added the self inflating mattress to the discussion. I’m one of the young blokes but even I don’t like sleeping on the ground. They roll up ok but I’d say mine would be a good 40% of the Total luggage still, if you know what I mean. If it’s all gravy, it’s all gravy.


    Dwayne O

    It will make it easier to distinguish who owns what etc

    We also have had some items left behind in cars or trailers in the past & it makes it easier to return to rightful owner if labelled ;)

    Bring it on,,,,,, Can`t wait 5 more sleeps :whistle:



    Yeah good point Eags ;)

    Cans instead of bottles as well guys, glass breaks rolling around in that rear of ute and cans crush and are easier to cart away, we néed to take all our rubbish with us.



    Adrian Lee

    I started packing today :woohoo:

    have borrowed a swag from a mate, much better than buying one :laugh: sleeping bag packed.

    Both bikes are prepped (WR is coming as insurance for tempremental berg)

    tool bags and spares packed so someone else can use them if i break down :blush:

    i purchased a slab of carlton draught cans just have to sort out the food now.

    Bring it on :woohoo:


    Dwayne O

    Go you good thing VTB ;)
    I also started sorting my gear this arvo, bike gear is ready, just have to sort the crap to be able to pick up the 690 now :whistle:
    If all turns to crap, I will still have a ball with my Support role anyway :) More time to drink cans :P

    What time you expect to arrive in sunny Sydney mate ????


    singletrackmind wrote:

    Mmmmmm Boony predicts snow for that weekend along with the occasional shower of rain…..


    Adrian Lee
    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Go you good thing VTB ;)
    I also started sorting my gear this arvo, bike gear is ready, just have to sort the crap to be able to pick up the 690 now :whistle:
    If all turns to crap, I will still have a ball with my Support role anyway :) More time to drink cans :P

    What time you expect to arrive in sunny Sydney mate ????

    Hoping to get in around lunch time mate.


    Dwayne O
    Boony wrote:
    singletrackmind wrote:

    Mmmmmm Boony predicts snow for that weekend along with the occasional shower of rain…..

    BOONY knows what BOONY can do with his weather ideas this time :P
    You should be coming with us ya twit :whistle: :laugh:


    Dwayne O
    aido wrote:
    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Go you good thing VTB ;)
    I also started sorting my gear this arvo, bike gear is ready, just have to sort the crap to be able to pick up the 690 now :whistle:
    If all turns to crap, I will still have a ball with my Support role anyway :) More time to drink cans :P

    What time you expect to arrive in sunny Sydney mate ????

    Hoping to get in around lunch time mate.

    Check your pm`s then mate ;)

    Boony wrote:
    singletrackmind wrote:

    Mmmmmm Boony predicts snow for that weekend along with the occasional shower of rain…..

    I predict High jelousy with the chance of crying like a baby in tamworth B)



    got a 30 pack of vb cans :woohoo: problem is there half gone now will get the bike organised tomorrow i hope 👿 may need another carten by next weekend but


    Dwayne O
    Corey8 wrote:
    Boony wrote:
    singletrackmind wrote:

    Mmmmmm Boony predicts snow for that weekend along with the occasional shower of rain…..

    I predict High jelousy with the chance of crying like a baby in tamworth B)

    B) “GOLD” Corey :woohoo:


    Corey8 wrote:
    Boony wrote:
    singletrackmind wrote:

    Mmmmmm Boony predicts snow for that weekend along with the occasional shower of rain…..

    I predict High jelousy with the chance of crying like a baby in tamworth B)

    Love your work Corey :laugh: :laugh:

    Sorry Boony I know why you can’t come :( but that’s funny shit !! :P



    Trailboss wrote:
    Corey8 wrote:
    Boony wrote:
    singletrackmind wrote:

    Mmmmmm Boony predicts snow for that weekend along with the occasional shower of rain…..

    I predict High jelousy with the chance of crying like a baby in tamworth B)

    Love your work Corey :laugh: :laugh:

    Sorry Boony I know why you can’t come :( but that’s funny shit !! :P


    The high jealousy is a probability and the crying is a possibility, but the rain and snow are a definite….. the rain god has spoken!!!!!! 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿

Viewing 15 posts - 346 through 360 (of 499 total)

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