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This topic contains 64 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Mick D 16 years ago.
February 6, 2009 at 10:53 pm #121257
Try this.See if this brings it back.
February 6, 2009 at 10:53 pm #121269
AnonymousI can’t see it in ‘show latest posts’ though? There is only one thread heading, yet seemingly two different threads?
February 6, 2009 at 10:58 pm #121271I just changed the title a bit and it seems to be there now.
February 6, 2009 at 11:00 pm #121274I just deleted the one other Moto, (stop drinking the bong water) I just checked the records and it was and has always been in this forum, dont know why what or how it was missed and care even less but go your hardest here boys
Cheers Mick
February 7, 2009 at 12:28 am #121258Moto wrote:
Quote:If you’re paying $35K in tax you’re earning somewhere around $110K a year and would get any money from the new ‘stimulus package’ which is capped at people earning upto $100K :huh:Or is your family income $110K with 2 salaries below the threshold?
Moto, I haven’t been able to work since July 27th 2002. To give an Ideea of WHY I”M so pissed off at the state of the Medical system. I cant afford private medical because I can not work. The Govt was good to take a heap for Medi care but isn’t good on the part oon supplying the help. We are now Just a single Income family, Wife being a Nurse in said medical industry. My point on the tax part is” I cant understand why they’re happy to leave me sit, broken, when I could be out doing what I love, and paying my way at the same time. OH, and one otrher thing,. It’s a good wage yes, for that wage I was working 1.2 mile straight down. uising an Oz made drill rig. Is Noisy as a jet, you get drowned in Burnt rock oil. My drill rods, 50mm x. dia. x 3mtrs lenght(steel, 15mm inner dia). These rods I’d prefer to be pulled by hand( 2x pair of stilsens to do it.) until I’d hit the 37 mtr mark, any longer and I’d use the Air ram. I prefered to work on my own as the Offsiders kept breaking or Blowing another Nut.
Something my Boss hated me for..My mentality was if they couldn’t handle they could F…k off! Met alot of people who reckoned they’d like a crack at earning that money, alot folded trying.I left that in 93, Boss died in what was meant to be My heli ride. Came to M’boro for Holiday to catch up with old friend, met my lady and stayed. My shoulder got destroyed working as a cellarman. I got NO compo. Nothing cause i thought I was Tough and worked through it. Left the Pub game,went tordoning and the shoulder packed it in. Today, I turn around too quick, it dislocates. Sneeze, cough, run, jump, reach up to a cupboard..sometimes even typing.They fixed a certain cricketer with almost the same prob.They shouldnt treat me like a dog. I have paid my taxes since i was a kid. Hence MY belief this stimulus Pkg, should be aimed at health and getting Bludgers up and Mobile.If htey Fix me, I can go back to work, which is a lot less drain on the GUV., and I contribute once again. I hate This shit of a system we have.
Ok. sorry about the rave..
February 7, 2009 at 1:09 am #121283
AnonymousThat sucks. Why won’t they operate on you? Are you on a waiting list or are they saying they can’t do it or something? Sounds like the UK’s NHS system but not quite as abad :ohmy:
So you were from the mines originally huh? Pretty tough job mate, I would get too scared to do that
February 7, 2009 at 11:29 am #121165I thnk I wrote before, they ought to get national service going again. kick teh Bludgers out of bed and get em working for the $’s they put their hand out for fortnightly. Use em to build whatever needs building. the $’s they earn would go back through teh community and be longer lasting than a flash in the pan handout. On medicare, I paid 35g’s a yr in tax 7yrs running, now I gotta sit on my arse and wait for a fix on my shoulder. It’s BULLSHIT! Howard, didnt do anything and now this FKWIT is doing nothing. Just being turned into a Junkie cause its cheaper than fixing me
You said it ‘
totaly agree , get the lazy pricks out of bed before 8 am and get them doin the shit,
cleaning toilets
sweeping streets
empty bins
then those whom are doin those jobs will be first to train for more lucrative jobs? (luctative , now pissed AND highly educated , ILL BE GOVERNER)lmfaoFebruary 8, 2009 at 2:24 am #121371Put 42billion into hospitals, police, emergency services, roads etc etc, give small business a break with the bloody GST, payroll tax and PAYG tax, cut the tax down on profits for small business say under 1 mil to something reasonable from 30 to 5% that way small business could employ more people and the GOV would get there money through personal tax anyway. BUT if they are giving money for nothing I’ll be first in the Q.
