Another Brand New Old Bull

Home Forums Introduce Yourself Another Brand New Old Bull

This topic contains 15 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  scott bocking 14 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #98523

    Hi All,
    Well I’ve been a member for less that 1 hour now and are looking forward to getting right into it.
    A little bit about me. I’m 50 years years young and have been riding chook chasers for about 35 years.I wouldn’t consider my self a hard core nut case on a bike however I don’t mind a challenge. I joined because i heard that the majority of your members are not kids and most are over 35.I just sold my XR 400 and purchased a brand new DRZ 400. Getting on now and thought it’s time for a button.The XR was easy to start however one of my mates wanted it and I had nothing better to do with my money. Talking about money, that god dam Seppo (AKA Krusty)must have a shit load. I was at his house last night checking out what used to be a XR 400. Now it’s a XR Bling Bling 400. Nice work Krusty. Looking forward to getting out there soon and putting the first scatches on our new bikes.


    Mick D

    Welcome OWL, thanks for the intro, I saw your user name and put two and two togather and figured you had a seppo mate with OWL number plates on his XR400.
    Enjoy the banter and dont take us to seriously is my advise.


    Jason Green

    Welcome to OBT OWL why would sell your XR400 for a banana DRZ just kidding enjoy the site.Where abouts are you?



    Hey you must be the sepo’s mate I meet in the carpark that delivered the rims? Either way you are the sepo’s mate, I reckon we should change his site name from C.E.L to Krusty :laugh:

    Welcome you banana riding rider bloke thing person you




    Brand new only to the screen but you know you been lurking and licking your chops for awhile now… ;)

    Go easy on him boys he is a bit old..




    Trailboss wrote:

    I reckon we should change his site name from C.E.L to Krusty :laugh:

    If you can make it happen please do… fighting0085.gif


    It was a hard decision to sell the XR however it was mothers day and I had to buy her something. Even though the old girl is 78, she likes the colour.

    Cheers Gary


    God dam it, change your your site name to Krusty. It’s out there now so you can’t hide. Sure, I suppose, Sup, Narda



    hey you spelled color wrong.. :woohoo:


    Been hanging around the Seppo to long


    simon burke

    Gday Owl
    welcome to OBT…hope you have a “hoot” :P

    Gawd…that was as bad as one of Eagles jokes :ohmy: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Bol :woohoo:



    Welcome OWL 02

    I’m sure Krusty AKA C E L has filled in to what this site is all about you will enjoy.

    See you on trailes



    Hi Owl 02..

    welcome aboard…. you will enjoy the forum and the boys are a hoot.

    Have fun and looking forward to seeing you out on the trails.




    Welcome to the site OWL.

    Enjoy and have a laugh.

    Nice ride too mate, there’s a lot of banana benders around here.



    G’day OWL

    A mate of Kruty’s is a mate of mine.

    Enjoy the site and welcome to the tribe of banana riding madmen. There are plenty here.

    I’m not one :laugh:


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