This topic contains 74 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Chris 16 years ago.

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  • #122106

    Dwayne O

    BIC VILLAGE HERE ON OBT :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo:



    Damn. Now we have gone onto page 2. it is now harder for people to see all the beauty we have created together


    Nick Again

    Soooooooooo, what exctly was new and exciting? Have I missed something here?
    Anyone interested in some GOOD pups? Seems my Biatch dog has taken too much of a liking with my Piggin dog, so in 3 months odd we look to be havin Heaps of lil’ pups..well okay, BIG pups, Dad dogf is Bull/arab, mother is Bull arab x wolfhound / wiemariner(?spelling check)x dane. so BIG Pups!..:S


    Nick Again

    Good to hear your getting Rain down that way!



    champo35 wrote:

    Damn. Now we have gone onto page 2. it is now harder for people to see all the beauty we have created together

    Thank Christ it is on the other page, what a bunch of dribble, Hang on though you guys dont ride KTM’s…..you can talk rubbish…..carry on with it Boys ….you are all good to go;)



    Husky610 wrote:

    Soooooooooo, what exctly was new and exciting? Have I missed something here?
    Anyone interested in some GOOD pups? Seems my Biatch dog has taken too much of a liking with my Piggin dog, so in 3 months odd we look to be havin Heaps of lil’ pups..well okay, BIG pups, Dad dogf is Bull/arab, mother is Bull arab x wolfhound / wiemariner(?spelling check)x dane. so BIG Pups!..:S

    barrel racing is more fun with guinea pigs.
    mustn’t have finished his cup of tea and telly yet


    Mick D

    Help me out here, what is a TOPIC? never seen one of those around here



    Admin wrote:

    I got so excited a bit of wee came out!


    What do you mean going off topic, everything here is of topic

    yes. everything here is of topic


    Mick D

    champo35 wrote:

    Admin wrote:

    I got so excited a bit of wee came out!


    What do you mean going off topic, everything here is of topic

    yes. everything here is of topic

    OFF, get it right Champo, if you are gunna underline it. LOL



    funniest thread i seen in ages :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo: :woohoo:
    nearly choked on my ice cream….:dry: :S

    am enjoying that it is raining but at this rate i won’t get to go riding on the weekend cause it will too muddy :unsure: :unsure:



    Racy Tracy wrote:

    funniest thread i seen in ages :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo: :woohoo:
    nearly choked on my ice cream….:dry: :S

    am enjoying that it is raining but at this rate i won’t get to go riding on the weekend cause it will too muddy :unsure: :unsure:

    where’s my icecream:(

    i have been good


    Mick D

    Racy Tracy wrote:

    funniest thread i seen in ages :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo: :woohoo:
    nearly choked on my ice cream….:dry: :S

    am enjoying that it is raining but at this rate i won’t get to go riding on the weekend cause it will too muddy :unsure: :unsure:

    Doesn’t Champo wash your bike for you Tracy? You are such a tease,the kids ate all the ice cream and now I feel like some.:(



    micknmeld wrote:

    Racy Tracy wrote:

    funniest thread i seen in ages :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo: :woohoo:
    nearly choked on my ice cream….:dry: :S

    am enjoying that it is raining but at this rate i won’t get to go riding on the weekend cause it will too muddy :unsure: :unsure:

    Doesn’t Champo wash your bike for you Tracy? You are such a tease,the kids ate all the ice cream and now I feel like some.:(

    kids or icecream. you can’t have both

    you made your bed. now lie in it


    aaron childs

    kids or icecream. you can’t have both

    you made your bed. now lie in it

    Geez i did shopping today , got home and was like a bunch of tazzie devils ,
    any one would think they actualy did something at school today.

    oh yea this thread rocks:silly:



    I was eating it straight from the tub with a teaspoon :P :P :P You can’t share it when you eating that way :laugh: :laugh:
    besides it was starting to melt too much and it had to back into the freezer… you’ll have to wait til later now…..

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 75 total)

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