3rd Annual OBT Birthday Ride Weekend, 28th, 29th May 2011

Home Forums Birthday and Christmas Parties Birthday and Christmas Parties 3rd Annual OBT Birthday Ride Weekend, 28th, 29th May 2011

This topic contains 498 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 12 years, 3 months ago.

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    Mick D
    Trailboss wrote:
    micknmeld wrote:
    Go on, some one post the now famous pics off me sitting in the ditch and Tiny’s huge motard moment in front of Hill End Pub. It was a big day out ,that one.

    You do it if you want it :P

    Couldn’t be bothered looking for them. Not exactly a highlight of my time on the bikes. Yet Tiny’s effort is a different matter, that was impressive. :pinch:



    Is this the one you meant from the birthday ride


    Oh and here is just before Tiny’s famous crash, he hit the ground hard bloody hard


    Here is his bike afterwards :laugh:


    ah good times



    I will temp fate and put my name on the list. I have missed the last two birthday rides because of work but I got a direction from the boss last week saying I must take more leave. Shit he don’t have to tell me twice. I will get these dates locked in.


    Scotty wrote:
    I will temp fate and put my name on the list. I have missed the last two birthday rides because of work but I got a direction from the boss last week saying I must take more leave. Shit he don’t have to tell me twice. I will get these dates locked in.

    Fantastic Scotty you have had more starts then pharlap when it comes to OBTs birthday rides :laugh: Maybe thats attempted starts :P Be good to see you again and have a ride with you



    I am pleased to announce Jack Links is again donating a TONNE of their fantastic product for our consumption

    Thanks to James and Jack Links


    Mark Bunting
    Trailboss wrote:
    No worries Kram you are welcome to bunk again at home but not in the house :laugh: that is not a natural noise even snoring mate :ohmy: Kieran is still getting help three times a week after last year :laugh:

    You better sign him up for more treatment then coz i’ll see you next Wednesday :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Kram B)


    simon burke
    Trailboss wrote:
    I am pleased to announce Jack Links is again donating a TONNE of their fantastic product for our consumption

    Thanks to James and Jack Links

    i’m going just for that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    mmmmmmm…….jerky :P



    And it arrived here today Jack links yah :woohoo:


    Adrian Lee
    Trailboss wrote:
    And it arrived here today Jack links yah :woohoo:

    make sure you save some for the victorian chapter.


    Trailboss wrote:
    And it arrived here today Jack links yah :woohoo:

    JACKS LINKS the ultimate sponsor, :) they always supply their product for our rides,, support this company people , they are the real deal in my eyes.. B) ;) . Thank you Jacks links.

    not to mention their product isnt half bad…




    save us a packet TB mmmmm


    Adrian Lee

    I buy jack links for every ride. I love it. All I need know is natural sour squirms to come on as a sponsor and I’ll be in heaven :laugh:


    white rocket wrote:
    save us a packet TB mmmmm

    Yeah there will be plenty there Rocket, best thing you guys can do is go to Jakc links site and thank them direct eh, helps heaps and they can see we are genuine ;) drop them a quick e mail telling them your thoughts



    Just drove through Capertee two days ago, nice looking place.
    But the threat of only one decent hill and two kinds of music on Saturday night has scared me away. :laugh: :laugh: :whistle: Have a good one, all.


    Murph the surf wrote:
    Just drove through Capertee two days ago, nice looking place.
    But the threat of only one decent hill and two kinds of music on Saturday night has scared me away. :laugh: :laugh: :whistle: Have a good one, all.

    Murph Murph Murph there will be many more than one good hill :blink: its one maybe impossible hill and lots more, lots of pine singles and stuff. And as far as the two types of music there will be more than that (there has to be or they will riot and wreck the place :laugh: ) sorry you won’t be there but there is much more to it, the camp and fire alone is worth everything else :P

    Tell you what Murph seeing as how you are a top bloke, if you come on this free ride and don’t have a good time I will give you your money back in full 100% no questions asked, can do more than that :laugh:

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 499 total)

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