3rd Annual OBT Birthday Ride Weekend, 28th, 29th May 2011

Home Forums Birthday and Christmas Parties Birthday and Christmas Parties 3rd Annual OBT Birthday Ride Weekend, 28th, 29th May 2011

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  • #201820


    Key points to make the weekend work for everyone

    – It will be cold, very cold.

    – To have your gear transported you have to pay Tiny your $20 donation. If you don’t pay Tiny you don’t get a lucky door ticket. Means you miss out on prizes

    With so many people going can we just use a little common sense when packing please. Each person we have worked out should only need;
    1 X 20 litre jerry can
    A folding chair
    Back pack with over night clothes
    Swag or tent
    Esky with food and drink, be best if you can buddy up with a mate as far as the esky goes
    That’s it really you don’t need anything else. There are close to or more than 60 people going we need to move all the gear. No gear bags (to big) as you can wear the same riding gear both days. If you wish to argue with Tiny that your bag isn’t too big, good luck

    – Please bring cans instead of bottles they crush up and are easier to carry away and throw in a plastic bag for your rubbish

    – Make sure you know how the cornerman system works link here

    – Bring your lunch for Sat and Sun. Saturdays lunch can stay with the support vehicles because we will be at the camp for lunch before the afternoon loops

    – Bring Cash for the auctions cause there are a heap of good gear up for auction

    – We are gathering at Blaxlands McDonalds at 5.30am Saturday morning if you wish to follow

    – Riders briefing 7.45am for everyone going, you don’t need to be dressed to ride but need to be at the briefing, miss it you miss the ride. Capertee is I reckon 1hr 45mins from Penrith

    – If you bring to much the support guys will ask you to half it in the carpark or they won’t take it !!

    – If you bring to much the support guys will ask you to half it in the carpark or they won’t take it !!


    Adrian Gale

    Yeah Mal no dramas. Do I need to plan a loop before hand or will I be able to link up one of our normal loops? More drops of rain! I suppose it will be warmer at night than with the frost! Cheers:side:


    Jeffro wrote:
    I am taking the Berg tez if you want to have a go ;)

    Yeh! Thanks Jeff,I’d be up for a go on it.



    Key points to make the weekend work for everyone

    – It will be cold, very cold.

    – To have your gear transported you have to pay Tiny your $20 donation. If you don’t pay Tiny you don’t get a lucky door ticket. Means you miss out on prizes

    With so many people going can we just use a little common sense when packing please. Each person we have worked out should only need;
    1 X 20 litre jerry can
    A folding chair
    Back pack with over night clothes
    Swag or tent
    Esky with food and drink, be best if you can buddy up with a mate as far as the esky goes
    That’s it really you don’t need anything else. There are close to or more than 60 people going we need to move all the gear. No gear bags (to big) as you can wear the same riding gear both days. If you wish to argue with Tiny that your bag isn’t too big, good luck

    – Please bring cans instead of bottles they crush up and are easier to carry away and throw in a plastic bag for your rubbish

    – Make sure you know how the cornerman system works link here

    – Bring your lunch for Sat and Sun. Saturdays lunch can stay with the support vehicles because we will be at the camp for lunch before the afternoon loops

    – Bring Cash for the auctions cause there are a heap of good gear up for auction

    – We are gathering at Blaxlands McDonalds at 5.30am Saturday morning if you wish to follow

    – Riders briefing 7.45am for everyone going, you don’t need to be dressed to ride but need to be at the briefing, miss it you miss the ride. Capertee is I reckon 1hr 45mins from Penrith

    – If you bring to much the support guys will ask you to half it in the carpark or they won’t take it !!

    – If you bring to much the support guys will ask you to half it in the carpark or they won’t take it !!



    Adam Rodgers
    Trailboss wrote:
    Key points to make the weekend work for everyone

    – It will be cold, very cold.


    I prefer the Bathurst forecast :silly:


    Less chance of rain (or snow maybe) :laugh:



    I tried to do my shopping for the ride today but it did not go to plan :silly:




    Adrian Gale

    Hi TB,

    Can you put me on the start list for the ride. My name was listed but isnt anymore.:( See you at Capertee.

    Cheers Adrian aka GaleyKTM300



    Bring it on
    Nice crisp morning to start the ride.perfect.
    Have room in my ute.can cart some gear from blaxland,if need be.



    Hey GaleyKTM300 you are on the list mate, your name had been moved is all when others dropped out is all

    Will see ya there champion



    Chris-t wrote:
    Bring it on
    Nice crisp morning to start the ride.perfect.
    Have room in my ute.can cart some gear from blaxland,if need be.

    No worries ChrisT will see ya my crib Friday then




    TB we have a scratching. Bean has chickened out. I repeat, Bean is out. I’m still in, despite the fear of dying quietly of cold in the night there. If that’s the case then you guys can negotiate a good price for my 300 with my wife.



    I bid $20.00


    axel wrote:
    TB we have a scratching. Bean has chickened out. I repeat, Bean is out. I’m still in, despite the fear of dying quietly of cold in the night there. If that’s the case then you guys can negotiate a good price for my 300 with my wife.

    No worries Axel, you won’t freeze quietly either, that camp ares will be anything but quiet with 60 + camped there :laugh:



    Boony wrote:
    I bid $20.00

    Your probably best to save the $20 for some boxes of tissues Booney.


    Dwayne O

    EAGS is good to go,,,
    The new weapon is in the Man Cave :woohoo:

    Just need to get some shed time in before thurs night :whistle:

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