Anyone live at Nowra?

This topic contains 59 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 15 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #162796

    Craig Hatton

    micknmeld wrote:

    Wauchope near Port Macquarie.

    Hi Mick
    Transport to wauchope has fallen through at the moment. I will be going to Syd tues/wed and can deliver if you wish. If next week doesn’t suit, I often travel up there of have workers up there, so should be able to sort something

    cheers Hatto

    check your pm



    Hatto wrote:

    micknmeld wrote:

    Wauchope near Port Macquarie.

    Hi Mick
    Transport to wauchope has fallen through at the moment. I will be going to Syd tues/wed and can deliver if you wish. If next week doesn’t suit, I often travel up there of have workers up there, so should be able to sort something

    cheers Hatto

    check your pm

    If your going to Sutto’s Hatto I can get it from you and deliver it to Moose when he is down, I have some wheels for Mick anyhow



    Mick D

    Thanks guys,I will give him a call and buy it now.


    Mick D

    Yeah I have just bought it and it is ready to pick up anytime that suits you Hatto.

    Gotta love when a plan comes together, still dunno how I am gunna deal with the missus though :S



    Hatto let me know when and I will meet you at Sutto’s and dont worry Mick will owe us after this and I have a way to MAKE him pay (cue evil laugh)



    Mick D

    I know I will pay somehow……….. :huh:

    (cue nervous laugh) :cheer:



    Reminds of a story about a set of wheels I wanted once, a hard to find owner of the wheels a mate etc etc :P



    Mick D

    Yeah the ball was in Daves court for a while and nothing happened,once I got on the job the wheels got to you in no time at all and you got a good deal,so stop complaining



    micknmeld wrote:

    Yeah the ball was in Daves court for a while and nothing happened,once I got on the job the wheels got to you in no time at all and you got a good deal,so stop complaining

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I wasnt complaining but I cant stop laughing right now

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    Mick D

    You should be laughing,you got a cracker of a deal on those wheels. It is a pity that Tripper opened his trap and ruined the gee up I had ready for you. :laugh:



    micknmeld wrote:

    You should be laughing,you got a cracker of a deal on those wheels. It is a pity that Tripper opened his trap and ruined the gee up I had ready for you. :laugh:

    You should put your shovel down mate, the holes getting bigger and bigger



    Mick D

    The only thing I need a shovel for, is to bury the crap you are going on with :laugh:



    You are biting today mate :laugh: yeah lucky for me about Tripper cause I dont know what would have happened. Now let it go I only made a passing reference and now the story out :laugh: :P :laugh:

    My have to get a boat now I have a motor coming :laugh:



    Craig Hatton

    Mick, will get onto it and will be in touch

    TB – will give you a call once I’m organised to arrange meeting up.

    About mick oweing me – I’m glad to help another old bull – anytime. I’m sure it will be returned someday. :P

    Just got off the Ph from mal, sutto’s and have a new front hoop and other parts coming, just love the old bull network.

    Mal just told me about you special breakfasts, Tb “OMG” :P 😆 😆

    cheers Hatto


    Craig Hatton

    G’day Mick, Tb

    I’m all good to go, will pick up motor on monday and will be in Syd tuesday.

    Greg, I could meet you at sutto’s about 8.30-9.00 tues morning or I could make it late tues arvo – when I finish at Kurrajong heights. Let me know which suits you best.

    How are you going to get it to Mick, do you want me to crate it up, at the moment it is just loose. I don’t know if it will fit in the boot of a car, but it would fit in a wagon with seats down.

    cheers Hatto

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