Anyone using Internet explorer 8?

This topic contains 12 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Mick D 15 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #97433

    Mick D

    I have had a few days off work and the IT department have installed I E 8 and now no giff files work (TB’s,STM’s and my avatar no longer do their thing)and the scrolling banner at the top of the OBT page is really slow. What goes there??
    is it just a shit program??



    micknmeld wrote:

    I have had a few days off work and the IT department have installed I E 8 and now no giff files work (TB’s,STM’s and my avatar no longer do their thing)and the scrolling banner at the top of the OBT page is really slow. What goes there??
    is it just a shit program??

    Yeap you summed it up SHIT Program. Ask your IT department to reinstall Safari.


    Mick D

    blue450 wrote:

    micknmeld wrote:

    I have had a few days off work and the IT department have installed I E 8 and now no giff files work (TB’s,STM’s and my avatar no longer do their thing)and the scrolling banner at the top of the OBT page is really slow. What goes there??
    is it just a shit program??

    Yeap you summed it up SHIT Program. Ask your IT department to reinstall Safari.

    Funny you should say that,that is exactly what I am doing now,Safari is what I use at home on the mighty Mac.


    Eric Smith

    IE8 needs to be burned. If you can burn software!


    micknmeld wrote:

    I have had a few days off work and the IT department have installed I E 8 and now no giff files work (TB’s,STM’s and my avatar no longer do their thing)and the scrolling banner at the top of the OBT page is really slow. What goes there??
    is it just a shit program??

    What The! The Hippo has stopped Booty slappin’. I will call Bill Gates myself. This is an outrage :angry:


    simon burke

    hippo is still booty slappin from my side of the scree STM.hes actually going into overdrive…Go Boy !!!

    Bol :woohoo:


    BOLLOCKS wrote:

    hippo is still booty slappin from my side of the scree STM.hes actually going into overdrive…Go Boy !!!

    Bol :woohoo:

    Phew!!! All is well with the world :laugh:



    Vote for firefox.
    Aust dictionary add on is sweet, along with all the others.



    i’m with MickD

    apple all the way



    I’m running IE 8 and have been for about 4 weeks. When I get back to work it will be uninstalled and Firefox put back on instead.

    Too many sites I visit need me to use the ‘compatability button’.



    Moto wrote:

    I’m running IE 8 and have been for about 4 weeks. When I get back to work it will be uninstalled and Firefox put back on instead.

    Too many sites I visit need me to use the ‘compatability button’.

    not to mention the parental control button :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:



    Yeah, it’s becoming harder to keep Tyne off ‘those’ sites :P


    Mick D

    Moto wrote:

    Yeah, it’s becoming harder to keep Tyne off ‘those’ sites :P

    Why is she visiting them Steve???

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