Adventure ride St Albans or Bust RR Nov 2012.

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This topic contains 82 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Mick Pilgrim 12 years, 4 months ago.

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    Flying Fish wrote:
    Day 2I suddenly noticed a Ninga had snuck up on me………so it was on for young and old! 👿 :woohoo: :silly: TB and PTW trying to intimidate my little 250 with their big bikes. Wow what a ride! No time to take in the scenery or to worry about the drop offs I was to busy trying to ride my line and keep the revs into the WR. That was sooooo much fun, I wanna go do it again. There were lots of woohoos when we reached Hill End.

    Flying Fish

    Probably the highlight of my weekend FF :woohoo: it was a blast and bloody fast just quietly ;) but it was mixed with the realisation that my stand up riding technique needs work :blush: . I will have to get Wolfie to bring Ned back for some lessons :blush: or now you have been trained by him you can teach me :whistle:




    Wigster wrote:
    It was all Flying Fish’s fault. “I’m going on an Old Bulls ride next weekend, why don’t you come? They are a great bunch of blokes and it will be good for you”.

    About the former she was certainly right, the jury is still out on the latter….

    As a fairly recent convert to off road riding my dirt experience (or lack of it) mainly consisted of reasonable gravel roads and fire trails. About the most technical thing I had done was getting in to Thrashers for the TTT rally in the wet. I was feeling pretty pleased with myself until a dude rode in just behind me on a Kawasaki Vulcan.

    Anyway, I was keen to hear all about her recent APC exploits. I thought I would get some decent rubber on my brand spanking new Triumph Tiger and give it a burl. What could possibly go wrong?

    So I rolled in to St Albans on Friday arvo to be greeted by the chief Old Bull himself, TB, who thrust a cold one in to my hand and soon had his Onkaparingas all over my GPS, downloading the route.

    It soon became apparent, as the other riders started arriving and the beers started flowing, that I was amongst a hard core group of men and machines. As the old war stories started to to be recounted I felt a bit like a fourth grader running on with the Wallabies at Eden Park to face the All Blacks in a Bledisloe cup decider. Surely some mistake! Is this a dream or a nightmare! TB’s sage advice “take it easy and you”ll probably be OK”Gulp!

    After several beers, a steak and a rum or three I started to feel a bit more confident. I camped next to Lefty who was to do a more than passable impression of Gaston Rahier out on the trails and with his flying mounts and dismounts.

    So the next day passed in something a blur. It started off reasonably easily but the pace was something I was struggling with, and trying not to hold Flying Fish up too much I was often riding at my limit (though It might not have seemed like it to other observers!)

    It was the tricky rutted and rocky steep decent in to the Gardens of Stone that had me really worried. I had never done anything remotely like it, and for the first time I thought a Kawaski Sherpa might have been a better buy than the Trumpy. Anyway I managed to get down without binning it, more by luck than judgement. The bike looked after to me really well there. Steers nicely on a line and seemed pretty stable for a biggish bike, good feel on the brakes when you need it. First gear perhaps too tall for that type of terrain (oh, suddenly I’m an expert).

    As the day wore on I got a little more confident, though not any faster. I had one really arse puckering moment when MT and Jeffro came thundering past just before a long patch of sandy bulldusty stuff, thowing up a cloud so thick I coudn’t see much more than an arms length. Just then I hit the sand and all sorts of weird things started to happen to the front end. I gassed it hard and the front lifted and straightened, and off I went in to cloud. I suddenly emerged amazed to find not a large cow or a sturdy fence post to hit but clear open road. Oh the relief!

    Amy was great and while clearly champing at the bit to mix it with the bruisers at the front of the pack she always waited for me at intersections. I did get my feet wet and helped her walk her bike back out of the swamp she found herself in. Up periscope! It was easy to see why she did well in the APC. She took one look at that disgusting swamp and charged straight at it while I watched from the safety of the bank, encouraging her with the words “I am NOT taking my bike through there”.

    So after the most challenging and best day of riding in my life thus far, a great night was enjoyed with a trillion beers and more rums. I slept the sleep of the just and woke feeling like I used to feel fifteen years ago on a sunday morning after a game of footy the previous day, but strangely without the hangover.

    Day two started with a trip around Mount Panorama. Why don’t they race bikes there anymore?

    The Bridle trail was really enjoyable, despite my extra wide Andy Strapz panniers wedging me in the gate and having to be bounced free by a couple of the boys. As an ex rock climber steep drop offs don’t worry me so much so it was fun to punch through the narrow gap where the trail had washed away.

    A bacon and egg roll and coffee and Rylstone had me fueled up for the day. Turon Gates was fantastic but the trail started to get very rocky and dusty. Tiring riding for me after the previous day. My centre stand, which I had meant to zip tie in place, was clanking up and down, sounding like an AK47 on short burst on some sections. Could I be bothered to stop and do something about it? No, I could not.

    A longish tar section followed and then a more dirt. I think it was Apple Tree Flat, the Commission Rd leading to Howes Track (I don’t have the ride notes in front of me).

