$42 Billion Economic Stimulus Package MK1

This topic contains 64 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Mick D 16 years ago.

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  • #121164


    wish i payed 35000 a year in tax yee haa but have you herd about dubbo base they canot even aford bandages they go to the vets to get them .think i had better not fall of that KTM hay kevin dud


    Trailboss wrote:

    menace wrote:

    bloody poms, they’ll latch on to any mangy old dog and say hes honorary…


    moto, do you work at the quicky mart…in redfern perhaps

    WTF :blink:


    hey, trailbossco hows ya bin….

    ive bin revooing a product…burp.

    ive misseded ya, its been no funs shitting the moto on my own.

    hondas are still shit mate…. but i luv yas allllllll


    Nick Again

    white rocket wrote:

    wish i payed 35000 a year in tax yee haa but have you herd about dubbo base they canot even aford bandages they go to the vets to get them .think i had better not fall of that KTM hay kevin dud

    Seriously, it’s worse than a joke! these pricks dont care cause they get instant repairs, front of Queue treatment. I’ve been frkd around now for that long I cant remember what it’s like to contribute to the family. IMHO, If Krudd has cash to throw around, throw at health, God knows its needed…People IN dubbo no doubt wonder what they did wrong to get the short shaft too.! We’re just So lucky, My wife earns Just enough to keep centerlink from paying me anything, other than giving me a card for free health..anyone see the kick in the guts there?? Free health…WTF!! I cant folloew them at all..Wanna play baseball with their Heads but that aint kind to any decent bat and I couldn’t swing it anyway.. :(



    i agree with you husky610 and my misses gets the handouts and we will have to pay it back oneday they will run out of things to sell



    Something very weird is happening here!!!! I posted at the back of the first thread and it comes up as a new thread? When I click on the old thread I get diverted to here with no other posts? WTF!!!


    yeah, last night the site kept loging me out.

    i thought it was cos i was being cheeky

    ha ha



    Was it moved to the bullpit, swearing was an issues last night, the Administrator visited last night




    If you’re paying $35K in tax you’re earning somewhere around $110K a year and would get any money from the new ‘stimulus package’ which is capped at people earning upto $100K :huh:

    Or is your family income $110K with 2 salaries below the threshold?



    This is a new thread!! I’m still trying to figure out whats going on….



    Congrats on hitting 3000 big fella :)



    No idea whats going on, problem with the logging must be your end Menace because if Admin me or I decieded you playing up we would just log you out and leave you locked out for a while lol, we have never done that :laugh:



    I can only see one thread called ‘stimulus whatever it is’ yet there are 2 threads? What’s going on TB? Are you seeing the same weirdness I am?
    When i finish posting in this thread I get redirected to the other one and can’t see any of the posts in this thread.

    Have I found a parallel universe? :laugh:


    my wife and my headache reckon i was naughty last night..:unsure:



    I have bit of a head going on this morning too, that’s why all this weirdness is freaking me out man!


    Mick D

    The original thread is still live. I just called it up from my history.

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 65 total)

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