3rd Annual OBT Birthday Ride Weekend, 28th, 29th May 2011

Home Forums Birthday and Christmas Parties Birthday and Christmas Parties 3rd Annual OBT Birthday Ride Weekend, 28th, 29th May 2011

This topic contains 498 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #201910

    white rocket wrote:
    is there anywhere safe to park the bikes at the pub ?

    When we have stayed there in the past Rocket we have wheeled the bikes into the beer garden out he back and chained them to the benches or BBQ



    Hey White Rocket. B)
    If you are going to be there thats cool as it will take the thieving bastards eyes off my beat up old girl. :P
    Would be good to put a face to the name that rears its head quite often on this site. :woohoo:


    I am so sick of the noise. :silly:
    Only now that I realise that if I wish to play on this crazy machine (computer) I shall have to put up wiff da noise.
    I HAVE A LITTLE BLACK BOX WITH MY POEMS IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Not hijackimg, just lost……
    Kinda think I might do allright tamorra
    Love west OZ Yeh
    One band that keeps raising its damn ugly head. :silly:

    Hey TB
    Cheeereeereerrers man
    Love yu lot man
    WA freakin kinda Dude but.:sick: :sick: :sick:
    Shit on top of shit. :blush:


    Dwayne O


    Go to bed Murph & save some energy for friday & Sat`dy :woohoo:


    Oh my god
    I only have one.:silly:
    Where do all these people expect to poo,???????????????????
    Could be a little crowded behind the first tree. :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :blush:

    What the fuck heyyy
    If I stay the night I will be doing like the BEARS do, -Do-Do-Do
    On saying that Ya’ll should take your own shite paper. I for one will not be caught out again. :whistle: :blush: :woohoo:


    Hey Eags
    Its all cool, as usual dude. :)
    Trippppppppppin Dude, ol mate……….. Kinda really have to be back to sort the shit from the extreme shit for the CRAZY RIDE on the followin 2X weekends later.
    So Bizrrare



    Dwayne O

    Cool as Ever mate B)

    I have done all I can do to prep for the weekend, haven`t had a ride or even looked at the sag setup or clickers etc.
    Will give it a run as is on sat (the previous owner was same weight as me, just taller) when home I will record it all & then have a play with it :whistle:

    Looking forward to the trip to Sutto`s friday, meet some more of the crew there, pick up some gear & check out the workshop etc :)

    Wow, I just saw the OBTOTY nominations thread & the Rekluse prize is freaking awsome to say the least :woohoo:
    Sutto just keeps getting bigger & better with the support & prizes we score, Thanx Sutto ;)

    Hey All, Please nominate me for the prize :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :laugh:


    Hey Eags, you could ride it over to my this arvo if you like and load it on the trailer then I can run you home again and leave the trailer with you if youb want a quick ride.



    Important note for all attending

    * This is not a paid ride, there is no money changing hands for the ride just someone going for a ride and you have decided to follow. No one is responsible for you, your bike or your belongings. If you are not happy at any stage with any part of the ride, you are free to leave and not participate, remember you are joining of you own free will. If you have a friend that’s a fancy talking lawyer stay home with him and have fun together.

    * This is someone going on a trail ride, don’t see the word race there do you? No because its not a race. If you are a hero racer or a hero stay home with old mate and his lawyer buddy.
    There are many hidden obstacles, rocky sections, blind crests and curves, it may be dusty, it may be muddy so please ride within your limits, if you feel you are slow (not that you will be) you will be faster then a guy laying on ground waiting for help, don’t spoil it for yourself and everybody else.

    * If you ride in such a way as to endanger yourself or anyone else on the ride you will be told to leave, this includes passing people and such trail ethics, leaders decision is final if you dont like this or anything else here DONT COME

    Old Bulls must also state that this is NOT an organised paid event and that no organisational function is undertaken or initiated by Old Bulls with respect to such rides. There are no set tracks/ routes and members ride at their own time and discretion. Old Bulls forum is a medium used for organizing rides by members and in attendance Old Bulls takes no responsibility or liability for injury or damage to persons or personal property that may occur 



    Read and understood TB.

    Not long now!!!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


    simon burke
    wazzup wrote:
    I’m working till 5, Driving from windsor Say 2 hours, arrive at pub 7 ish, can’t do to much damage in a few hours….. :whistle:

    cya there waz…can do plenty of damage in a few hours :woohoo:


    Ian Kersley

    Read that don’t now any lawyers so all good TB


    Read and understood!



    Mick D

    Trailboss wrote:

    If you ride in such a way as to endanger yourself

    Shyte, I ride like that all the time. :blush:
    Be best if I stayed home me thinks. :ohmy:


    Craig Hatton

    Hope you all have a good birthday ride-stay safe

    PS I have some snow clothing going cheap for sat night.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Viewing 15 posts - 436 through 450 (of 499 total)

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