    By now I was sarting to get quite tired, it was hot and the riding was still rocky with many quite steep hills, and my worst nightmare SAND.

    There were quite a few patches of deep loose stuff and my concentration was started to wane. I stopped for a drink, though my water in the bottle holders in the back of my panniers had been heated to just under boiling point so hardly provided any relief.

    I kept going, thinking I would be able to tell TB that I got round without falling off when on a sandy narrow bit of trail I got caught in the wrong gear going to slowly. Even the Triumphs triple torque couldn’t get me out of this one, and despite twisting the right hand hard, very little happened other than the front wheel went one way and I went head first over the right mirror mount.

    I landed in the sand was was perfectly OK, just pissed off that I had crashed. The problem was the Tiger was wedged between the two banks, so I couldn’t turn the front wheel for a better angle to get a lift on the bike. It just wasn’t going to happen until after a massive hernia inducing heave I finally got her right way up, claws in the sand. Now I was very hot and the Howes Track seemed to go on forever. There was more sand and I came close to binning it several more times but was careful not to get in too high a gear so stayed upright until I caught up with the group on the tar intersection near Laguna.

    I shot back to Sydney on the tar, only stopping to have two butterscotch milkshakes and a litre of water at the bikers cafe.

    All in all a brilliant week end. A massive thanks to TB for organising it and having me along. Great to meet all the guys. Talk about a steep learning curve!



    Great work Wigster, expect you to be the first I pen in for the Feb 2 day when the date and format is announced. You killed it considering everything, again mate well done




    Ace wrote:
    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    KING BOLLOCKS wrote:
    wow TB…i was just settling in with my popcorn and choc top vanilla ice cream :cheer:
    Bravo :)

    YOU would have enjoyed the real thing better Boll :P
    And No Lattes were consumed at all (I don`t think anyway)

    maybe there were some at Rylstone yesterday morning for brekky ????? :whistle:

    Not me… :blush: :whistle:

    Oh Ace the Shame, the Shame :pinch:




    Some pictures

    Dejay adjusting his chain



    Lefty’s side tank sprung a leak


    He ducked off to his parents place (luckily they live in Bathurst) and removed it


    Bridle trail, Flying fish










    Dont get me started :laugh:



    Dejay waiting


    Pete was excited


    Bathurst at sunrise





    Bikes waiting





    A motley crew


    more later including the day 1 video



    craig evans

    sounds like fun had by all just aswell i didnt know were you guys camped, other wise i would have made a huge sign welcoming you to the area and wrapped the bikes in large bows as a warm wake up in the morning and filmed it for laughs :laugh: :laugh:


    Mark Bunting

    What a top weekend. For Me and Moose it turned into a 4 day ride and it was a cracker.

    Just over 1800 klm travelled :woohoo:

    Day 1 out of St Albans has to rate as one of the best ADV ride days I’ve had. It had everything.

    Need to do some work before Mrs Kram Divorces me (again) :whistle: So RR to come.

    KGF B)


    daniel lewis

    wow thet looked like a good ride i wish i had my bike sooner i would have came sign me up for the next one :) ad rideing around the track is on my bucket list id like to cross that one off


    What a great weekend, thanks to TB for such a fantastic route it had everything and how lucky are we to have this on our doorstep.
    It was good to meet everyone at St Albans and have a drink or two :whistle: :whistle: :huh:
    Good on ya Mick Gav and Lotsa for turning out.
    We really were spoilt this weekend with great tracks and scenery to die for and the weather was good after the bit of rain at the start. It was nice to put some faces to names and meet up with some Old Bulls I haven’t seen for a while. Sorry to Ace and Eagle for leading them up the garden path at Blackfellows hand trail!! :dry: But it was good to see Ace take the BMW 800 up that hill and see the $ signs in his eyes!! :ohmy:
    I had a really top weekend and cant wait for the next one. Thanks again to everyone for coming and making it so good.


    Dwayne O

    :laugh: No Probs Boulder,,,
    If you remember, Ace & I were already parked having a snack and pointed in that direction on the trail as you guys arrived :whistle:
    We had briefly discussed the option and if the other way was the go, then you blokes rolled Up & away we went :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Up into the Erzberg hills :P

    Cheers mate, hope to ride with you guys again soon …..



    Well you have all summed it up for me.

    I was saying to TB that the Nav ride would be hard to top for fantastic scenery and a wide selection of tracks from technical snotty trails to long twin trail sections and surprise bulldust hollows thrown in for good measure. :S

    But you know what…i have no doubt that in fact the next ride will be just as rememberable. You are a true legend of the trails TB! ;)

    Riding highlights for me were Yengo and the Bridal track – just brilliant!

    Lowlight was looking back down that pig of a hill that i ‘assed’ it up :pinch: and thinking your kidding, now i have to go back down that! :angry: :S Your so right Boulder, all i saw were $$$$ :pinch:

    Thanks Eagle for the company from start to finish and everyone else for making a BMW rider feel welcome. :P It was also good to meet some new faces.

