Hi all,
Well my plans are coming together, work has granted me 6 weeks off so I’m heading out on the bike for a while. So far I have an idea of a route to follow but I’m keen for input from the Old Bulls about roads, town, sights and areas not to miss on the way.
What I’ve planned so far:
– Leave Sydney 22nd March
– South through Cooma, then over the Snowys using the Alpine Way, Barry Way and the Great Alpine Rd
– Across Gippsland and catch the ferry across Port Phillip Bay
– Great Ocean Road
– Follow the coast up the Adelaide, spend a few days with a mate there exploring the wineries and roads through the hills
– Head across the Nullabor and down to Esperence and Albany
– Play in the south-western corner of WA for a day or two
– Up to Perth, staying with family for a few days, service the bike and put new knobbly tires on
– Out to Kalgoorlie/Laverton, then hit the Great Central Road
– Uluru and Kings Canyon loop
– Meet up with my folks (doing the grey nomad thing in a fourbie) in Alice and head down the Finke track
– Cross the Simpson Desert (supported – with all my gear in the car)
– Back across north-western NSW to home.
I’m heading out solo but if someone wants to tag along I’d be more than happy to share the road for the first few days…
Can any Old Bulls point me in the direction of spectacular roads, good campsites/accomodation, or anything not to be missed? Particularly away from the Eastern states as I’m not likely to have the bike out that way again for a long time.