3rd Annual OBT Birthday Ride Weekend, 28th, 29th May 2011

Home Forums Birthday and Christmas Parties Birthday and Christmas Parties 3rd Annual OBT Birthday Ride Weekend, 28th, 29th May 2011

This topic contains 498 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #201944

    Mick D

    Reminder guys!!

    Dont forget to bring some cash for the charity auction on Saturday night. TB has been working hard accumulating a huge array of stuff to go to Auction. Good stuff too!!



    Adrian Lee
    micknmeld wrote:

    Reminder guys!!

    Dont forget to bring some cash for the charity auction on Saturday night. TB has been working hard accumulating a huge array of stuff to go to Auction. Good stuff too!!


    What about cheques Mick ? 


    Mark Bunting

    Husky Sal’s prep is done and dusted.

    Gear washed and packed

    spare tube, spark plug, levers and tools packed

    All I need now is a shit load of beer and I’m done :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Getting excited gentlemen bring on the weekend

    Kram B)


    Mick D
    aido wrote:
    micknmeld wrote:

    Reminder guys!!

    Dont forget to bring some cash for the charity auction on Saturday night. TB has been working hard accumulating a huge array of stuff to go to Auction. Good stuff too!!


    What about cheques Mick ? 

    From you Aido, a cheque will be fine. ;)



    My wife is a lawyer. She can ride pillion with me this weekend. Cheap rates to OBT members…… ;) :D


    Just home from work and time to get cracking with the packing :D Bring It On !!!!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo:



    Prize and Auction list

    Pivot Pegz,
    2x Pivot Pegz mark 3 

    Mud & Tar,
    21inch Ralnaldi front 
    18inch Ralnaldi rear 

    Whipps Alloy,
    2x Alloy load ramps
    2x Alloy lift stands

    large Gear bag

    Top of the line Rekulse clutch
    tyre change stand

    Parts and labour voucher 
    Parts and labour voucher
    Rear spring for your bike

    Mule Camelback

    Muc—Off Tee shirt
    Other Tee shirts

    CM Tools,
    10  plus Armour all packs
    Assortment boxes
    Gift packs

    Dirt bike deals,
    King chrome bum bag full of tools 

    Adventure Moto,
    2 x fuel bladders
    10 x DVDs
    2 x tank bags
    2 x front fender bags
    2 x rear fender bags
    I large Wolfman rear loop

    plus stickers, Beef Jerky and other stuff I can’t be arsed listing 




    Hey guys,

    Just joined up today, looking forward to coming to the old bulls ride this weekend. Not to sure how all this works but I have been told to put my name down, so can someone please put my name down for this weekend.


    P.s. I tagged along two weeks ago on the ride at Ourimbah state forest on the Honda CRF 450 X. had a good ride can’t wait to do more.


    Paul Nessek (pauloco7).




    You are welcome to attend, please read the first post http://www.obtrailriders.com/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=49&id=100681&Itemid=75 and make sure you read the link in there on the corner man system and how it works. Read it all through and ask if you have any questions please

    Welcome again, how about an intro?




    If people are having trouble fitting all their gear/bikes in comfortably for the trip to Capertee, my truck has plenty of room for stuff.

    Also, I now have a spare seat if someone needs a lift.



    Nick Jackson

    The gear donated for this ride is unbelieveable, it all looks like top gear !
    I reckon the auction will be a great laugh and more importantly raise money ;)


    All my gear is in the trailer except for the food and the trailer has been droppped at the Eagles nest. We loaded Eag’s new Gogo mobile into the trailer as well. Was offered a go but stupid me went there wearing thongs so it will have to wait. He had his first go on it this arvo as well, down the the servo to fuel her up :D, it was a big change for him from the ol’ KLX250. No doubt there will be a bit of shed time at TB’s tomorrow.
    We are looking to leave by 8.00am tomorrow morning and heading straight to Sutto’s I think to pick up a few of the prizes and do some shopping. then off for a pub lunch and afternoon shenanigans. :woohoo:


    Dwayne O

    Yep, Maiden voyage was a 10 k run the fuel up :laugh:

    Jeffro`s mate`s trailer is awsome to say the least, bike trailer /camper in one ;)
    Will see you all tomorow & sat morning :woohoo:


    Adrian Lee

    All loaded ready to go :woohoo:

    Ive checked that the beer bike and gear are in i can go without the rest if ive forgotten.

    Off to bed soon and dream about the lazy 880 klms in front of me in the morning.


    Trailboss wrote:
    Prize and Auction list

    Pivot Pegz,
    2x Pivot Pegz mark 3 

    Mud & Tar,
    21inch Ralnaldi front 
    18inch Ralnaldi rear 

    Whipps Alloy,
    2x Alloy load ramps
    2x Alloy lift stands

    large Gear bag

    Top of the line Rekulse clutch
    tyre change stand

    Parts and labour voucher 
    Parts and labour voucher
    Rear spring for your bike

    Mule Camelback

    Muc—Off Tee shirt
    Other Tee shirts

    CM Tools,
    10  plus Armour all packs
    Assortment boxes
    Gift packs

    Dirt bike deals,
    King chrome bum bag full of tools 

    Adventure Moto,
    2 x fuel bladders
    10 x DVDs
    2 x tank bags
    2 x front fender bags
    2 x rear fender bags
    I large Wolfman rear loop

    plus stickers, Beef Jerky and other stuff I can’t be arsed listing 



    :( :( :( :( :( :( now I really want to be there,, those sponsor prizes are bloody awesome…well done to those who chased them up and ran around and collected them…….

    Hey boys,, can ya fill bollocks in for us poor buggas up here that cant make it, and have a bloody great time while yous are there…. Dont feel bad about filling in Bolls, he`s used to it :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Viewing 15 posts - 451 through 465 (of 499 total)

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