$42 Billion Economic Stimulus Package MK1

This topic contains 64 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Mick D 16 years ago.

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  • #121049


    Don’t get me started on the medicare levy :angry:


    Eric Smith

    Rudd’s coming at it from the wrong end of the scale. If he put the money into some decent infrastructure projects then it would filter through and benefit the country. Most of the handouts go to buy a chinese-made product sold by an overseas-owned retailer. How does that benefit Aus? Typical bloody commie attitude, give the money to the masses and they will shut up.

    As I said in another place, they may not have a job, but at least they will have $950.

    Its sick.

    I’m pissed off now, thanks moto! Bloody pommie git! ;)


    see, your a whingin pommy foreigner moto.

    we all know it

    ya may as well be an afgani……….



    I am Afghani :dry: I sought assylum in the UK and was made an honorary Pom ;)

    Be calm ECKS, have a beer and be calm. Menace, no more beers for you, not until I’ve cought up anyway :P



    I’ll take anything they plan to give me, I pay enough taxes through every orifice, so If they want to give me money for nothin, then I’m not gonna complain, new pair of boots how stimulating is that!




    Chris, there is an upper level. You may not get anything? Or do you do your tax ‘efficiently’? ;)



    By Efficiently I presume you mean I make sure I keep all my reciepts, claim all my allowable deductions and generally run a tight ship. Then Yes I am very efficient.

    :laugh: :laugh:


    bloody poms, they’ll latch on to any mangy old dog and say hes honorary…


    moto, do you work at the quicky mart…in redfern perhaps


    aaron childs

    ronnin own buisness – BUY UP BIG this year and get a few thou. under the threshold,
    I bust my ass with a busted back day in day out just to pay for foriners to come and bludge -how many refugees + kids are we handing out to within this,
    should be a aussie of at least 2 generations to get anything or go home and EARN more !,

    I am the sole income in my house, the missus is very buisy playing housie wifie to me and five kids

    YEP 5


    Bring on the money! yeeew
    09 klx lookin preety fine indeed:woohoo:
    ;) jokin: Im not complaining though totaly agree with ‘earn your worth’pollies should put their nuts on the bench not in each others pockets and actually make something work for a change.


    Mick D

    If everyone in our area for goes their hand out in exchange for infastructure, we could actually have a hospital that could treat you within 7 hours of crashing your bike .


    Eric Smith

    Not to mention the flow on effects to the regional economy Mick. Bloody hell, it seems so damn obvious to me. Chuck a few billion into infrastructure – a road here, a hospital there, a dam somewhere else and a huge hole in the ground at moto’s place. We as a nation would be better off for it!

    Development is the pointy end of things, get it moving and the rest follows. Keep depressing the development side of the economy and eventually the rest of the show slows and stops.



    Its true local bub records record pokie turnover for two days after last pay out.Note pokies are heavily taxed so thay get it back any way.

    Get a job ,Get a bike and live

    Ambulance cover is handy too.



    menace wrote:

    bloody poms, they’ll latch on to any mangy old dog and say hes honorary…


    moto, do you work at the quicky mart…in redfern perhaps

    WTF :blink:




    bad luck suckers i got 4 children and am a single income household and enjoy all the handouts ha ha no pokys for me bikes cost enough .but i agree with ecks but will not nock back a tax return like that.i would hate to be paying of a house in sydney on less than 72000 not every one is rich or plays the pokys


    Nick Again

    I thnk I wrote before, they ought to get national service going again. kick teh Bludgers out of bed and get em working for the $’s they put their hand out for fortnightly. Use em to build whatever needs building. the $’s they earn would go back through teh community and be longer lasting than a flash in the pan handout. On medicare, I paid 35g’s a yr in tax 7yrs running, now I gotta sit on my arse and wait for a fix on my shoulder. It’s BULLSHIT! Howard, didnt do anything and now this FKWIT is doing nothing. Just being turned into a Junkie cause its cheaper than fixing me. Handouts, we got heaps last time, still got heaps of it too. they wanna give us more, fine, it’ll go in the bank with the rest. Remember keating? when he finished puttng us in the red, our rates went to 17% +. This waxmuncher will do the same for us. Now I’m going to get another piece of NSW finest.(canned Blue deer )

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