February 8, 2009 at 9:34 am #121290They tried once Moto and it failed. Got referred again to a spec. Went for another round of Arthrograms( 3mm dia needle into shoulder cuff, radium fluid for contrast)had 2 rounds of MRI’s, got back to the spec with my pics in hand, the prick didnt look at anything, said It’s genetics? Now Back on a list, have about 18 mnths to go before they see me again. Am on a list (waiting time 3yrs) to see a neuro, as they reckon I’ve done damage to my neck as well.(app. 21mnths to go) Ive gone from 116kg @8.4% body fat( 6’4″) to 111kg of blubber??Sucks big. Mate I started my life pushin trolleys for Coles, walked/worked most of OZ on the fruit and Factory circuit as a kid. Got into mining by doing a riggers/Scaffolder and Dogmans course. Worked that for a while then got into drilling after walking away from one job(dickhead boss)and going to see this lad who was advertising for an offsider. had NEVER even been near a drillrig at that point. 2 weeks of working for one of his drillers, I took over his rig. It just seemed to be natural for me, like it was what I was born to do. I MISS it BIG TIME. Would give my bike up for it tomorrow, with out a second thought. I would give up riding to go back to it. Hell, I had 4 gears + 1 reverse, heaps of revs, and it took 110% concentration at ALL times. I blinked at the wrong time once and destreoyed some 8 g’s worth of gear, took me 2.5 Shifts and 2 100 ton jacks to get my gear back outa the hole…Minus the core collector, reemer and cutting tip…Boss was not Impressed..LOl…Shit happens eh.?
February 8, 2009 at 10:01 pm #121284Husky610 wrote:
Quote:They fixed a certain cricketer with almost the same prob.They shouldnt treat me like a dog. I have paid my taxes since i was a kid.Similar sort of story here Husky610 when I had my accident on my bike in 2000 one of my injuries was a broken right Clavicle and was supposed to be a quick 6 week mending process. When I went back to hospital for progress report x-rays showed still broken. At the time I was a ceramic tiler and I am right handed so trying to work in anyway was impossible. When I asked what could be done in their words I was told if I was an ‘elite athlete’ they would operate but as I wasn’t had to wait and was told wasn’t a drama anyway as it would mend. Ironically I broke mine around the same time one of our bike riders broke his at Sydney Olympic Games and he was operated on straight away and went on to compete in his events. We had private insurance but as I was listening to so called experts chose to take their word and play waiting game as I had 2 employees keeping the business ticking over (just). Anyway to cut long story short never mended and we ended up going private, although he decided to play waiting game to make sure x-rays were not giving ‘false readings’. All up process took close to 12 months and to top it off little Johnny had brought in GST and when I was right to work there was none to go back to as builders had basically stopped to suss out where GST was going to take us. As the boys working for me had basically only covered expenses for me during my time off I unfortunately couldn’t get through quiet times and the combo of 2 led to bankruptcy and ill health due to stress of losing all we had worked damn hard for.
To top it off if I want to go back to tiling I have to go through a long process of different things all with a charge of course (app. cost of $3000) to possibly be told I can’t have my license back anyway due to having been bankrupt (can’t be told if that would happen for sure until I do all hoop jumps) and as we are trying to get back to some normality in our lives starting from scratch again can’t afford to take that gamble with $3000.
Ok sorry guys thats my rave about health system and govenments over:S
February 8, 2009 at 10:11 pm #121466
AnonymousShit Husky that’s sounds like alot of hassle
I used to push trolleys round a car park too, just in the frezzing cold, wind and rain :laugh:
February 9, 2009 at 8:12 am #121535Moto wrote:
Quote:Shit Husky that’s sounds like alot of hassleI used to push trolleys round a car park too, just in the frezzing cold, wind and rain :laugh:
mate the weather your lads Cop in the OLD country is enough to keep me here..Pushing trolleys sucked…Almost as hard as packing the frkn grocery’s..LOL I didnt do that crap for long i can tell you. have you ever seen a skinny 15 yo kid trying to hand onto a real high pressure water gun? LOL..man i came so close to blowing myself clean of planks trying to use them.(slipway work) I was like 36kg and 5’6″ at 15…not much of me..had to be careful near any resturants/Pubs serving Martinis’,or I’d end up with an olive stuck on my head.
How Good is the price on Education?? Today I was on the dog n bone with the local TAFE. Wanting to find out about “Commercial cooking” for my daughter..Now what would you reckon 42 weeks of Cooking classes are worth? Would you believe I need to front $15,600.00 for it? Oh Plus the costs of any Text books and anything else outside of the teaching!! How good have we got it in the land of free education..This is TAFE..Not fkn UNI!? I nearly growthed a sprinting turd!February 9, 2009 at 10:17 pm #121639
Anonymous$15,600 for less than 1 year! :ohmy: Why is it so steep? How can they justify it being more exoensive than uni? Has Gordon Ramsay or Jamie Oliver agreed to personally teach the course or something?
February 9, 2009 at 10:35 pm #121000Here is the link
Some good reading on what you can get in cold hard cash.
February 9, 2009 at 10:59 pm #121693
AnonymousMake sure you all have your tax returns doen to get the money
Last time they can be completed is by June this year.
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