    Lock me in for the next one TB! ;)


    Day 1 is up for those that have asked

    The trailer (already posted but included if you missed it)

    Day 1 (listen to the sound of the bikes at the start :laugh: )

    Open it in youtube and change it to 720 for best results



    Dwayne O

    Funny funny shit right there,, I love the starwars type story at the start,,,

    YES, I READ IT!!! had to pause it 7 times to get it all in,,,,
    All true though I must admit :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Well done mate



    The weekend of awesomeness.
    It was great to catch up with everyone, and meet a couple of new faces.
    Thanks to Eags for helping me push the tenere :laugh: never again, and the ride down to St Albans with Eags and Ace was the start of some great fun that continued to sunday night when i got home.

    The beer and company was good on friday night and because i was a good boy it meant i didnt have a head ache in the morning when TB through a pillow at my head, i then jumped up and made two of the worst coffee’s on earth :ohmy:

    TB and I left early and i was told that dejay had called and said that he was sitting on the lounge with the shits cause he couldnt come out to play, bummer :( then a bike came flying past me and it took a bit to work out what was going on :laugh: Dejay you sneaky sh#t head :laugh: :laugh:

    Us three knuckle heads got on the move and im not sure what trail we were on, i think it was near Bilpin and it was rough and scenic but i didnt get to look at the view cause i was concentrating on hanging on to the tenere, i was loving it. :woohoo:

    Dejay had some bike trouble that was fixed quickly and easily by stopping the flux compacitor from cross modulating, once this was done and we rerouted the fuel line so that when Dejay sat down he didnt pinch it stopping the fuel and causeing a puzzled look on dejays face :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I was having some serious fun, the riding was amazing, one section needed a detour and we needed a way of telling everyone, three very smart men were replaced by a few knuckleheads :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: But three wise men argued and laughed until a master piece was created ( i hope someone got a pic )

    All the trails were just great and i think from day 1 i would say that i cant really pick a favourite trail, they were all just bloody awesome and the time we got to Bathurst i was keen for a beer and i think we had earned one.
    It was good to see everyone arrive at Kelso”s pub safe and sound with big smiles.

    TB, you organised a perfect weekend and im in for the next one.
    Dead set perfect.

    Day 2 later




    Top vids TB, the trailer is a classic B) B)
    looking forward to day 2



    Well it was a ride that I had been looking forward to for some time, and it didn’t disapoint. With so much variation of tracks and places to see that normally, without a bike, you would never see.
    I was going to trailer my bike to St Albans and meet TB there for lunch but decided to ride instead as it was a cracker of a day. Met up with TB had some lunch and a couple of beers when the Wigster turned up on his new Triumph Tiger for his maiden Adventure voyage, and I was sure he was going to be in for a treat ;) and a treat it was, hey champion :blink:
    I set up camp in the park opposite the pub and soon the rest of the crew followed suit. It was a great night to catch up with the old bulls that I hadn’t seen for a while and have a few more beers and share a yarn or two.
    Day 1 of riding and I was up at around 5am wanting to get away early, however it was not to be as it had rained overnight and packing up wasn’t as quick as I had hoped with all the wet gear so I didn’t get away till around 7am. With the GPS loaded with the route I was on my way.
    It was a great days riding with everything thrown in from rain to sunshine, open and tighter trails agreat mix.
    I was riding solo for most of the morning, which was a good thing from a navagation point of view as it kept me on my toes which is good practice for when I do the Longest Day Ride in December. Then I met up with Boulder, Fish and Fish Finger, which was fantastic, for the later part of the morning till lunch at Capertee where I decided to push on and do the Glen Davis road loop followed by the Turon Gates river run. Absolutely awesome ride and a great part of the world for riding. Once through I met up with the Wahchopians, stopped and chewed the fat for a while then made a bee-line for Red Hill then on to Bathurst. It was a 410km day of great riding, unfortunately I still had some work to do as the Adv rear tank that i had made had cracked its mounts and was hitting on the rear sprocket and chain and was leaking fuel. Luckily i had fitted a fuel tap to the rear tank which meant I could isolate the fuel leak. :ohmy:
    Fortunately for me Boulder had a spare fuel bladder which I borrowed for Day 2 (Thanks Boulder, you are a legend mate!) So off i went to my parents place, who happen to live in Kelso, lucky again, to remove my rear tank. This is where I discovered that I had another issue which I must monitor closely for day 2. The seal between the engine and gearbox was leaking and transferring gearbox oil into the engine :huh: I only discovered this when I checked the engine oil later that night and it was about half a litre over full. So from then on around every 200km or so I had to transfer engine oil back to the gearbox :dry:
    Off to bed around 9pm that night with day 2 to follow.

    Lefty ;)

    The camp set-up
    The Boulders with Ace and Eags at Zig Zag
    Oops! I’m Leaking :ohmy:

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