Apc rally

Home Forums Introduce Yourself Apc rally

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    John Hudson

    I had to join this site after meeting up with some different members in the last week. I have to thank Amy ,Mick,Kram and especially T.B. for all there help and hospitality.

    I have a shed in Brisbane if any old bulls ever need bikes stored or the use of the workshop when drifting thru just send me a note.

    Please understand that I organise adventure bike rallys but I love nothing more than riding in the pack with a group of mates and having a few laughs.

    My bikes include a ktm 990 and a ktm 350.


    Mick D

    hey APC! Welcome to the site glad you joined up! It was a great experience riding with you on Wednesday. I am more than happy to offer the same hospitality any time you come through here again. I had a great day and a great evening in the shed after the ride. When you are pre running this section again prior to the rally,I would love to tag along again.Thanks for the suspension tweaks. I am looking forward to giving the pig a work out in the near future and I will let you know how it went. It sounds like you and Kram found some great stuff just north of here!




    Hey Homer well your home and decided to join eh, good stuff. I have been trolling through the footage from this week and will put a little clip together over the weekend maybe (time permitting) there is some cracker footage real awesome you dont ride a 990 there stuff :laugh:

    I had a great time, watch for the footage here and the APC Rally advert in your in-box in the next couple of weeks. Email me the clips you want me to pull apart and use (maybe post a disc or thumb drive)



    Dwayne O

    G`Day APC ;)
    Glad to see you finally on here,,,
    After speaking to TB the other night and laughing at his comments about you hammering that 990 up his clacker all day :laugh: ,,, I can only marvel at the level of skill (and balls) it would take to hold that level all day :woohoo:
    I did have a chuckle though at TB`s pic of the Kato in the Swamp of Doom :S

    He even commented that you had used him & wouldnt be calling him the next morning :P :P :P 😆

    Again, Welcome aboard mate B)


    Nick jackson

    Welcome Apc , good to see you pressuring the big fella and having a laugh with the Wauchope crew along the way , all great blokes ( or so we say on here :D )

    I don’t have my Ten any more but can appreciate what you do and where you man handle the big 990,

    See you on the trails :)



    Nick Jackson

    Welcome Apc , good to see you pressuring the big fella and having a laugh with the Wauchope crew along the way , all great blokes ( or so we say on here :D )

    I don’t have my Ten any more but can appreciate what you do and where you man handle the big 990,

    See you on the trails :)



    Ian Kersley

    Welcome Apc

    Great to see you on OBT




    The APC movie trailer as done by Rum Soaked Studios




    jim cady

    Wow what a great clip TB :woohoo:

    They will have to knock em back ;theyll be flooded with entries after seeing that :laugh: :laugh:



    Mark Bunting
    Trailboss wrote:
    The APC movie trailer as done by Rum Soaked Studios



    Top Job Rum Soaked ;)

    Kram B)


    Mick D

    How’s about that roost coming off the 990? Hate to get dumped on by that! :ohmy:


    micknmeld wrote:
    How’s about that roost coming off the 990? Hate to get dumped on by that! :ohmy:

    That thing would put more dents in Ned Kellys helmet than the whole Victorian Police Force. :ohmy: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:




    Top trailer TB! ;)

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