APC Rally 2012 – KatGirls next challenge

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This topic contains 23 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Mark Bunting 12 years, 9 months ago.

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    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Yeah,,, You told me all about it on the phone yesterday arvo remember ??? :laugh:

    Dont let this fact shatter you Eagle but I dont only post here for you :blink: you goose :laugh: :laugh:



    Dwayne O

    What :blink: Really ??? :dry:
    Thank God, I thought I was special for a minute :laugh:


    What a way to spend a Saturday morning having retail therapy at Adventure Moto and on top of that getting to have a yak with TB, Steve and Amy (Flying Fish).

    So hours later came out with panniers sorted (Gaint Loop), 8L fuel bladder, little tank pocket, KLIM jacket/bottoms that don’t make my arse look to big and wind proof gloves. Not sure what Amy ended up with.

    Thanks Steve and TB for all your advice. Looking forward to a workshop day stripping down the bike and preparing it for the big ride.

    PS… went camping last night up at the Watagan’s and my fire building skills were refined and the tent stayed up all night…. things are looking good.



    Amy Harburg

    I’ll second the vote for a great way to spend a Saturday :woohoo:

    I feel that the prep for the APC has hit overdrive. To think, only a few weeks ago I was still just (somewhat naively) planning my preparations. But now……I am fairway into it. Without a doubt this is thanks to hooking up with Kat, meeting TB and awesome morning shopping with Steve at Adventure moto.
    I ended up with; Wolfman endure pocket, Fender bag, 8L fuel bladder, Klim Jackets, Spot Tracker, Ram Mounts, Steering Damper, some tools, and Pivot Pegz.

    My WRR has been having all engine checks and suspension adjustments done this week. I pick it up tomorrow, then I can get some cool stuff mounted (all GPS wiring and importantly heated hand grips) and get the fight deck sorted out. Also new brake lines (thanks for the advice TB – I have gone with HEL) and handlebars. So if all goes well it should be ready for a bit of a test run at the OBT Birthday Weekend.

    After that I will join Kat, TB and Steve for the final preps and I’m sure a great laugh :silly: . I still have a few things to such as sprockets, chain, brake pads, new helmet etc to sort out.

    Kat, I hope you didn’t freeze while you were camping, good to hear your tent stayed up. No laughing when I struggle with mine :blush: . It doesn’t seem so hard until I start to actually do it!




    Pm sent to you FF and I have rang you and left a message Kat



    Dwayne O

    Way to go Amy ;)
    Good to see you geting into it hammer & tong :laugh:

    The Birthday ride will be a great wamup for ya , no pressure, just a good trip thru some terrific country ;)


    Ian Minus

    I guess the vacuuming is on hold while the bike takes precedence.
    Valve adjustments on those Hondas are just so easy.
    Great way to test all your toolkit before any surprises in the widerness.
    Give that screen a good workout at speed as I have found buffeting can be a problem and choice of helmet can have an effect. I am experimenting with holes in mine, BMW like to reduce back pressure.
    I think the hot oil in the frame on those models had a deleterious effect on head stem bearings. Great that you found the frame cracks now.

    Seriously applying yourself Kat, all the best and look forward to see your bike packing arrangements.



    Nice work Kat, I always said that coffee tables only get in the way a bike :laugh:
    Good find with the sub frame, better to find it now then in the middle of the rally eh :ohmy:



    Mark Bunting

    Great work Kat.

    Hope you have a fantastic time

    Kram B)

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